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Bug 773642 - From gtkmm3 to gtkmm4
From gtkmm3 to gtkmm4
Product: gtkmm
Classification: Bindings
Component: general
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: gtkmm-forge
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-10-28 17:06 UTC by Kjell Ahlstedt
Modified: 2018-05-22 12:15 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

patch: Gtk::Widget: Temporary workaround for bug 774778 (get_render_mode()) (1.67 KB, patch)
2016-11-24 08:25 UTC, Kjell Ahlstedt
committed Details | Review
patch: Gtk::Object::_release_c_instance(): Don't release if in a container (4.10 KB, patch)
2018-02-12 09:06 UTC, Kjell Ahlstedt
committed Details | Review

Description Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-10-28 17:06:10 UTC
This bug report is intended to be a place for discussing the upgrade from
gtkmm 3 to gtkmm 4. Gtk+ has announced a new versioning scheme:

To be compatible with future gtk+ versions and branches, gtkmm will have to
stick to the same, or a very similar, versioning scheme and branching scheme.
This has been discussed on the gtkmm-list. A bug report is a good place to
continue the discussion.
Comment 1 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-10-28 17:09:12 UTC
Two issues to begin with.

1. Many functions have been deprecated in the gtk-3-22 branch. Usually that's
not allowed in a stable branch, is it? Still, I suppose we should deprecate the
corresponding parts in the gtkmm-3-22 branch. Right now it's not possible to
build the gtkmm-3-22 branch (or gtkmm's master branch, which is now identical to
gtkmm-3-22) against gtk+'s gtk-3-22 branch (gtk+-3).

2. Gtk+ has 3 entries in jhbuild's moduleset file
  gtk+, <branch/>, i.e. master branch, checkoutdir gtk+
  gtk+-3, <branch checkoutdir="gtk+-3" module="gtk+" revision="gtk-3-22"/>
  gtk+-2, <branch checkoutdir="gtk+-2" module="gtk+" revision="gtk-2-24"/>

We should have similar entries for gtkmm (except for the obsolete gtkmm2):
  gtkmm, <branch/>, i.e. master branch, checkoutdir gtkmm
  gtkmm-3, <branch checkoutdir="gtkmm-3" module="gtkmm" revision="gtkmm-3-22"/>

gtkmm-3 should depend on gtk+-3, gtkmm should depend on gtk+.

Who may modify the moduleset files? Can e.g. a gtkmm developer modify the
entries for gtkmm, or does it require a jhbuild bug and a jhbuild developer
accepting a suggested modification?
Comment 2 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-10-31 15:26:24 UTC
In the gtkmm-3-22 branch I have deprecated API which has been deprecated in
gtk+'s gtk-3-22 branch. Hope that's alright. If not, it can be reverted.
Comment 3 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-11-03 15:51:50 UTC
I have pushed some commits to the master branch. Those commits remove a lot of
old API, which has been removed in gtk+4. The code at the head of gtkmm's master
branch right now can be built against gtk+'s master branch from 2016-10-28. The
latest gtk+ code contains a bug which makes it impossible to use it for building
gtkmm. See bug 773903. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. Then I will continue
fixing gtkmm4. It remains to fix 'make check', and to try to keep up with the
ongoing changes in gtk+4.
Comment 4 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-11-09 17:32:32 UTC
Now gtkmm's master branch is compatible with gtk+'s master branch.
Even 'make check' works.

And I see that gnome-suites-core-deps-3.24.modules has been updated like I
suggested in comment 1, item 2.

Perhaps a similar change should be made for gtkmm-documentation in
gnome-world.modules? gtkmm-3-documentation and gtkmm-documentation?
Isn't it also time for a new release of gtkmm-documentation? A 3.22 release and
a gtkmm-3-22 branch? Then we could start making the master branch compatible
with gtkmm's master branch, when someone has time to do that.

An appropriate fix if gtkmm-documentation is changed like that:
  - Create branch gtkmm-3-22.
  - In index-in.docbook in branch gtkmm-3-22, change
      <!ENTITY url_examples_branchsuffix "master">
      <!ENTITY url_examples_branchsuffix "gtkmm-3-22">
  - Make the new release from branch gtkmm-3-22 after the usual changes of and NEWS.

So far I have mostly removed a lot of code and fixed some simple TODO comments
that waited for an ABI break. It remains to add code, and fix many more TODO
Comment 5 Murray Cumming 2016-11-10 11:16:42 UTC
Agreed. Many thanks.
Comment 6 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-11-13 15:21:02 UTC
Who shall make the gtkmm-documentation 3.22.0 release? I can do it, if you like.

On second thought I don't think it's that important to have a
gtkmm-3-documentation entry in jhbuild's modules files.
Comment 7 Murray Cumming 2016-11-14 10:00:37 UTC
Please feel free to make a release. Don't let me get in the way, please. Thanks again.
Comment 8 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-11-14 15:51:22 UTC
I have released gtkmm-documentation 3.22.

Comment 9 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-11-20 15:04:49 UTC
Very few of the gtkmm applications are drawn correctly right now. The gtk+
commit to blame is
"widget: Add more sophisticated detection of rendering method"

That commit is not compatible with the way gtkmm overrides vfuncs and default
signal handlers. I don't yet know how to fix it. I doubt that it can be fixed
in gtkmm alone. We probably need a fix in gtk+.
Comment 10 Murray Cumming 2016-11-21 07:37:09 UTC
Could you file a bug for GTK+ about it, please?
Comment 11 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-11-21 10:04:27 UTC
Gtk+ bug 774778
Comment 12 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-11-24 08:25:05 UTC
Created attachment 340667 [details] [review]
patch: Gtk::Widget: Temporary workaround for bug 774778 (get_render_mode())

This patch can be used temporarily until we have a solution for the present
drawing problem. With the patch, all drawing is left to gtk+, meaning that
standard gtkmm widgets are drawn correctly, also DrawingArea, if the new draw
function is used instead of the old draw signal.

I don't recommend pushing this patch, but it can be applied locally.
It hides a real problem instead of solving it.
Comment 13 Murray Cumming 2016-11-25 09:40:49 UTC
Wouldn't it be best to push this to master to make gtkmm4 useful in general?
Comment 14 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-11-25 16:00:52 UTC
Do you think so? The drawback is that it hides the problem. Custom widgets won't
be drawn (or is it rendered?). signal_draw() works only for widgets that derive
from a gtk+ class that uses the draw signal in the gtk+ code, and those widgets
are quickly becoming rare, it seems. Drawing is now done with GtkSnapshot and a
bunch of Gsk classes. I haven't looked into these new classes. I guess there are
many new classes that should be wrapped in gtkmm.

If you think it's better to push the patch than not do it, I can push it.
Or you can do it yourself. We'd better remember that we need a real solution
before gtkmm4's ABI is frozen.
Comment 15 Murray Cumming 2016-11-26 12:02:07 UTC
(In reply to Kjell Ahlstedt from comment #14)
> Do you think so? The drawback is that it hides the problem. Custom widgets
> won't
> be drawn (or is it rendered?).

It won't hide that problem, right? Custom widgets will still be be broken.

I don't think breaking every other widget helps us. At this point nobody is using gtkmm 4 anyway, and this wouldn't encourage them to start using it.

> We'd better remember that we need a real solution before gtkmm4's ABI is frozen.

Yes, as long as we leave a TODO there we should catch it.

Comment 16 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-11-27 12:55:41 UTC
Comment on attachment 340667 [details] [review]
patch: Gtk::Widget: Temporary workaround for bug 774778 (get_render_mode())

I have pushed the patch.
Comment 17 Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-11-29 16:09:41 UTC
Bug 775348 shows a solution for the drawing problem without modification in
gtk+. Unfortunately quite complicated.
Comment 18 Kjell Ahlstedt 2017-01-02 14:59:04 UTC
Snapshot questions:

I suppose that we shall wrap the new GtkSnapshot struct and all public Gsk*
classes. These classes use the Graphene library, which has not been used by
gtk+3. Is there a graphenemm C++ binding? Will there be one? Or shall we use
graphene's data types, such as graphene_rect_t and graphene_matrix_t, in gtkmm's
C++ API?

I'm uncertain how to wrap GtkSnapshot. It's an opaque structure without public
new, copy, free, ref, unref functions. The documentation says
 * The only way to obtain a #GtkSnapshot object is as an argument to
 * the #GtkWidget::snapshot vfunc.
My conclusion is that it must be wrapped as a _CLASS_GENERIC, containing a
pointer to a GtkSnapshot, which the wrapping Gtk::Snapshot object does not own.
Not very attractive. Is there a better way?
Comment 19 Kjell Ahlstedt 2017-01-03 16:05:59 UTC
Yes, there is a better way. Wrap GtkSnapshot like GThread is wrapped in
Glib::Threads::Thread. Let Gtk::Snapshot be a class with no data members.
Convert between Gtk::Snapshot* and GtkSnapshot* with reinterpret_cast.
But unlike Glib::Threads::Thread make it a _CLASS_GENERIC, making it possible
to use _WRAP_METHOD.
Comment 20 Kjell Ahlstedt 2017-12-01 12:23:37 UTC
The problem with snapshot_vfunc() and signal_draw() was solved several months
ago. Now another important difference between gtk+-3 and gtk+-4 has popped up.
See bug 786048 comments 4-5. It's no longer always possible to remove a widget
from its container widget with a call such as 
 gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER (gtk_widget_get_parent (child)), child);

That means it's no longer possible to call g_object_run_dispose() from
Gtk::Object::_release_c_instance() (called from Gtk::Object::~Object()) the way
we've done so far.

I tried to just remove the calls to g_object_run_dispose(), but it doesn't work.
Gtkmm's demo program then generates lots of warnings and critical messages.
You can't delete the C++ wrapper and keep the wrapped C object alive.

Benjamin Otte in bug 786048 comment 5 suggests that we shall treat widgets in
the same way as other GObjects, i.e. store them in a reference counting pointer.
That would require massive changes in gtkmm and every application that uses
gtkmm. Is it possible? I suppose there was a reason for once deciding not to
keep widgets in Glib::RefPtr. Does that reason still exist?
Comment 21 Kjell Ahlstedt 2017-12-05 09:15:47 UTC
It would probably be possible to keep our present code for widgets and
Gtk::Object, including destructors, if we add a new restriction:

  - A widget must not be deleted while it's contained in a container widget.

It would introduce a restriction on the order of widget declarations in
subclasses of Gtk::Window and Gtk::ApplicationWindow.

  class MyWindow : public Gtk::Window
    // ....
    Gtk::Label m_label_in_box1;
    Gtk::Box m_box1; // OK, container widget is destructed before its child.

    Gtk::Box m_box2;            // Wrong, child widget is destructed before
    Gtk::Label m_label_in_box2; // the box it's contained in.
Comment 22 Kjell Ahlstedt 2018-02-12 09:06:19 UTC
Created attachment 368245 [details] [review]
patch: Gtk::Object::_release_c_instance(): Don't release if in a container

This simple patch may actually solve the problem. All demo programs run without
segfault and without messages that relate to destruction of C instances.

Shall I push the patch right away, or does anyone first want to test it more
Comment 23 Kjell Ahlstedt 2018-03-01 08:44:11 UTC
Comment on attachment 368245 [details] [review]
patch: Gtk::Object::_release_c_instance(): Don't release if in a container

I've pushed the patch in comment 22.
Comment 24 GNOME Infrastructure Team 2018-05-22 12:15:39 UTC
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