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Bug 719467 - In Yelp Orca skip some text part spokening when I use caret navigation
In Yelp Orca skip some text part spokening when I use caret navigation
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 754740
Product: orca
Classification: Applications
Component: speech
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Orca Maintainers
Orca Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-11-28 06:35 UTC by Hammer Attila
Modified: 2015-09-08 18:37 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Debug file with shows the problem (209.00 KB, application/octet-stream)
2013-11-28 06:35 UTC, Hammer Attila
Screenshot the proper section (80.68 KB, image/png)
2013-11-28 15:08 UTC, Hammer Attila
Fresh debug.out file (124.65 KB, application/octet-stream)
2014-09-25 07:58 UTC, Hammer Attila

Description Hammer Attila 2013-11-28 06:35:31 UTC
Created attachment 262998 [details]
Debug file with shows the problem

Dear Joanie,

I experienced an interesting problem with Orca latest uptodated master branch version. When I reading in GNOME Help/shortcuts page, some text part Orca skyp spokening.
Reproducation steps:
1. Launch Yelp, and present GNOME Shortcuts section.
2. Press a h keystroke, and try using down arrow to read the text. When the caret lands the "ALT+F1" text part, Orca skyp reading the super key related information. When I press again this situation a down arrow key, Orca repeat the previous line.
Hopefuly this is not an already known WebkitGTK issue.
My environment:
OS: Ubuntu Saucy
Orca version: Orca master branch version
Yelp version: 3.8.1

I attaching a debug.out file.

Comment 1 Hammer Attila 2013-11-28 06:37:59 UTC
An interesting thing, before the ALT+F1 related text line have a silent line, with I don't no what want presenting, because Orca not presenting this line.
I selected this line, hopefuly I right translating this text with english text:
Using the desktop environment

Comment 2 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2013-11-28 14:48:06 UTC
There are several known issues related to getting the line of text in WebKitGtk. Many of those are fixed in WebKitGtk now, whether or not those fixes are in Saucy I am not yet sure. Regardless, I could use two things:

1. More specific steps to locate the exact page you are looking at. When I launched Yelp in Saucy, I didn't see a clear "GNOME Shortcuts" item. When I searched in yelp I found several shortcuts related ones.

2. Does this happen in GNOME 3.10 or just master?
Comment 3 Hammer Attila 2013-11-28 15:08:59 UTC
Created attachment 263029 [details]
Screenshot the proper section

Hi Joanie,

I sending a screenshot what section I experienced this issue in Gnome Help topics.
You need doing following in GNOME Shell:
1. Press super key.
2. Type help, and press ENTER key.
3. Goto TAB key the Keyboard Shortcuts link, and press ENTER key.
4. Press one h keystroke, and try browsing the content with down arrow key.
After the "If you cannot use a mouse or pointing device at all, see Keyboard navigation for more information on navigating user interfaces with only the keyboard" sentence have a silent line with Orca not reading.
After this line following the super key related description. This part Orca with hungarian locale not readed the super key keybinding name.
If I see right, the "super" text is a link, possible have a wrong coding part the hungarian help translation with producing Orca this problem.

Just a moment, I testing this problem with Orca 3.10.2 version.

Comment 4 Hammer Attila 2013-11-28 15:21:33 UTC
In Orca 3.10.2 version happening equals the wrote issue. When I try reading the text with arrow key, Orca repeating two time the "Switch between the Activities" part, and skyp for example the section title after the previous comment wrote sentence.
So, I fraid have more issues with Yelp related. My installation not awailable unfortunately clean GNOME 3.10 environment, I not would like risk my now working good installation previous a GNOME3 PPA upgrade.
If very need this, I will be doing the upgrade the GNOME3 PPA's, but in Saucy have possibility to not all components will be upgrading.

Have you a better suggestion to I get a clean GNOME 3.10 environment? Fedora 20 beta live CD will be good if need testing a realy GNOME 3.10 environment a problem?

Comment 5 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2013-11-28 15:31:28 UTC
I'm not asking you to risk your environment. I created a virtual machine with Saucy so that I could try your steps for issues in an environment that should be close to yours.

And I was just able to reproduce the problem. I'll see if this is an Orca bug or a WebKitGtk bug. Thanks!!
Comment 6 Hammer Attila 2013-11-28 15:38:41 UTC
Thank you Joanie the confirmation.
Unfortunately my old five year laptop not supporting hardvare virtualization, I very sorry this missing feature my processor.
My laptop have an Intel Dualcore T2300 CPU.

Comment 7 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2013-11-28 19:20:12 UTC
Well, this is a bug that lives likely in WebKit. We're not getting any caret-moved events for the silent elements. I can do nothing about this in Orca.

Also, there is something in Yelp that is converting the headings into collapsible elements, so producing a Yelp-free test case with which to file a bug against WebKit seems to require my learning a bit of jquery. So this is now on my to-do list near, but not at, the top.
Comment 8 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2013-11-29 17:08:16 UTC
Filed the webkit bug:

Closing as NOTGNOME.
Comment 9 Hammer Attila 2014-09-25 07:58:04 UTC
Created attachment 287047 [details]
Fresh debug.out file

Joanie, I reopened this bug and attached a fresh debug.out file with Orca master branch version related.
1. Goto Orca help content (in learning mode press F1 key).
2. Select learning mode related topic.
3. Press a h keystroke to jump the topic section.
4. Try reading arrow keys with entire help topics.
Expected results all lines related: Orca need speaks only the actual focused line.
Actual result: Orca some time when a down arrow keypress happening repeat the previous line, not the actual focused line.

I no, you oldest time opened a WebkitGTK related bug this issue related, but this bug is get wontfix status unfortunately with Webkit side.
I think the webkitGTK related report a WebkitGTK developer wrote this issue is fixed with the yelp-xsl package, but this information is not right I think.
I tryed this day installing my system the yelp-xsl and yelp-tools 3.14.0 packages, but without good luck.
My environment related informations:
Os: Ubuntu 14.04
Yelp version: 3.10.1 (I looked now the 3.12.0 version too).
Tested yelp-xsl versions: 3.10, 3.14 series
Used webkitgtk version: 2.4.4-1~ubuntu1
Affected Orca branches if possible doing any fix: master, gnome-3-14

What the next step? You succesfully reproduce this issue for example in Fedora (clean GNOME 3.14 environment)?
Officialy migrate newest WebkitGTK version in Ubuntu 14.04 is not possible.

Comment 10 Hammer Attila 2014-09-25 08:04:43 UTC
In the WebkitGTK related report part Mario Sanchez Prada wrote following:
The problem here is that the text exposed for that button belongs to a child of the ARIA button, which should not be exposing children according to WAI-ARIA User Implementation guide, section 5.1.1:

As the original issue has been detected in yelp-xsl and already fixed as an authoring issue, I'm resolving this one now as a wontfix

Comment 11 Joanmarie Diggs (IRC: joanie) 2015-09-08 18:37:46 UTC
This will get fixed as part of creating an Orca-controlled caret for WebKitGtk content. Thus marking as a duplicate of bug 754740.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 754740 ***