GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 700899
terminal: provide shortcut to switch back to main editing view
Last modified: 2020-11-24 10:17:28 UTC
When the embedded terminal plugin is active, I can press F6 to switch from the main editing view to the terminal. But I can't use F6 (or Shift+F6) to switch back, because the terminal traps these keys. It would be nice to allow F6, Shift+F6 or some other shortcut to switch away from the terminal.
This is related to bug 610978 (CTRL+F9 keybinding doesn't close bottom panel).
Not that the terminal can activate gedit shortcuts, what should the shortcut for this be? We probably want something different from F6 because that is internal to GTK+'s GtkPaned. Which means that it won't work with all of the GtkPaneds that gedit uses.
From a user standpoint, I think F6 would be ideal. It cycles through panes when the terminal is not present, so it would make sense for it to work the same way even with the terminal. I don't understand - what is your concern with F6? Which panes will it not work with? Could that simply be considered a bug in those panes?
We can use F6, its just that I believe we will need connect to all of the GtkPaneds and capture the event before it handles the event. This is a bit more work compared to the normal keyboard shortcuts. But whatever way we decide I am good with. So what should it be?
It depends on how hard it is. :) If you can make F6 work with less than, say, half a day of work, I think it's worth it. If it's a day or more, maybe we should wait until someone else comes along whose time is cheaper. :)
*** Bug 782327 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Do you plan to correct this bug ? thanks.
Mass-closing of all gedit-plugins bugzilla tickets. Special "code" to find again all those gedit-plugins bugzilla tickets that were open before the mass-closing: 2bfe1b0590a78457e1f1a6a90fb975f5878cb60064ccfe1d7db76ca0da52f0f3 By searching the above sha256sum in bugzilla, the gedit contributors can find again the tickets. We may be interested to do so when we work on a specific area of the code, to at least know the known problems and possible enhancements. We do this mass-closing because is being replaced by