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Bug 699512 - Reopen Closed Tab doesn't restore list of previous URLs
Reopen Closed Tab doesn't restore list of previous URLs
Product: epiphany
Classification: Core
Component: Tabs
git master
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Epiphany Maintainers
Epiphany Maintainers
: 756820 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: 755388
Reported: 2013-05-02 19:12 UTC by Adam Dingle
Modified: 2018-08-03 19:57 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Adam Dingle 2013-05-02 19:12:14 UTC
To see the problem:

1. Open a tab and follow a few links so that right clicking the back button will list a few URLs.
2. Close the tab.
3. Choose Reopen Closed Tab.  The tab is restored, but the back button is disabled: the list of previously visited URLs has not been restored.
Comment 1 Julián Unrrein 2015-10-27 19:12:34 UTC
Maybe this is a duplicate of ?

I can tell you that the origin of this bug is that Webkit2(Gtk?) doesn't offer an API to populate the history of previously visited URLs. I don't have a link to the bug report, but I'm sure it exists.

Until that issue is fixed there, this feature can't be implemented.
Comment 2 Michael Catanzaro 2015-10-27 19:57:36 UTC
*** Bug 756820 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Michael Catanzaro 2015-10-27 19:57:59 UTC
Let's keep #119432 open as a separate bug; it's related but different.
Comment 4 GNOME Infrastructure Team 2018-08-03 19:57:06 UTC
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