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Bug 674928 - Slow, artifact-prone redraw when panning
Slow, artifact-prone redraw when panning
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 674051
Product: GIMP
Classification: Other
Component: User Interface
Other Windows
: Urgent major
: ---
Assigned To: GIMP Bugs
: 675546 684649 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-04-27 09:30 UTC by monsterblues
Modified: 2013-04-18 03:29 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description monsterblues 2012-04-27 09:30:34 UTC
When panning in 2.6.12 the image becomes corrupt and the software become slow. 
This does not happen in 2.6.11.

Here is a screenshot and video of the problem. I tested on two different machines with different hardware. (Note that I did not take this screenshot and video, but someone else online was reporting the error.)

System Spec 1:
Windows 7 Home Premium
AMD Pheonom II X6
16 GB Ram
128 SSD
Nvidia 480 GTX 1.5GB
Wacom Cintiq

System Spec 2:
Windows 7 Professional
Intel i7-950
12 GB Ram
64 SSD
Nvidia 560 GT 1GB
Wacom Intuos 4
Comment 1 Michael Natterer 2012-04-27 10:09:37 UTC
Please check GIMP 2.8.0-RC1 and report back, we won't fix 2.6 bugs any longer.
Comment 2 monsterblues 2012-04-27 16:35:20 UTC
I have confirmed this happens in 2.8.0-RC1. This is a small 256x256 image. The more you zoom in the more artifacts/slowness you see.
(Please forgive the skewed video, I'm not sure what happened.)
Comment 3 monsterblues 2012-04-27 17:26:41 UTC
BTW, in 2.8.0-RC1 it happens much less if you are in Single-Window Mode.

Thanks for the great software. My step-father is starting a sign and banner company and Photoshop is not in the budget. GIMP has surpassed our expectations.
Comment 4 psycommando 2012-04-28 21:51:37 UTC
I got the same issue in 2.8.0-RC1, but not in 2.6. However changing to single window mode doesn't help. Changing to no color management helps, but its still very slow, even with small images.

Here are my specs:
- Win 7 64bits
- AMD Phenom 2 x4
- 8 GB ram
- Nvidia GeForce GTS450
Comment 5 Max Mustermann 2012-08-28 20:08:45 UTC
Confirming this bug for Gimp 2.8.2. on Windows 7, 32 bit in a Virtualbox VM with 2 GB RAM. The virtual graphics 'card' parameters are: 
graphics memory: 36 MB
3D accelerator: disabled
2D accelerator: enabled
Comment 6 Michael Natterer 2012-08-30 07:24:26 UTC
*** Bug 675546 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Max Mustermann 2012-09-23 07:27:01 UTC
*** Bug 684649 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Dirk Sohler 2013-01-27 06:56:20 UTC
I can confirm this artifacts in GIMP 2.8.2 on Linux – It’s a little different. Instead of panning this happens when using any of the transformation tools, but much much much worse (near unusable). I created a video about that.

In the video’s description there’s some system information. It’s like in #684649 (3rd point). I already tried single window mode or disabling color profiles but neither helped.
Comment 9 Gary Sandino 2013-02-05 23:03:13 UTC
Same here for 2.8.2 on Windows 7.  I feel it's worth mentioning that it does NOT occur when using the scrollbars to pan (orthogonally only, of course) but always occurs panning with the mouse cursor.
Comment 10 fkjt79 2013-02-07 14:08:33 UTC
Still on 2.8.4. Win8 64bit
Comment 11 fkjt79 2013-02-07 14:09:32 UTC
I have a feeling gui fires too many update events when panning.
Comment 12 Dirk Sohler 2013-02-08 15:35:03 UTC
Works for me with 2.8.4 under Linux. (See my previously linked Youtube video description for my system). My uneducated guess: It has something to do with the libraries GIMP uses. If the libraries get updated, it breaks somewhere.

$ gimp --version --verbose
GNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.8.4
git-describe: GIMP_2_8_2-186-g8a9af4c

using GEGL version 0.2.0 (compiled against version 0.2.0)
using GLib version 2.34.3 (compiled against version 2.34.3)
using GdkPixbuf version 2.26.5 (compiled against version 2.26.5)
using GTK+ version 2.24.14 (compiled against version 2.24.14)
using Pango version 1.32.5 (compiled against version 1.32.5)
using Fontconfig version 2.10.2 (compiled against version 2.10.2)
using Cairo version 1.12.12 (compiled against version 1.12.12)
Comment 13 fkjt79 2013-02-08 15:51:25 UTC
GNU Image Manipulation Program Version 2.8.4
git-describe: Unknown, shouldn't happen

verwendet GEGL Version 0.2.0 (gebaut gegen Version 0.2.0)
verwendet GLib Version 2.32.3 (gebaut gegen Version 2.32.3)
verwendet GdkPixbuf Version 2.26.1 (gebaut gegen Version 2.26.1)
verwendet GTK+ Version 2.24.10 (gebaut gegen Version 2.24.10)
verwendet Pango Version 1.30.0 (gebaut gegen Version 1.30.0)
verwendet Fontconfig Version 2.9.0 (gebaut gegen Version 2.9.0)
verwendet Cairo Version 1.10.2 (gebaut gegen Version 1.10.2)

(sorry for the German)
Comment 14 Dirk Sohler 2013-02-08 18:31:45 UTC
Maybe my first guess wasn’t THAT wrong. Seems like it has something to do with the used libraries. In my case it’s an Arch Linux installation, which is always very up to date, because it’s rolling release.

For the German part: Benutz doch einfach „LC_ALL=c gimp“ oder „LC_MESSAGES=c gimp“, dann bekommst du die Originalversion … Ob das allerdings auch unter Windows klappt, kann ich nicht sagen :) Ansonsten kannst du unter „Einstellungen → Schnittstelle“ auch umstellen, das sollte dann hoffentlich auch die Konsolenausgaben anpassen.
Comment 15 Michael Natterer 2013-02-08 18:35:02 UTC
For the record, using "C" is totally broken, GIMP uses UTF-8 and "C"
only knows 7-bit ASCII. To use untranslated GIMP, use LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
Comment 16 Max Mustermann 2013-02-10 07:55:17 UTC
Another information for the records: 
As reported on [1] this doesn't happen to all Win7 x64 users and enabling the Windows Aero theme (with transparency effects etc.) doesn't have an impact.

Comment 17 jarmade 2013-02-12 07:41:45 UTC
I have had this problem for a long time since gimp 2.8, and still have it with 2.8.4, it makes it unusable for me so for now i am stuck with using gimp 2.6 for now

My system is windows 7 64 bit, i also use Ubuntu 12.04 x64 and i have no problems with gimp 2.8 in that with the same hardware

I tried windows 7 32 bit in a virtual machine and installed gimp and i had the same problem (but not sure if a virtual machine is a proper test)

I tried both aero and classic themes in windows and it makes no difference

Also notice some problems with the lasso tools and snapping to the grid, they get stuck and don't redraw properly on the canvas

in 2.8.4 i have a new problem where the round circle brush icon follows the mouse cursor slow as your hovering over the canvas, didn't have that with 2.8.2
Comment 18 jarmade 2013-03-20 21:47:43 UTC
Was just watching a youtube video and noticed this person has the exact same bug under Windows 8:
Comment 19 Clayton Walker 2013-04-18 03:29:09 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 674051 ***