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Bug 637363 - Use XML file linking to XML file
Use XML file linking to XML file
Product: gnome-desktop
Classification: Core
Component: libgnome-desktop
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Desktop Maintainers
Desktop Maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: 630417 637384
Reported: 2010-12-16 01:58 UTC by Bastien Nocera
Modified: 2011-02-16 16:32 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: 3.0
GNOME version: ---

Description Bastien Nocera 2010-12-16 01:58:36 UTC
Right now the GnomeBG code only handles the XML files in $(datadir)/backgrounds, such as /usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos/background-1.xml

It should be able to use, and use by default, the XML files in $(datadir)/gnome-background-properties, such as /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/cosmos.xml

This would allow the background panel to remember:
- the name of the background chosen
- whether the background XML file contained colour fill information, or background style information, or if it was provided by the user.
Comment 1 Bastien Nocera 2011-02-10 20:37:14 UTC
Turns out that gnome-desktop has no knowledge of the gnome-control-center background panel's XML format, so will have to fix a different way.
Comment 2 Tomas Bzatek 2011-02-16 16:30:20 UTC
Just some thoughts:

 - files in $(datadir)/gnome-background-properties may contain multiple images which user can choose from. They're fairly independent (gnome-nature.xml) and should not be treated as a slideshow
 - while files in $(datadir)/backgrounds are either single images or are bound together being slideshow or multiple sizes/phases

I wouldn't let GnomeBG to read the c-c xml files. Instead, what about introducing another key in org.gnome.desktop.background storing the c-c xml file path? It would get reset automatically when something else sets 'picture-filename' through GnomeBg API (AFAIK control-center still writes directly in there, should be changed probably). So this way you can store reference to selected background set.

Options like color fill and zoom type need to be kept in c-c xml files as long as you don't always have a corresponding xml file of the image, but real image file instead.
Comment 3 Bastien Nocera 2011-02-16 16:32:38 UTC
I fixed this solely inside the background panel's code now.