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Bug 615378 - Windows in Overview should be arranged in a better more consistent way, respecting real arrangement and size of windows (Real OSX Expose, KDE-like)
Windows in Overview should be arranged in a better more consistent way, respe...
Product: gnome-shell
Classification: Core
Component: extensions
Other Linux
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-shell-maint
Depends on: 645324
Reported: 2010-04-10 18:17 UTC by wepmaschda
Modified: 2011-06-08 16:42 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

First implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE. This is a very ugly implementation using almost no function from the libraries. There are still some important errors in the behaviour - All marked in the code by "@todo". Most import (28.61 KB, patch)
2011-03-15 11:49 UTC, wepmaschda
needs-work Details | Review
First real implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE. All major functionality is working now. Behaviour can be modified by constants at the beginning of workspace.js. (28.06 KB, patch)
2011-03-18 15:11 UTC, wepmaschda
none Details | Review
First real implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE. All major functionality is working. Behaviour can be modified by constants at the beginning of workspace.js. All unnecessary stuff removed. (15.03 KB, patch)
2011-03-18 21:54 UTC, wepmaschda
none Details | Review
First real implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE (13.91 KB, patch)
2011-03-19 22:09 UTC, John Stowers
none Details | Review
First real implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE (14.22 KB, patch)
2011-03-20 04:11 UTC, John Stowers
none Details | Review
First javascript-only implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE. (28.08 KB, patch)
2011-03-20 16:58 UTC, wepmaschda
none Details | Review
javascript only implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE. (16.75 KB, patch)
2011-03-20 22:56 UTC, wepmaschda
none Details | Review
javascript only implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE. (15.64 KB, patch)
2011-03-21 00:22 UTC, wepmaschda
none Details | Review
extension: Native Window Placement Strategy as gnome-shell extension (5.85 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-05-07 09:30 UTC, wepmaschda
Layout changes when workspace switcher is visible (547.94 KB, application/x-gzip)
2011-05-11 13:22 UTC, Stefano Facchini

Description wepmaschda 2010-04-10 18:17:58 UTC
The most important reason why I am not yet comfortable in working with gnome-shell is the task-switching problem, discussed in

I am using gnome 2.29 with compiz as well as KDE 4.4 on two different computers. As far as I can say: 

Compiz' Expose (which is similar to gnome-shell) is quite unusable: Everytime you activate it, you have to search for the windows because they are arranged in a random order and have all the same size.

KDE's Expose is replacing a taskbar (for me): You can activate it and you find the window where you saw it the last time. If you search for a small window placed on the right part of the screen you will find it as a small window in the right part of the overview.

KDE has already implemented this in the window-overview as well as in the desktops-overview. Both are quite the same like the single-desktop-view and the multi-desktop-view in gnome-shell. 

I would be very happy if this window-arrangement-logic could be implemented soon, maybe with the help of KDE. This could be an easy first start to satisfy the requests in the mentioned bug above.
Comment 1 g0tt 2010-05-23 17:57:58 UTC
I have to agree.

A few important points I saw in Fedora 13:

Please respect the original size of the window and scale all windows accordingly. I want my big Firefox window to be the biggest window in the overview. At the moment some small terminal is much bigger and that makes the whole selecting very weird, sorry.

1. Scale sanely

Next thing is the movement. Once you hit the windows key all windows fly like crazy and it is not easy to see where all the windows went.
I guess you have to implement two different modes. One for single workspace users and one for people who want to use multiple. I don't see how a common mode could work for both.

2. Improve overview window movement.

The third little thing I want to see is icons attached to the windows.

Oh, and I really don't like all the text shorting like "Google Rea...". It is everywhere and it needs to go away.

And I don't see any value in this new sliding mode. Cool experiment, but it is not working at all.
Comment 2 wepmaschda 2011-02-28 13:08:26 UTC
To make the idea a bit more testable, I'm thinking about implementing the so-called "natural window transformation algorithm".

This weekend I took a look into the code of gnome-shell and KDE:

In KDE the part of interest is in presentwindows.cpp:

The whole natural window placement algorithm is in PresentWindowsEffect::calculateWindowTransformationsNatural().

It's just a few lines and quite easily understandable. 

In gnome-shell the part of interest seems to be in workspace.js:

to implement the natural algorithm in positionWindows() the lines

(currently line 861)
      let slots = this._computeAllWindowSlots(clones.length);
      clones = this._orderWindowsByMotionAndStartup(clones, slots);


(currently line 879)
      let [x, y, scale] = this._computeWindowRelativeLayout(metaWindow, slot);

would have to be changed to not use slots but the new algorithm.

I tried to implement this, but since I don't have a real gnome-shell development environment (and don't really know javascript, especially the functionality of the javascript-C++ stuff) I failed in the first steps...

All that is necessary is to know the correct functions corresponding to the qt QRect object (united(), adjusted(), intersects(), translate()) and a basic understandment of the positionWindows function and data types.

Is there somebody out there who has the skill and the short time to write a first patch that makes this work?
Comment 3 wepmaschda 2011-03-15 11:49:47 UTC
Created attachment 183418 [details] [review]
First implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE. This is a very ugly implementation using almost no function from the libraries. There are still some important errors in the behaviour - All marked in the code by "@todo". Most import
Comment 4 wepmaschda 2011-03-15 12:05:00 UTC
Review of attachment 183418 [details] [review]:

If you want to test this patch test it with small windows! Fullscreen Windows don't work because of the "Windows' positions change" error. 2-3 small windows, slightly overlapping will be positioned very nicely. Also activating the workspace-bar on the right disturbs the effect a bit.
Comment 5 wepmaschda 2011-03-18 15:11:50 UTC
Created attachment 183726 [details] [review]
First real implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE. All major functionality is working now. Behaviour can be modified by constants at the beginning of workspace.js.
Comment 6 John Stowers 2011-03-18 20:49:05 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> Created an attachment (id=183726) [details] [review]
> First real implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE.
> All major functionality is working now. Behaviour can be modified by constants
> at the beginning of workspace.js.

Cool. Seems to perform OK from my testing.

In order to make it easier to review, please remove the commented out reference c++ code from KDE, and please keep to the coding style of the surrounding javascript
Comment 7 John Stowers 2011-03-18 21:45:17 UTC
On second thoughts, I notice a performance penalty when using this, showing the overview seems to take twice as long
Comment 8 wepmaschda 2011-03-18 21:54:06 UTC
Created attachment 183768 [details] [review]
First real implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE. All major functionality is working. Behaviour can be modified by constants at the beginning of workspace.js. All unnecessary stuff removed.
Comment 9 wepmaschda 2011-03-18 21:59:07 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> On second thoughts, I notice a performance penalty when using this, showing the
> overview seems to take twice as long

I'm wondering if the performance can be improved by implementing the new function directly in C++? 
Compared to working with KDE with a 4 workspace overview it really feels to be slower...
Comment 10 Jasper St. Pierre (not reading bugmail) 2011-03-18 22:34:10 UTC
It would need to be in C, not C++, and it's probably best to start profiling the JavaScript to see where you could improve things.

Implementing the Meta.Rectangle methods in C would probably be a good start, since they should be there anyway.
Comment 11 John Stowers 2011-03-19 20:17:46 UTC
According to bug 645247 it looks like Meta.Rectangle.Union is now bound.

Perhaps you can submit a patch for Meta.Rectangle.Adjust before too.
Comment 12 John Stowers 2011-03-19 22:09:17 UTC
Created attachment 183821 [details] [review]
First real implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE

All major functionality is working. Behaviour can be modified by constants
at the beginning of workspace.js. All unnecessary stuff removed.
Comment 13 John Stowers 2011-03-19 22:11:27 UTC
(In reply to comment #12)
> Created an attachment (id=183821) [details] [review]
> First real implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE
> All major functionality is working. Behaviour can be modified by constants
> at the beginning of workspace.js. All unnecessary stuff removed.

I attached a modified patch that uses the new meta_rectangle_union method, and I created meta_rectangle_adjust (bug 645265) and used that.

This seems to improve performance a fair amount.
Comment 14 William Jon McCann 2011-03-20 02:23:11 UTC
Tried this out quickly.  My first impression is:

 a) doesn't work at all when you have all maximized windows
 b) and when you don't, it looks really messy
Comment 15 John Stowers 2011-03-20 03:56:58 UTC
(In reply to comment #14)
> Tried this out quickly.  My first impression is:
>  a) doesn't work at all when you have all maximized windows

Can you explain a little bit more what you mean here?

>  b) and when you don't, it looks really messy

What does messy mean to you? Thats how it is meant to work, how it works in KDE etc.

Like much of GNOME Shell it is worth using it for a bit longer, to get over the initial shock, so that you can really get a feel for how it it improves productivity when using a workspace with multiple maximized and non-maximized windows.
Comment 16 John Stowers 2011-03-20 04:11:46 UTC
Created attachment 183835 [details] [review]
First real implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE

All major functionality is working. Behaviour can be modified by constants
at the beginning of workspace.js. All unnecessary stuff removed.

Uses the new MetaRectangle.union method.
Comment 17 wepmaschda 2011-03-20 05:20:15 UTC
(In reply to comment #14)
> Tried this out quickly.  My first impression is:
>  a) doesn't work at all when you have all maximized windows

Yes - Just found out: That's a problem when using the elementary algorithm without any tweaks. When all windows are in same size and position the algorithm doesn't know, where to push them and (currently) uses the x-direction as a backup.

Activating NATURAL_WINDOW_PLACEMENT_MORESCREEN solves this but moves the windows a bit in non-optimal direction. Since I would like to have the positions as real as possible I think this behaviour is a drawback, but as long as we don't have a better idea NATURAL_WINDOW_PLACEMENT_MORESCREEN has to be activated. 
(not yet activated by default)

>  b) and when you don't, it looks really messy

That's either your opinion about the algorithm itself.
Or it is because of the not yet finally tweaked "gaps between windows" and the not fitting overlay (Window-names + close-button)?
Comment 18 John Stowers 2011-03-20 05:23:25 UTC
(In reply to comment #17)
> (In reply to comment #14)
> > Tried this out quickly.  My first impression is:
> > 
> >  a) doesn't work at all when you have all maximized windows
> Yes - Just found out: That's a problem when using the elementary algorithm
> without any tweaks. When all windows are in same size and position the
> algorithm doesn't know, where to push them and (currently) uses the x-direction
> as a backup.

How about detecting if the workspace contains all maximized windows and defaulting to the current behavior - or a 2D grid instead of just placing windows on the the x-axis?
Comment 19 Jasper St. Pierre (not reading bugmail) 2011-03-20 05:45:48 UTC
(In reply to comment #18)
> (In reply to comment #17)
> > (In reply to comment #14)
> > > Tried this out quickly.  My first impression is:
> > > 
> > >  a) doesn't work at all when you have all maximized windows
> > 
> > Yes - Just found out: That's a problem when using the elementary algorithm
> > without any tweaks. When all windows are in same size and position the
> > algorithm doesn't know, where to push them and (currently) uses the x-direction
> > as a backup.
> How about detecting if the workspace contains all maximized windows and
> defaulting to the current behavior - or a 2D grid instead of just placing
> windows on the the x-axis?

What if I have two large windows, maybe one maximized, and one tall skinny one? I have this set-up right now: XChat, Empathy Chat Window, Empathy Buddy List, and it doesn't look too good.
Comment 20 John Stowers 2011-03-20 06:41:05 UTC
(In reply to comment #19)
> (In reply to comment #18)
> > (In reply to comment #17)
> > > (In reply to comment #14)
> > > > Tried this out quickly.  My first impression is:
> > > > 
> > > >  a) doesn't work at all when you have all maximized windows
> > > 
> > > Yes - Just found out: That's a problem when using the elementary algorithm
> > > without any tweaks. When all windows are in same size and position the
> > > algorithm doesn't know, where to push them and (currently) uses the x-direction
> > > as a backup.
> > 
> > How about detecting if the workspace contains all maximized windows and
> > defaulting to the current behavior - or a 2D grid instead of just placing
> > windows on the the x-axis?
> What if I have two large windows, maybe one maximized, and one tall skinny one?
> I have this set-up right now: XChat, Empathy Chat Window, Empathy Buddy List,
> and it doesn't look too good.


I get (left to right through album)

1) Tall window on left of maximized window
2) Overview shows tall window on left of maximized window
3) Tall window below right of maximized window
4) Overview shows tall window below right of maximized window

Is that what you see? Because that is the intended behaviour. With a few non maximized windows on a workspace, its really productive for them to always go to the same-ish place in the overview, and that same-ish place be related to where they actually sit on the screen.

Of course, it clearly appears this might not be too everyones taste, but it certainly makes my window management more predictable.
Comment 21 Jasper St. Pierre (not reading bugmail) 2011-03-20 07:27:51 UTC
Two large windows, one skinny:
Comment 22 John Stowers 2011-03-20 07:57:39 UTC
(In reply to comment #21)
> Two large windows, one skinny:

Oh, I get that too. Im just not convinced that it is wrong...

As the op mentioned, the behavior is slightly different with NATURAL_WINDOW_PLACEMENT_MORESCREEN=true, what do you think in that case?
Comment 23 wepmaschda 2011-03-20 16:58:53 UTC
Created attachment 183849 [details] [review]
First javascript-only implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE.

No Meta.Rectangle is used in the main loop speeding up the whole algorithm.
Comment 24 John Stowers 2011-03-20 20:34:13 UTC
(In reply to comment #23)
> Created an attachment (id=183849) [details] [review]
> First javascript-only implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy
> from KDE.
> No Meta.Rectangle is used in the main loop speeding up the whole algorithm.

Performance is much better. Well done!

p.s. please obsolete old patches, it makes the bug easier to follow.
Comment 25 wepmaschda 2011-03-20 22:56:24 UTC
Created attachment 183871 [details] [review]
javascript only implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE.

All major functionality is working. Behaviour can be modified by constants at the beginning of workspace.js.
Comment 26 wepmaschda 2011-03-21 00:22:10 UTC
Created attachment 183886 [details] [review]
javascript only implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from KDE.

All major functionality is working. Behaviour can be modified by constants at the beginning of workspace.js.

Javascript object Rect functions are faster than using Meta.Rectangle functions.

Made positionWindows more generic to make choosing/adding window placement strategies easier.
Comment 27 wepmaschda 2011-03-21 00:32:59 UTC
(In reply to comment #26)
> Created an attachment (id=183886) [details] [review]
> javascript only implementation of the Natural Window Placement Strategy from
> KDE.
> All major functionality is working. Behaviour can be modified by constants at
> the beginning of workspace.js.
> Javascript object Rect functions are faster than using Meta.Rectangle
> functions.
> Made positionWindows more generic to make choosing/adding window placement
> strategies easier.

This will be the last version for now. Together with it's really usable. 

I added a javascript Rect object to workspace.js. You might maybe know a better location.

So thanks for all your help and tips, especially to John and Owen!

Please review! I will be pleased if this will show up in the main branch.
Comment 28 Stefano Facchini 2011-04-12 09:27:02 UTC
In the meantime, why not making a gnome-shell extension with the Natural Window Placement Strategy? I really like it, but it's a pain to re-apply the patches every time gnome-shell package is updated by the distribution.
Comment 29 wepmaschda 2011-04-13 07:59:29 UTC
Nice to hear that you like it!

To make it an extension is a nice idea. But I don't know about creating extensions and won't have the time to look into it in near future. Feel free to do so!
Comment 30 wepmaschda 2011-05-07 09:30:03 UTC
Created attachment 187415 [details]
extension: Native Window Placement Strategy as gnome-shell extension

This is a gnome-shell extension bringing Native Window Placement Strategy to overview. It does the same like patch 183886. ("position window title overlay at the top of the windows (in overview)") is included. Configurable parameters can be adjusted at the beginning of extension.js.

I attached the extension to this bug because in the wiki I didn't find anything about distributing extensions. Is there a better way or what is the process to move it to ?
Comment 31 John Stowers 2011-05-07 21:41:57 UTC
(In reply to comment #30)
> Created an attachment (id=187415) [details]
> extension: Native Window Placement Strategy as gnome-shell extension


> I attached the extension to this bug because in the wiki I didn't find anything
> about distributing extensions. Is there a better way or what is the process to
> move it to ?

Nope, not yet.

I suggest filing a new bug against the extensions component, or moving this bug there.
Comment 32 Stefano Facchini 2011-05-11 13:22:31 UTC
Created attachment 187623 [details]
Layout changes when workspace switcher is visible

(In reply to comment #30)
> This is a gnome-shell extension bringing Native Window Placement Strategy to
> overview. It does the same like patch 183886 [details].

Awesome! thank you very much, it works perfectly!

Just one issue: with many windows opened, often the layout changes significantly depending on the workspace switcher being visible or not (see screenshots), which makes everything look quite weird. Is it possible to fix this?
Comment 33 Dan Winship 2011-05-19 16:19:37 UTC
Based on earlier IRC comments, I don't think this is going to get adopted into core. Reassigning to extensions.
Comment 34 Giovanni Campagna 2011-06-08 16:42:52 UTC
This was adopted in gnome-shell-extensions master. Closing.