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Bug 604650 - Mishandling of '@' in WebDAV contacts username
Mishandling of '@' in WebDAV contacts username
Product: evolution-data-server
Classification: Platform
Component: Contacts
2.28.x (obsolete)
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: evolution-addressbook-maintainers
Evolution QA team
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-12-15 20:43 UTC by Matt
Modified: 2010-07-09 11:20 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

eds patch (4.89 KB, patch)
2010-05-10 12:13 UTC, Milan Crha
committed Details | Review
eds test patch (766 bytes, text/plain)
2010-05-26 12:16 UTC, Milan Crha

Description Matt 2009-12-15 20:43:27 UTC
Steps to reproduce:

1. Set up a WebDAV contacts store with a username with an @ in it (e.g. I'm using Zimbra.
2. In Evolution, create a new address book of type WebDAV and click OK:
Example URL:
Example Username:

Expected result:
- contact super-awesomeness
- Evolution looks up, asks for a password, authenticates with and the password, and requests the resource at dav/

Actual result:
- Evolution pops up a dialogue with:
  Unable to perform search.
  This query did not complete successfully.
- evolution-data-server spits out:
  (process:18068): libebookbackendgoogle-WARNING **: PROPFIND on webdav failed with http status 2
- Wireshark reveals that e-d-s tried to perform DNS lookups for Unsurprisingly, it failed.

It looks like maybe e-d-s is wedging the username into the front of the URL in the format without escaping the @, resulting in this case in, and then mis-parsing the username as myname and the domain as If not, I can't imagine what sort of crack is going on here.

Worth noting that the same credentials work fine for the other DAV stores (calendaring, tasks).
Comment 1 bobpoljakov 2010-05-04 14:30:54 UTC
I'm facing the same problem. Is this bug fixed in 2.30?
Comment 2 jsullivan 2010-05-08 16:15:38 UTC
It looks to be worse that this or at least more fundamental.  I was able to work around the lookup problem by the nasty kludge of making an entry in the /etc/hosts file for  Once we also patched Evolution to stop rejecting vcards of mime-type text/vcard ( - thank you whoever provided that), we got our contacts and celebrated.  Our joy was short lived because Evolution failed when we tried to save a new contact with a rather unhelpful "other error" message.

In tracing on both the mail server and the packets, it looks like this problem with the prepended domain shows up here, too.  Here is the packet trace:

PUT /dav/ HTTP/1.1


User-Agent: Evolution/

If-None-Match: *

Content-Type: text/x-vcard

Authorization: Basic anN1bGxpdmFuQHBhY2lmZXJhLmNvbTpNYXlhMTB5c2l1cw==

Content-Length: 434










X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS:Contact\, Evolution


FN:Evolution Contact









END:VCARDHTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable

Server: nginx

Date: Sat, 08 May 2010 15:40:19 GMT

Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Connection: keep-alive

Notice the host field in the put packet.

On the Zimbra side mailboxlog file we see:

[btpool0-2700://];ip=;ua=Evolution/;] FileUploadServlet - Received file: name=null, size=95, id=ab0a860b-d897-49f9-8589-dca6a468556e:144feae3-c0f1-48df-9fa3-d8f3b97dc02c

2010-05-08 11:40:19,511 INFO  [btpool0-2700://] [;ip=;ua=Evolution/;] dav - DavServlet operation PROPFIND to /home/ (depth: one) finished in 16ms

2010-05-08 11:40:19,579 INFO  [btpool0-2700://] [;ip=;ua=Evolution/;] FileUploadServlet - Received file: name=null, size=434, id=ab0a860b-d897-49f9-8589-dca6a468556e:a0854774-b6c4-4fbe-863e-52381ac2dd21

2010-05-08 11:40:19,579 INFO  [btpool0-2700://] [;ip=;ua=Evolution/;] dav - sending http error 406 because: no DAV resource for folder

2010-05-08 11:40:19,579 INFO  [btpool0-2700://] [;ip=;ua=Evolution/;] dav - DavServlet operation PUT to /home/ (depth: zero) finished in 1ms

We certainly need this fixed as quickly as possible we are not even developers no less Evolution hackers but we'd be willing to test and do whatever else we can do to help - John
Comment 3 jsullivan 2010-05-09 03:46:53 UTC
In a desperate attempt to solve this critical problem for us, I stared at the code for many, many hours.  Unable to really understand where the problem was, I simply copied in the logic from the caldev backend that seemed to be working properly.  I added:

	gsize                     len;


	if (priv->uri) {
		SoupURI *suri = soup_uri_new (priv->uri);

		/* properly encode uri */
		if (suri && suri->path) {
			gchar *tmp = soup_uri_encode (suri->path, NULL);
			gchar *path = soup_uri_normalize (tmp, "/");

			soup_uri_set_path (suri, path);

			g_free (tmp);
			g_free (path);
			g_free (priv->uri);

			priv->uri = soup_uri_to_string (suri, FALSE);

		soup_uri_free (suri);

	/* remove trailing slashes... */
	len = strlen (priv->uri);
	while (len--) {
		if (priv->uri[len] == '/') {
			priv->uri[len] = '\0';
		} else {

	/* ...and append exactly one slash */
	if (priv->uri && *priv->uri) {
		gchar *tmp = priv->uri;

		priv->uri = g_strconcat (priv->uri, "/", NULL);

		g_free (tmp);


static GNOME_Evolution_Addressbook_CallStatus
e_book_backend_webdav_load_source(EBookBackend *backend,
                                  ESource *source, gboolean only_if_exists)

Since this is the only place I could find where priv->uri is set and notes on soup_uri_to_string seem to imply that it knows how to strip out the user name and password.

It did not work :((  Packet traces still show the host with the domain prepended.  Where else can I look?
Comment 4 jsullivan 2010-05-09 06:39:23 UTC
I can confirm that the@domain in the login uid is contributing to the problem.  When I change my uid from to simply user, the host value is properly formed without the prepended domain.

I think I have tracked down the formation of the URI in the e-book-backend-webdav.c file and it looks like it constructing it correctly.  However, the problem may be in the way the URI is stored in %gconf.xml.  I noticed that the URI was stored in the contact %gconf.xml as whereas in the calendar %gconf.xml, it was stored as  I've tried to change this manually but without success yet.
Comment 5 Milan Crha 2010-05-10 10:21:22 UTC
It's bug #578335 for encoding of @ in username for CalDAV, but it has some history under it too (more than this particular bug). I'll try to make this work for WebDAV too, though changes on Evolution side and reconfiguration of the WebDAV source will be probably needed. I will see.
Comment 6 jsullivan 2010-05-10 10:35:22 UTC
I'll be more than happy to test this moment you have the patch.  I've already had to patch and rebuild to remove the restriction about only accepting the deprecated x-vcard as the mime-type value.

By the way, alluding to bug 578335, we are not using gnome-key-ring.  We rebuilt with it disabled.  We are running Evolution within vservers which preclude access to HAL and gnome-key-ring seems to insist on querying HAL generating endless syslog error messages.  Thanks - John
Comment 7 Milan Crha 2010-05-10 12:13:59 UTC
Created attachment 160712 [details] [review]
eds patch

for evolution-data-server;

I did this within eds only, no need to change evo part. By the way, when I was creating the new WebDAV account in evolution 2.31.1 (actual master), then the '@' in user name was properly escaped. So I changed it in GConf key, to be able to reproduce this. Note the URL was there twice, so I guess it didn't work for you (change from '@' to '%40'), because you missed the second URL. Just a guess. Anyway, with this patch it works for both cases as expected.

This patch also adds debugging facility to WebDAV address books similar to CalDAV, just export on a console of e-addressbook-factory environment variable WEBDAV_DEBUG with value: "all" for full logging, "headers" for only headers, "anything nonempty else" for minimal logging of exchange between evolution's backend and a server.
Comment 8 Milan Crha 2010-05-10 12:16:35 UTC
Created commit 1220c1d in eds master (2.31.2+)
Created commit 3b51add in eds gnome-2-30 (2.30.2+)
Comment 9 jsullivan 2010-05-10 15:51:59 UTC
Wonderful. I'll try it as soon as I finish the rest of the morning calls and emails.  The same problem manifests itself in free/busy queries.  Will this patch address that, too, or is that separate logic? Thanks.
Comment 10 jsullivan 2010-05-10 17:52:15 UTC
Alas, something is bad.  We are failing right at the starting line.  I get no contacts.  In fact, I get no packets attempting to retrieve contacts.  With debug=all, I see:

Entity: line 3: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
Comment 11 jsullivan 2010-05-10 18:38:16 UTC
Interesting.  I noticed in the debug that my URI was coming out as:
dav/user@domain/Contacts//?fmt=vcf (by the way ?fmt=vcf breaks adding contacts because it seems to be added into the contact name - I had just added it to troubleshoot this problem)

I then changed my source definition from:
dav/user@domain/Contacts/ (which is what I originally put in)
and that seemed to work.  Could be coincidence as I am doing this empirically rather than analytically but it is working now.  I'll report back on further testing.
Comment 12 Milan Crha 2010-05-11 11:58:22 UTC
Oh, you've right, there is a typo, here:
> if (!suri->path || !*suri->path || suri->path[strlen (suri->path) - 1])
should be check for "!= '/'" at the end. Note you shouldn't add any parameters to the uri, as it really only takes the url and places the name of new item to it.

Created commit 20c5952 in eds master (2.31.2+)
Created commit 030f4c9 in eds gnome-2-30 (2.30.2+)
Comment 13 Milan Crha 2010-05-11 12:54:27 UTC
You mentioned somewhere that you can see contacts created in evolution only in evolution, and those created in zzzimbra's web ui only in zzzimbra? It does that for me at least. From the list returned through the DAV I see that it returns only some items, so it might be on zzzimbra side. Depending on what they'll tell you, please open (or not) a new bug report for it. Note I tried to change "text-x-vcard" to "text/vcard; charset=utf-8" in the PUT request, but it didn't help. I believe it's either something really simple on evolution's side, or on Zzzimbra side.
Comment 14 jsullivan 2010-05-11 14:16:21 UTC
I am wondering if it is a combination.  In Zimbra's REST documentation (, they do state that the vcf interpretor is triggered by appending ?fmt=vcf or it will assume the uploaded file is csv.  I notice that you are appending the name of the file ending in .vcf.  I would assume Zimbra knows what to do with that and doesn't need the fmt parameter.  However, it does seem to be misinterpreting the type as type 8 (document) rather than type 6 (contact).  I assume those types are specific to Zimbra.

I'll manually post a contact using curl and check the mailbox.log file and the packet trace to see how it forms the DAV request.  Thanks - John
Comment 15 jsullivan 2010-05-11 14:41:33 UTC
Alas, the patch does not solve the terminal "/" problem.  I just repatched, changed my sources to end in "/" and it failed until I removed the "/".
Comment 16 Milan Crha 2010-05-12 08:56:59 UTC
(In reply to comment #15)
> Alas, the patch does not solve the terminal "/" problem.  I just repatched,
> changed my sources to end in "/" and it failed until I removed the "/".

What does it mean "failed" exactly? I tried to reproduce it, and regardless I add a slash at the end of the URL in preferences or not I see the used URL still the same, with exactly one slash at the end. The only difference is that when I change the URL in preferences then I'm asked for a password, but I enter it and everything works as expected.
Comment 17 jsullivan 2010-05-12 09:36:18 UTC
If I include the terminal "/", opening the address book hangs.  No contacts are returned and the status bar shows a continuous looking up contacts (I forget the exact message and cannot test it right now).  If I removed the "/", it works as expected.  Thanks - John
Comment 18 jsullivan 2010-05-12 18:03:31 UTC
Somehow I must have mangled the patches.  Even though I had the latest and correct patch, the webdav source had the old patch text.  My apologies - John
Comment 19 jsullivan 2010-05-12 20:19:39 UTC
Alas, after all this work, Evolution still cannot create new Contacts.  Zimbra keeps misinterpreting them as Type 8 (Documents) instead of Type 6 (Contacts) when it enters them into the mail_items database table.  We fought for hours to get the NGINX web proxy to rewrite the Evolution given URI to include the supposedly required format parameter (?fmt=vcf).  We finally got this to work and could see the properly formated creation request in the Zimbra logs but it still misinterprets it as Type 8.  We have opened an incident with Zimbra.
Comment 20 jsullivan 2010-05-25 00:17:52 UTC
Ah, I think I found it! This is part of a response from Zimbra tech support:

To create a Contact oject of type 6 with vCard, WebDAV client should set the
content-type header to text/vcard in the create request.

Evolution is sending type text/x-vcard which is deprecated:

PUT /dav/ HTTP/1.1


User-Agent: Evolution/

If-None-Match: *

Content-Type: text/x-vcard

Authorization: Basic <something>
Content-Length: 361










FN:Final  Contact









END:VCARDHTTP/1.1 201 Created

Server: nginx

Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 19:22:11 GMT

Connection: keep-alive

ETag: "541679-541679"

Thus, this is probably related to

Changing this to text/vcard may redeem all this work.  The only remaining problem is the 75 second delay when creating the contact.  We are still awaiting work from Zimbra on that one - John
Comment 21 Matthew Barnes 2010-05-25 02:15:28 UTC
That sounds like a Zimbra bug then because there is no such MIME type.  text/x-vcard became text/directory.
Comment 22 jsullivan 2010-05-25 03:07:11 UTC
Interesting.  I see this comment in the Wikipedia VCard article (

Note: The Internet media type text/vcard was used (incorrectly) in some SyncML Documentation to refer to vCard 3.0, and the example was followed in various implementations.
Comment 23 Milan Crha 2010-05-25 17:14:25 UTC
nono, bug #566330 is the other way around, it's what is evolution-data-server's webdav backend willing to read, not what it uses for writing. I tried to change all the "x-vcard" (quotes for clarity only) strings in e-book-backend-webdav.c file of evolution-data-server earlier (there left only one for me, in the upload_contact function), but it didn't help to me. Maybe I've too old Zzzimbra server.

John, could you try to do the change in your sources, and with your server, please? If it'll not help, then try with "text/directory", as stated in [1]? Though draft [2] deprecates text/directory as well, thus maybe my Zzzimbra server is really too old.

Comment 24 jsullivan 2010-05-25 21:26:45 UTC
I'm certainly willing to do that but I'm not particularly familiar with the code nor am I really a developer at all.  Would you mind pointing me to the pertinent portions of the code so I don't mangle it by mistake.  Thanks - John
Comment 25 Milan Crha 2010-05-26 12:16:54 UTC
Created attachment 162009 [details]
eds test patch

for evolution-data-server;

You can try with this test patch. See what file it changes (addressbook/backends/webdav/e-book-backend-webdav.c), and there you can make your other changes as well. I'm not sure how it'll apply to your evolution-data-server sources, but I hope it'll be OK. If not, you can always open that file and do a simple replace of all "text/x-vcard" to "text/vcard" yourself (quotes for clarity only).
Comment 26 jsullivan 2010-05-27 08:01:59 UTC
The patch worked perfectly and there were no other places where I needed to change the file.  Unfortunately, it still created a mail_item entry  with type=8.  I sent the packet trace showing the correct Content-Type header entry, i.e., set to text/vcard to Zimbra tech support and we'll see what they say.  Thanks very much - John
Comment 27 jsullivan 2010-06-08 23:33:33 UTC
(In reply to comment #21)
> That sounds like a Zimbra bug then because there is no such MIME type. 
> text/x-vcard became text/directory.

Actually, I think Zimbra is correct here.  I was ready to send them the links referenced further down to show that they were in error but thankfully read them first.  From
3. MIME Type Registration


   Subject:  Registration of media type text/vcard

   Type name:  text

   Subtype name:  vcard

   Required parameters:  none

   Optional parameters:  charset

   Encoding considerations:  The "charset" MIME parameter is interpreted
      as defined in [RFC2046], section 4.1.2.  If it is omitted, the
      default encoding is UTF-8 as defined in [RFC3629].

   Security considerations:  See Section 11.

   Interoperability considerations:  The text/vcard media type is
      intended to identify vCard data of any version.  There are older
      specifications of vCard [RFC2426][oldreference_VCARD] still in
      common use.  While these formats are similar, they are not
      strictly compatible.  In general, it is necessary to inspect the
      value of the VERSION property (see Section 7.7.10) for identifying the standard to which a given vCard object conforms.

      In addition, the following media types are known to have been used
      to refer to vCard data.  They should be considered deprecated in
      favor of text/vcard.

      *  text/directory

      *  text/directory; type=vcard

      *  text/x-vcard

Moreover, the CardDAV spec calls for it.  From

Description:  The CARDDAV:supported-address-data property is used to
      specify the media type supported for the address object resources
      contained in a given address book collection (e.g., vCard version
      3.0).  Any attempt by the client to store address object resources
      with a media type not listed in this property MUST result in an
      error, with the CARDDAV:supported-address-data precondition
      (Section being violated.  In the absence of this property
      the server MUST only accept data with the media type "text/vcard"
      and vCard version 3.0, and clients can assume that.


       <!ELEMENT supported-address-data (address-data-type+)>

       <!ELEMENT address-data-type EMPTY>
       <!ATTLIST address-data-type content-type CDATA "text/vcard"
                             version CDATA "3.0">
       <!-- content-type value: a MIME media type -->
       <!-- version value: a version string -->


         <C:address-data-type content-type="text/vcard" version="3.0"/>

I'm not an expert but it looks like we do need to change Evolution to bring it into conformance with the specs - John
Comment 28 Milan Crha 2010-06-09 08:14:58 UTC
(In reply to comment #27)
> I'm not an expert but it looks like we do need to change Evolution to bring it
> into conformance with the specs - John

OK, but even with that and a test patch from comment #25 you said it doesn't work in comment #26, so we are still waiting on their input, if I understand this correctly.
Comment 29 jsullivan 2010-06-09 08:48:03 UTC
Yes, that is correct.  Yes, they have been responding thankfully.  They reiterated that having ContentType=text/vcard in the header should work.  I sent back the traces showing that, when we set Content-Type: text/vcard, it still did not work.  We'll see how they respond - John
Comment 30 jsullivan 2010-07-05 11:38:08 UTC
The specific problem of creating Zimbra database entries with the wrong type value has been fixed in Zimbra 6.0.7. I can confirm that in my environment.  The only remaining problem is the 75 second delay when creating new contacts or appointments.
Comment 31 jsullivan 2010-07-06 12:38:09 UTC
We are getting very close on the 75 second problem, too.  That is the last remaining issue as far as we can see.

The 75 second delay is coming from the NGINX proxy installed with Zimbra.  It defaults keepalive_timeout to 75 seconds.  In contrast, davical's NGINX configuration sets it to 0.  There may be a good reason related to the behavior of Zimbra Web Client why Zimbra defaults their NGINX keepalive_timeout to 75 seconds.

However, the fact that the keepalive_timeout is even kicking in seems to indicate a lower level problem.  Why is the connection not being closed so that it needs to be timed out?

As I reviewed yet again the traces we've taken of Evolution/Zimbra interaction, as expected, it is Evolution which initiates the TCP connection to create a new record.  Why is Evolution not closing the connection after it receives the 201 Creation Successful message from the DAV PUT? I'm quite ignorant on the subject but this smells more like an Evolution problem than a Zimbra problem.  Shouldn't Evolution close the TCP connection when it is finished? I can't imagine Zimbra would send a FIN to a session it has not initiated but I'm not sure.  Thanks - John
Comment 32 jsullivan 2010-07-07 11:51:46 UTC
We have been able to work around the 75 second delay problem by changing the NGINX settings.  Under /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx/templates we edited nginx.conf.web.https.template and nginx.conf.web.http.template by setting keepalive_timeout 0; within the server section, before the location block and then running zmnginxctl stop ; zmnginxctl start.

With the above Zimbra reconfiguration, these two patches and the patch from, Evolution and Zimbra appear to be working other than Free/Busy.  When I try that, I get an error messaged that the Calendars have failed and I see this on stderr:

(evolution:32409): calendar-gui-WARNING **: Unable to access free/busy url: Operation not supported

(evolution:32409): calendar-gui-WARNING **: Unable to access free/busy url: Operation not supported

(evolution:32409): libebook-WARNING **: e_book_dispose: Exception releasing remote book interface!

Free/Busy retrieval us set to which works perfectly fine in Kontact.

Have the above three patches been included in 2.30? Thanks - John
Comment 33 Milan Crha 2010-07-08 11:29:44 UTC
For the first yes, see comment #12. The second is just a test patch, it's not there yet. But as you confirmed its usability, then I'll commit it for 2.30.3 too. See bug #566330 comment #4, it's in 2.30.2 too.

For the text/vcard content type patch:
Created commit 20aa2b4 in eds master (2.31.5+)
Created commit 531766b in eds gnome-2-30 (2.30.3+)
Comment 34 jsullivan 2010-07-08 20:43:13 UTC
We received this very helpful feedback from the Zimbra devs:

This header needs to be set in HTTP request by WebDAV client.

> > Connection: close

This header tells the server to close connection after handling the current HTTP request.  Absent of this header means the server can use keep-alive, which is part of HTTP/1.1 spec.  

The way they disabled keep-alive was to edit the server configuration.  That will work in that configuration, but won't work against other ZCS install, or other servers that support keep-alive.  keep-alive is ubiquitous on HTTP servers, so I'm somewhat puzzled as for why they are running into open connection issue with ZCS install only.  Perhaps Apple Calendar server does not support keep-alive.  But if keep-alive was the issue, they will surely run into this issue again with other servers.

Thus, I suppose we work better with other systems more by accident than by design.  It would seem it is our responsibility to set this in the header to ensure the connection is closed.  Is that a relatively trivial task?
Comment 35 Milan Crha 2010-07-09 10:57:25 UTC
Thanks for the update, but could you open a new bug report for this issue, as we moved far far away from the original report? Feel free to add a link to it in here.
Comment 36 jsullivan 2010-07-09 11:20:50 UTC
OK - new bug report at
Thanks - John