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Bug 53936 - Panel needs to be keyboard accessible
Panel needs to be keyboard accessible
Product: gnome-panel
Classification: Other
Component: panel
Other All
: High major
: ---
Assigned To: Panel Maintainers
Panel Maintainers
: 63086 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 70071
Reported: 2001-04-30 18:25 UTC by Calum Benson
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Calum Benson 2001-04-30 18:25:05 UTC
As soon as we can suggest *how* the panel should be keyboard accessible,
we'll fill in the details!  But it needs doing... 

Perhaps there needs to be an option for panels to appear in the TaskList
and/or the window cycling order.  Whatever, there need to be ways of doing
at least the following using only the keyboard:

- giving keyboard focus to any available panel, and showing which one
currently has focus

- selecting/activating any launcher/drawer/menu/applet on the panel, and
showing which one currently has focus-- and of course, all the
launchers/drawers/menus/applets also then need to be keyboard accessible

- Popping up the tooltip for whatever panel item currently has focus (this
should be done by pressing Ctrl+F1-- see bug #53614)

- re-arranging/adding/removing any launchers/drawers/menus/applets on any

- showing/hiding any panel that is capable of being shown/hidden
Comment 1 George Lebl 2001-05-08 00:37:09 UTC
Adding to the 2.0 milestone
Comment 2 Luis Villa 2002-01-22 19:41:49 UTC
*** Bug 63086 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Luis Villa 2002-01-22 19:42:43 UTC
From the duplicate:
Ideally we need the following pieces of accessibility support for the

keyboard (mouseless) navigation and activation.
theming support, including font size and color styles
ATK interfaces implemented on its widgets.

Comment 4 Calum Benson 2002-01-22 19:44:47 UTC
NB The proposed panel keynav spec can be found at
Comment 5 Luis Villa 2002-01-22 19:57:25 UTC
Adding relevant keywords. You can filter on the phrase 'luis doing GNOME2 work'
to catch all instances of this so that you can ignore them.
Comment 6 Gediminas Paulauskas 2002-02-23 00:43:04 UTC
moving gnome-panel-2 specific bugs to gnome-panel product
Comment 7 Seth Nickell 2002-03-01 03:08:32 UTC
How's progress on this bug?
Comment 8 Calum Benson 2002-03-05 12:18:25 UTC
Well, we're getting there slowly... copying padraig on this bug as
he's doing the implementation
Comment 9 padraig.obriain 2002-03-05 12:49:47 UTC
There is a problem getting the focus onto the panel using just the
keyboard. I have logged bug 70071 against sawfish on this.

There are issues with applets whose BonoboPlug is in a different
process. The applet panel-menu-applet is one where I am clear how it
will be made navigable.

The panel itself should be navigable along the lines described in I would
welcome any bug reports.
Comment 10 Mark McLoughlin 2002-03-19 13:45:57 UTC
Okay, so I think I'll close this and we have seperate bugs for any
outstanding issues

Calum agrees :-)