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Bug 518328 - Increase visibility of calendar appointments
Increase visibility of calendar appointments
Product: gnome-panel
Classification: Other
Component: clock
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Panel Maintainers
Panel Maintainers
Depends on: 455200
Reported: 2008-02-23 23:28 UTC by Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT)
Modified: 2020-11-07 12:15 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.19/2.20

Description Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT) 2008-02-23 23:28:00 UTC
Appointments that you make in the calendar are important and you must not miss them. The dates which do have appointments are visibly indicated by having the date in bold text. However, it is quite easy to miss it, since its not so noticeable.

I propose to increase the visibility of dates which have a calendar appointment, for example placing a red circle around the date.

Other information:
This request has been reported by Fred in Ubuntu's BTS. To see the original message, visit:
Comment 1 Vincent Untz 2008-04-07 20:52:25 UTC
We can't do this right now.
Comment 2 André Klapper 2020-11-07 12:15:58 UTC is being replaced by We are closing all
old feature requests in Bugzilla which have not seen updates for many years.

If you still use gnome-panel and if you are still requesting this feature in a currently supported version of GNOME (currently that would be 3.38), then please feel free to report it at

Thank you for reporting this issue and we are sorry it could not be implemented.