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Bug 510392 - Migrate from GnomeVFS to GIO
Migrate from GnomeVFS to GIO
Product: rhythmbox
Classification: Other
Component: general
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: RhythmBox Maintainers
RhythmBox Maintainers
: 516993 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 510393
Blocks: 319758 588322
Reported: 2008-01-18 13:40 UTC by Luca Ferretti
Modified: 2009-07-11 16:08 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

use gio for trash (2.32 KB, patch)
2008-02-28 12:32 UTC, Jonathan Matthew
committed Details | Review

Description Luca Ferretti 2008-01-18 13:40:47 UTC
GnomeVFS is going to be deprecated, new vfs framework for GNOME and GTK+ application is GIO/GVFS, available from glib 2.16.0. Rhythmbox should be ported to GIO API.

In short: "GIO is a gobject-based library that abstracts out various forms of
I/O, designed to separate out dependencies by allowing apps to depend on abstract APIs, and then letting various implementations fill in these APIs. GVFS is one such implementation, similar to gnome-vfs, which plugs into gio."

For references see:

Note that
 1. Nautilus for GNOME 2.22 will use GIO, this could make some troubles
    with d'n'd from/to non local filesystems (URI != file://)
 2. The trash location in GIO is $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash, while in GnomeVFS
    is ~/.Trash. This means that files trashed whit GnomeVFS will be invisible
    to GNOME 2.22 users (while a migration script should be executed as startup)
 3. GIO provides only VFS features, so no more service discovery. Howover, in
    GNOME 2.22 the blessed avahi version is 0.6.22, with libavahi-ui and 
 4. Currently the only binding available for GIO is in glibmm (no python)
 5. Currently GStreamer don't use it

So, while is not a really urgent task, I suggest start the investigation for a GIO port, maybe opening a new branch on SVN.
Comment 1 Luca Ferretti 2008-01-18 13:50:07 UTC
Filed a bug for gstreamer too. Add dependence.
Comment 2 Jonathan Matthew 2008-01-18 16:19:23 UTC
I started working on this a while ago.  Nowhere near complete, though.

gio doesn't give us every item on our wishlist (I don't think it'll let us resume http downloads), but I don't think we'll have any problems with it.
Comment 3 Luca Ferretti 2008-01-18 17:20:02 UTC
The http:// implementation in gvfs is using latest libsoup. But feel free to open bugs/ask to Alex Larsson, I think he will love developers point of view :-)
Comment 4 Jonathan Matthew 2008-02-07 12:59:27 UTC
Looks like resuming downloads should be possible now, if I'm reading things correctly.

Since a number of python plugins use gnome-vfs currently, we're also waiting for the python gio bindings.  I wouldn't be surprised if they already provide all the features we need, though.
Comment 5 Luca Ferretti 2008-02-08 18:58:52 UTC
GIO landed in gst-plugins-base 

$ gst-inspect gio 
Plugin Details:
  Name:			gio
  Description:		GIO elements
  Filename:		/opt/gnome2/lib/gstreamer-0.10/
  License:		LGPL
  Source module:	gst-plugins-base
  Binary package:	GStreamer Base Plug-ins CVS/prerelease
  Origin URL:		Unknown package origin

  giosink: GIO sink
  giosrc: GIO source
  giostreamsink: GIO stream sink
  giostreamsrc: GIO stream source

  4 features:
  +-- 4 elements

And it works :-)

$ gst-launch giosrc location=smb://redrum/condivisi/DDTS.mp3  ! flump3dec ! autoaudiosink
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
Pipeline is PREROLLED ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstAudioSinkClock
Comment 6 Bastien Nocera 2008-02-17 23:46:00 UTC
*** Bug 516993 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Jonathan Matthew 2008-02-28 12:32:30 UTC
Created attachment 106154 [details] [review]
use gio for trash

This uses gio for move-to-trash only, which might make sense on a 2.22 desktop.  I have tested it with one (1) file, which it apparently handled successfully.  The logic it uses to decide whether to use gio or the existing code is not very smart.  It just uses gio if available.
Comment 8 Luca Ferretti 2008-02-28 12:46:08 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)

> This uses gio for move-to-trash only, which might make sense on a 2.22 desktop.

Yes, this will be really appreciated.

BTW and OT: shouldn't RB remove from its database the trashed file too? I didn't checked, but the last time I trashed a file in RB, it was listed in missing files...
Comment 9 Jonathan Matthew 2008-03-01 07:29:09 UTC
(In reply to comment #8)
> BTW and OT: shouldn't RB remove from its database the trashed file too? I
> didn't checked, but the last time I trashed a file in RB, it was listed in
> missing files...

The point of move-to-trash is that it's reversible.  If we delete the database entry, you can't get your rating, play count, etc. back.  The current situation isn't great, but it looks like the new trash stuff in gio should enable us to provide much better trash integration.

Back on the main topic, I've got a gio port of rhythmbox that at least builds now, with everything but the jamendo and magnatune plugins ported.  A couple of things actually work, but it is in no way ready for general testing.  When it's getting somewhat usable, I'll publish a git tree or something.
Comment 10 Luca Ferretti 2008-03-01 20:21:57 UTC
(In reply to comment #9)
> When it's
> getting somewhat usable, I'll publish a git tree or something.

A rhythmbox-gio branch on (like nautilus in past months)?
Comment 11 Jonathan Matthew 2008-03-06 13:57:20 UTC
I'm not really interested in using svn for this.  The frequent small commits
I'm making would be too painful to do with svn.

I have podcast download resumption working now (but podcast downloading is
otherwise pretty broken).
Comment 12 Jonathan Matthew 2008-03-15 02:16:37 UTC
I've committed the gio trash patch based on a few reports of it working.
Comment 13 Jonathan Matthew 2008-03-15 02:34:30 UTC
git tree at for the intrepid.

I've got enough of it working that it might be worthwhile for other people to test it.  None of the python plugins have been ported (bindings aren't ready), and removable media stuff needs rethinking.

A lot of the changes are actually just dropping compatibility with older versions of libraries (libnautilus-burn, totem-pl-parser, libsoup, howl, ..), removing internal copies that we don't need any more (gsequence), and so on.
Comment 14 Bastien Nocera 2008-06-03 23:45:53 UTC
I can't seem to be able to get the whole tree, or it's very very slow to clone. Is there any chance the branch could be merged, or at least an up-to-date TODO list for this bug be added along with a working repo?
Comment 15 Bastien Nocera 2008-06-04 00:19:58 UTC
Never mind, I managed to finish the cloning. The request for a TODO list still stands though.
Comment 16 Jonathan Matthew 2008-06-04 00:24:15 UTC
The git repo on methlab42 is fairly out of date, but I'll be able to update it again in a couple of days.  I'm surprised that it would be slow to clone, though.

The main thing that's left to do is porting the python plugins.  I haven't checked where the python gio bindings are up to lately.
Comment 17 Jonathan Matthew 2008-06-14 01:33:07 UTC
The git repo is up to date now.  I usually bring it up to date with respect to svn when I make gio-related changes, but it doesn't otherwise track svn.

Python gio bindings are still not ready, although apparently they should be soon.
Comment 18 André Klapper 2008-06-29 10:51:10 UTC
Bug 537551 has been closed as fixed on June 17th, so we now have GIO bindings in PyGObject SVN.
Comment 19 Jonathan Matthew 2008-07-06 03:41:22 UTC
I plan to commit this pretty soon after releasing 0.11.6, whether the python plugins are ported or not.
Comment 20 André Klapper 2008-07-19 10:49:30 UTC
We now have a pygobject 2.15 release including GIO bindings.
Comment 21 Jonathan Matthew 2008-07-29 13:18:18 UTC
I've committed the port now, leaving the python plugins as they were.
Comment 22 Luca Ferretti 2008-08-09 09:38:13 UTC
Crazy idea: what about provide an (optional) gvfsd daemon for rhythmbox-library:// location to browse your music library with file manager? Playlists included.

It's just a toy, but maybe sometime you could need to browse your music library using the file manager for some obscure reason :)
Comment 23 Bastien Nocera 2008-08-09 20:28:01 UTC
(In reply to comment #22)
> Crazy idea: what about provide an (optional) gvfsd daemon for
> rhythmbox-library:// location to browse your music library with file manager?
> Playlists included.
> It's just a toy, but maybe sometime you could need to browse your music library
> using the file manager for some obscure reason :)

It's just a bad idea. Because you wouldn't be manipulating songs or podcasts anymore, but files. Which really isn't something we want to see Rhythmbox do. I'm sure you could write a crack fuse plugin for that though...
Comment 24 André Klapper 2008-08-10 13:02:49 UTC
(In reply to comment #21)
> I've committed the port now, leaving the python plugins as they were.

So this bug remains open because of the plugins that have not been ported?
Comment 25 Jonathan Matthew 2008-08-10 13:16:41 UTC
Yes.  The gio bindings are almost at the point where we could port all of our python plugins, but where it doesn't make sense to keep the gnome-vfs code around, I don't really want to do that until a suitable pygobject release is available.
Comment 26 André Klapper 2009-01-19 14:57:35 UTC
Any news here after nearly half a year, or still as described in comment 25?
Comment 27 Jonathan Matthew 2009-01-20 03:30:26 UTC
Nothing much has changed.  I don't have much motivation to work on this.
Comment 28 André Klapper 2009-02-09 19:40:25 UTC
(In reply to comment #27)
> Nothing much has changed.  I don't have much motivation to work on this.

Yeah. Nobody has, and that's why GNOME 3 will never happen.
Comment 29 Jonathan Matthew 2009-02-10 00:29:32 UTC
I have actually been working on this a bit lately.

> (In reply to comment #27)
> > Nothing much has changed.  I don't have much motivation to work on this.
> Yeah. Nobody has, and that's why GNOME 3 will never happen.

Please stop this.  Passive aggressive whining is probably the least helpful thing anyone can do.
Comment 30 Jonathan Matthew 2009-02-22 10:50:23 UTC
2009-02-22  Jonathan Matthew  <>

        * plugins/rb/
        * plugins/rb/
        Restructure, rewrite, add two new classes: one for loading URI
        contents by chunks (for downloading large files, progressively parsing
        huge xml documents, etc.), one for performing file modification time
        checks.  Implement all of these using both GIO and gnome-vfs.  GIO
        implementations require pygobject 2.16.0.  The loader classes are now
        intended to be single use (they have state) and operations are

        Add a helper function to use gtk.show_uri() if available, falling back
        to gnome-vfs otherwise.

        * plugins/lyrics/lyrics/
        * plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/
        * plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/
        * plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/
        * plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/
        Rewrite various bits to create loader instances as required, rather
        than sharing them between submodules.

        * plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/
        * plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/
        * plugins/artdisplay/artdisplay/
        Add a GIO implementation of the local cover art search.  Requires GIO
        2.15.3 or newer.

        * bindings/python/rb.defs:
        * bindings/python/rb.override:
        * lib/rb-file-helpers.c: (rb_find_user_file),
        (rb_find_user_data_file), (rb_find_user_cache_file):
        * lib/rb-file-helpers.h:
        Add function for migrating user cache files from ~/.gnome2 to XDG
        cache directory, add python bindings for various directory helper

        * plugins/jamendo/jamendo/
        * plugins/jamendo/jamendo/
        Rewrite the catalogue downloading and parsing stuff to use the new
        loader classes.  Rework the download/parse logic a bit so we don't
        parse the catalogue twice if we're downloading a new copy on startup.

        * plugins/magnatune/magnatune/
        Rewrite all the catalogue and purchasing code using the new loader
        classes.  The purchasing code is completely untested, but at least the
        idea is right as far as I can tell.

        * plugins/coherence/upnp_coherence/
        Add code to get the mime type of the icon using gio, falling back to
        gnome-vfs if that doesn't work

        While gnome-vfs code remains, it's only there as a fallback.
        Fixes #510392.
Comment 31 André Klapper 2009-02-22 14:35:49 UTC
Thanks a lot, and sorry for my stop energy.