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Bug 419350 - Evolution Emoticons / Smileys
Evolution Emoticons / Smileys
Product: GtkHtml
Classification: Other
Component: Editing
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gtkhtml-maintainers
Evolution QA team
: 456409 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-03-17 14:02 UTC by Sebastien Bacher
Modified: 2007-08-24 09:19 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.17/2.18

call gtk_icon_info_free() after using the data (718 bytes, patch)
2007-03-17 14:14 UTC, Sebastien Bacher
committed Details | Review
Text versus image when using menu item (14.99 KB, image/png)
2007-08-13 20:44 UTC, Resa Drijsen
This attachment displays the correct icons with html or without html option selection in the insert menu of composer window. (3.13 KB, patch)
2007-08-20 10:54 UTC, Rashmi
rejected Details | Review
This attachment contains the patch in rpoper format, ignore earlier one (4.12 KB, patch)
2007-08-20 12:16 UTC, Rashmi
needs-work Details | Review
patch to #419350,solves the problem of incorrect/inappropriate emoticons display (4.12 KB, patch)
2007-08-20 13:16 UTC, Rashmi
rejected Details | Review
patch to #419350,solves the problem of incorrect/inappropriate emoticons display (4.12 KB, patch)
2007-08-20 13:18 UTC, Rashmi
committed Details | Review

Description Sebastien Bacher 2007-03-17 14:02:56 UTC
The bug has been opened on

"Binary package hint: evolution

I have the base binary package of evolution installed and the emoticons show up as red X's. Even when you select the option to automatically insert smileys for html mail it still doesn't work. I don't know if this matters but I am not using the default Human theme of Feisty. I am trying out the BluBuntu theme.

I am using Feisty and have all recent updates applied. Evolution is version 2.9.92

Comment 1 Sebastien Bacher 2007-03-17 14:14:49 UTC
Created attachment 84770 [details] [review]
call gtk_icon_info_free() after using the data
Comment 2 Srinivasa Ragavan 2007-03-21 06:12:51 UTC
Right. Please commit to stable/trunk.
Comment 3 Sebastien Bacher 2007-04-02 13:29:19 UTC
fix commited to gnome-2-18 and trunk

2007-04-02  Sebastien Bacher  <>

	* menubar.c: (smiley_cb): fix emoticons use (Closes: #419350)
Comment 4 Resa Drijsen 2007-04-30 21:13:31 UTC
I have upgrade from Feisty to Edgy and I am using Evolution 2.10.1
Ubuntu packages installed evolution 2.10.1-0ubuntu2 and gtkhtml 3.14.1-0ubuntu2.

The bug seems to be back.
If more information is required, please let me know.
Comment 5 André Klapper 2007-08-01 04:01:22 UTC
*** Bug 456409 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 André Klapper 2007-08-01 04:01:31 UTC
reopening, as i still get a red cross on gtkhtml 3.15.6svn.
Comment 7 Sebastien Bacher 2007-08-13 20:25:39 UTC
Do you use the menu item or the automatic drawing which has bug #441582?
Comment 8 Resa Drijsen 2007-08-13 20:44:49 UTC
Created attachment 93600 [details]
Text versus image when using menu item
Comment 9 Resa Drijsen 2007-08-13 20:47:23 UTC
As you can see from the attachment I posted earlier, there is (in various cases) a difference between the text in the menu item and the actual emoticon displayed.

When using automatic drawing, indeed bug #441582 is the case.
Don't know if there is a relationship though.

If more information is required, please let me know.
Comment 10 Rashmi 2007-08-20 10:54:27 UTC
Created attachment 93972 [details] [review]
This attachment displays the correct icons with html or without html option selection in the insert menu of composer window.

This is a patch to justify following things
1. Displays correct icons on typing the plain text emoticons viz. disabling the html emoticons
2. Displays correct icons on inserting the html based emoticons by selecting the same in the insert menu of the composer window.
3. Does a job of mapping correctly plain text emoticons to html based once on changing from without html to with html option.
4. Does a job of mapping correctly html based emoticons to plain text once on disabling the html option in the insert menu of composer window.
Comment 11 Srinivasa Ragavan 2007-08-20 11:04:43 UTC
The diff is wrong.
Comment 12 Rashmi 2007-08-20 12:16:19 UTC
Created attachment 93978 [details] [review]
This attachment contains the patch in rpoper format, ignore earlier one

This patch solves the problem of displaying emoticons correctly in both html and plain text format. All the comments given in earlier version of attachment are supported by this.
Comment 13 Srinivasa Ragavan 2007-08-20 12:40:11 UTC
Rashmi, the label and the tip dont match. You need to rework that.
Comment 14 Rashmi 2007-08-20 13:01:00 UTC
Comment on attachment 93978 [details] [review]
This attachment contains the patch in rpoper format, ignore earlier one

>Index: html-editor/
>--- html-editor/	(revision 8535)
>+++ html-editor/	(working copy)
>@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
> 			<cmd name="InsertTextFile" _label="Te_xt File..." _tip="Insert text file into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertHTMLFile" _label="_HTML File..." _tip="Insert HTML file into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertSmiley1" _label="_Smile" _tip="Insert Smile emoticon into document..."/>
>-			<cmd name="InsertSmiley2" _label="_Wink" _tip="Insert Wink emoticon into document..."/>
>-			<cmd name="InsertSmiley3" _label="Su_rprised" _tip="Insert Surprised emoticon into document..."/>
>-			<cmd name="InsertSmiley4" _label="_Laughing" _tip="Insert Laughing emoticon into document..."/>
>+			<cmd name="InsertSmiley2" _label="Su_rprised" _tip="Insert Surprised emoticon into document..."/>
>+			<cmd name="InsertSmiley3" _label="_Wink" _tip="Insert Wink emoticon into document..."/>
>+			<cmd name="InsertSmiley4" _label="_Frown" _tip="Insert Frown emoticon into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertSmiley5" _label="Oh _No!" _tip="Insert Oh no! emoticon into document..."/>
>-			<cmd name="InsertSmiley6" _label="_Frown" _tip="Insert Frown emoticon into document..."/>
>+			<cmd name="InsertSmiley6" _label="_Laughing" _tip="Insert Laughing emoticon into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertSmiley8" _label="_Indifferent" _tip="Insert Indifferent emoticon into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertSmiley9" _label="_Undecided" _tip="Insert Undecided emoticon into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertSmiley10" _label="Ton_gue" _tip="Insert Tongue emoticon into document..."/>
>Index: html-editor/menubar.c
>--- html-editor/menubar.c	(revision 8535)
>+++ html-editor/menubar.c	(working copy)
>@@ -679,20 +679,20 @@
> 		case 1: /* smile */
> 			emoticon = ":)";
> 			break;
>-		case 2: /* wink */
>+		case 2: /* surprised */
>+			emoticon = "=)";
>+			break;
>+		case 3: /* wink */
> 			emoticon = ";)";
> 			break;
>-		case 3: /* surprised */
>-			emoticon = "=)";
>+		case 4: /* frown */
>+			emoticon = ":(";
> 			break;
>-		case 4: /* laughing */
>-			emoticon = ":D";
>-			break;
> 		case 5: /* oh no! */
> 			emoticon = ":O";
> 			break;
>-		case 6: /* frown */
>-			emoticon = ":(";
>+		case 6: /* laughing */
>+			emoticon = ":D";
> 			break;
> 		case 8: /* indifferent */
> 			emoticon = ":-|";
>Index: html-editor/
>--- html-editor/	(revision 8535)
>+++ html-editor/	(working copy)
>@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
> 			<cmd name="InsertTextFile" _label="Te_xt File..." _tip="Insert text file into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertHTMLFile" _label="_HTML File..." _tip="Insert HTML file into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertSmiley1" _label="_Smile" _tip="Insert Smile emoticon into document..."/>
>-			<cmd name="InsertSmiley2" _label="_Wink" _tip="Insert Wink emoticon into document..."/>
>-			<cmd name="InsertSmiley3" _label="Su_rprised" _tip="Insert Surprised emoticon into document..."/>
>-			<cmd name="InsertSmiley4" _label="_Laughing" _tip="Insert Laughing emoticon into document..."/>
>+			<cmd name="InsertSmiley2" _label="Su_rprised" _tip="Insert Surprised emoticon into document..."/>
>+			<cmd name="InsertSmiley3" _label="_Wink" _tip="Insert Wink emoticon into document..."/>
>+			<cmd name="InsertSmiley4" _label="_Frown" _tip="Insert Frown emoticon into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertSmiley5" _label="Oh _No!" _tip="Insert Oh no! emoticon into document..."/>
>-			<cmd name="InsertSmiley6" _label="_Frown" _tip="Insert Frown emoticon into document..."/>
>+			<cmd name="InsertSmiley6" _label="_Laughing" _tip="Insert Laughing emoticon into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertSmiley8" _label="_Indifferent" _tip="Insert Indifferent emoticon into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertSmiley9" _label="_Undecided" _tip="Insert Undecided emoticon into document..."/>
> 			<cmd name="InsertSmiley10" _label="Ton_gue" _tip="Insert Tongue emoticon into document..."/>
Comment 15 Rashmi 2007-08-20 13:16:29 UTC
Created attachment 93980 [details] [review]
patch to #419350,solves the problem of incorrect/inappropriate emoticons display

This patch manifests all the comments quoted in comment #10 and comment #12
Comment 16 Rashmi 2007-08-20 13:18:05 UTC
Created attachment 93981 [details] [review]
patch to #419350,solves the problem of incorrect/inappropriate emoticons display

This patch manifests all the comments quoted in comment #10 and comment #12
Comment 17 Srinivasa Ragavan 2007-08-20 18:29:58 UTC
Ill commit it for beta2 release. 
Comment 18 Milan Crha 2007-08-24 09:19:35 UTC
Committed to trunk. Committed revision 8542.

to Rashmi: Next time, please fill appropriate ChangeLog too. :)