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Bug 360207 - Building libvte-java on OpenSolaris
Building libvte-java on OpenSolaris
Product: java-gnome
Classification: Bindings
Component: VTE
Other opensolaris
: High normal
: ---
Assigned To: Andrew Cowie
java-gnome bindings maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: 361653 361724 361883 361894 361896 361899
Reported: 2006-10-06 16:02 UTC by John Rice
Modified: 2007-01-05 02:09 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.15/2.16

Patches for building libvte on OpenSolaris (4.96 KB, patch)
2006-10-07 06:53 UTC, John Rice
committed Details | Review
Glib-java macro patch to add docbasedir configure option (749 bytes, patch)
2006-10-07 06:59 UTC, John Rice
none Details | Review
Glib-java macro patch to add docbasedir and macrobasedir configure option (1006 bytes, patch)
2006-10-13 09:32 UTC, John Rice
committed Details | Review

Description John Rice 2006-10-06 16:02:33 UTC
This is a set of buildsystem patches to allow libvte to be built on OpenSolaris nevada build48 and above [currently this build uses Gnome 2.14, but will be bumped to Gnome 2.16 shortly].

Changes allow the following:
1. Configure --with_javadir is meant to be a supported configure option to tell the build where to put generated jar files, but had some hard coded path bugs and was not being picked up in generated .pc file.
2. Generating Javadoc on OpenSolaris - problem with use of "find -mindep". Not supported on this OS, simple generic workaround added. Also added missing classpath to remove build errors.
3. Added support to create src jar, patterned after support already commited to glib-java.
4. Need to change where doc base dir is set in the build, as we wanted to put it in a different location on OpenSolaris. Currently defaulting to ${datadir/doc}. Added configure option --with_docbasedir to support this.
Comment 1 Andrew Cowie 2006-10-07 00:19:38 UTC
libvte-java has been in need of some love for a while, so we'll most certainly be getting these patches in. Not sure what happened what happened inside bugzilla you tried to attach. Try again, I guess?

Comment 2 John Rice 2006-10-07 06:53:11 UTC
Created attachment 74191 [details] [review]
Patches for building libvte on OpenSolaris
Comment 3 John Rice 2006-10-07 06:59:05 UTC
Created attachment 74192 [details] [review]
Glib-java macro patch to add docbasedir configure option
Comment 4 John Rice 2006-10-13 09:32:02 UTC
Created attachment 74620 [details] [review]
Glib-java macro patch to add docbasedir and macrobasedir configure option
Comment 5 Andrew Cowie 2006-10-15 08:53:01 UTC
I guess it's no problem, but why contribute to creep by adding a pair of options when you've got macrodir = datadir and datadir is already a conventionally available option?

Presumably because you're trying to shuffle the macros off somewhere unusual. No beef with that, but most distros do that sort of re-arranging post-install / pre-packaging.

Whatever. No one else has complained, and as far as I can tell, it won't hurt, so it can go in.

Comment 6 John Rice 2006-10-16 14:19:06 UTC
Yep - I hear you and was a little reluctant myself, but was told to put the macros in a different directory on OpenSolaris, so the need for the directive.
Comment 7 Andrew Cowie 2006-10-17 05:18:20 UTC
Committed macro patch to glib-java

Comment 8 Andrew Cowie 2006-10-17 05:28:24 UTC
... and committed patch to libvte-java so we can close this bug as many others show a dependency on it.