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Bug 331241 - Only popup controls when mouse moves
Only popup controls when mouse moves
Product: totem
Classification: Core
Component: Movie player
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: General Totem maintainer(s)
General Totem maintainer(s)
: 331349 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-02-15 07:26 UTC by Peter Eszlari
Modified: 2010-09-02 18:28 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Don't show fullscreen controls until mouse has moved a distance (2.40 KB, patch)
2006-10-16 12:48 UTC, Niklas Mellegård
rejected Details | Review
Don't show fullscreen controls until mouse has moved a distance (2.07 KB, patch)
2006-11-05 16:40 UTC, Niklas Mellegård
needs-work Details | Review
Don't show fullscreen controls until mouse has moved a distance (2.55 KB, patch)
2006-11-21 11:01 UTC, Niklas Mellegård
needs-work Details | Review
fullscreen-control-popup.patch (5.34 KB, patch)
2006-12-03 13:26 UTC, Niklas Mellegård
needs-work Details | Review
Restrict showing the popups to top and bottom areas (6.78 KB, patch)
2007-09-15 08:15 UTC, Niklas Mellegård
none Details | Review
Restrict showing the popups to top and bottom areas (7.16 KB, patch)
2007-09-16 16:56 UTC, Niklas Mellegård
needs-work Details | Review
Patch to only show the controls when the mouse has travelled a certain amount of distance (1.98 KB, patch)
2010-01-02 06:14 UTC, Ralf Ebert
none Details | Review

Description Peter Eszlari 2006-02-15 07:26:24 UTC
I find the behaviour of control elements in fullscreen mode a bit annoying. Just a little vibration at may desk (where the mouse is located) and it shows up whole 5 secounds! :)

I would suggest to get this triggered by moving the pointer to the lower half of the screen or by clicking the a mouse button (middle?).

By the way, also switching between window and fullscreen mode could be changed.
Xine-ui, Videolan and a lot of Windows players do this through double clicking. I think that's simple and fast.
Comment 1 Michaël Arnauts 2006-02-26 22:20:30 UTC
Thanks for the bug report. This particular bug has already been reported into our bug tracking system, but please feel free to report any further bugs you find.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 331349 ***
Comment 2 Michaël Arnauts 2006-02-26 22:21:56 UTC
Sorry, Bug 331349 should be a dupe of this one :)
Comment 3 Michaël Arnauts 2006-02-26 22:22:43 UTC
*** Bug 331349 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Niklas Mellegård 2006-10-16 08:40:12 UTC
Iäve added a patch here
That does exactly that...
Comment 5 Bastien Nocera 2006-10-16 09:43:47 UTC
Niklas, please split your patch from the one in bug 162814, and add the patch
to bug 331241 (ie. this one), which is still opened. Also, I won't accept a patch to only show the fullscreen controls when the mouse is on the "edges". But I would accept a patch to only show the controls when the mouse has travelled a certain amount of distance, to avoid the interface showing up on jitters.
Comment 6 Niklas Mellegård 2006-10-16 12:48:45 UTC
Created attachment 74807 [details] [review]
Don't show fullscreen controls until mouse has moved a distance

Shows the fullscreen controls only after the cursor have moved a certain distance. Distance and the timeout (to reset the distance) are controlled by two constants...
Comment 7 Bastien Nocera 2006-11-02 23:55:12 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> Created an attachment (id=74807) [edit]
> Don't show fullscreen controls until mouse has moved a distance
> Shows the fullscreen controls only after the cursor have moved a certain
> distance. Distance and the timeout (to reset the distance) are controlled by
> two constants...

Actually, the distance would need to be relative to the size of the screen (which you can get from the GdkScreen). The coding style is also either absolutely dreadful, or reminescent of the 1980's. Please try to following the existing coding style.
Comment 8 Niklas Mellegård 2006-11-05 16:40:23 UTC
Created attachment 76033 [details] [review]
Don't show fullscreen controls until mouse has moved a distance

Well, "dreadful" is ofcourse a matter of opinion. Following existing code style, is a very good point, though (I can only blame force of habit).
Assuming you meant the variable naming scheme, is this patch more to your liking?

This patch uses the fullscreen_rect in the totem struct to determine current size of fullscreen window, and a percentage of that width to determine required movement distance.

But, I was thinking... When you stretch those tired legs and accidentally kick the mouse across the table, chances are that it'll exceed the required distance. 
Another variant would be to have a minimum required movement time, say 1/4 second, before showing the controls. 
How about that?
Comment 9 Bastien Nocera 2006-11-15 13:53:04 UTC
Could you please post the same patch generated with "-up"?
Comment 10 Niklas Mellegård 2006-11-21 11:01:08 UTC
Created attachment 76967 [details] [review]
Don't show fullscreen controls until mouse has moved a distance

Here we go... Using -up
Comment 11 Bastien Nocera 2006-11-27 13:35:25 UTC
Please don't use static variables. Also use C-style comments (not C++ ones).

Also, I think this is far too high:
+#define FULLSCREEN_POPUP_MOVEMENT_REQUIRED 50  // percentage of screen width

50% of the screen in 3 seconds? 10%, or even 5% would be a better number (avoid the popups when it jitters, but doesn't need such a large movement). That's something we can always tweak afterwards.
Comment 12 Niklas Mellegård 2006-12-03 13:26:41 UTC
Created attachment 77581 [details] [review]

Patches totem.c and totem-private.h
* No more statics used. Added the FullscreenMovementTracker structure definition to totem-private, and a reference to it in the Totem structure
* Uses <sys/time> to time movement with millisec granularity
* Now requires a minimum continuous movement time (250 milliseconds) and decreased the requried distance to 15% of screen estate
* Only uses C comments

Still trying... One of these days, I'll get it right :)
Comment 13 Philip Withnall 2007-06-15 12:51:55 UTC
Last patch looks good to me, apart from a few remaining style issues, and a typo in a comment here or there, which could easily be fixed when it's committed.
Comment 14 erusan 2007-07-31 07:10:47 UTC
Will this patch be included in Totem in the upcoming 2.20 release?

Also, I think the idea of edge activation is much better than percentage activation.  It's more natural to move the mouse to the edge when you want to use the controls and away when you're done with them.  It would also make it so that there is no delay before the controls disappear--simply move your mouse away, and the controls vanish.
Comment 15 Philip Withnall 2007-09-09 10:02:57 UTC
(In reply to comment #14)
> Will this patch be included in Totem in the upcoming 2.20 release?

No, it won't, as we didn't get around to it. Assuming the patch is still good, it should get into 2.22.
Comment 16 Bastien Nocera 2007-09-09 10:21:54 UTC
The patch needs to be updated to use the TotemFullscreen object instead of having the code in totem.c
Comment 17 Niklas Mellegård 2007-09-10 12:00:32 UTC
(In reply to comment #16)
> The patch needs to be updated to use the TotemFullscreen object instead of
> having the code in totem.c

Ok, I'm on it...
Comment 18 Niklas Mellegård 2007-09-15 08:15:58 UTC
Created attachment 95625 [details] [review]
Restrict showing the popups to top and bottom areas
Comment 19 Niklas Mellegård 2007-09-16 16:56:45 UTC
Created attachment 95680 [details] [review]
Restrict showing the popups to top and bottom areas

The patch restricts showing the fullscreen control popups when mouse cursor is moved over them.
EDIT: This patch updates the previous one in that it doesn't hide the mouse cursor if the fullscreen controls are visible
Comment 20 Bastien Nocera 2007-09-18 16:58:59 UTC
totem-fullscreen.c:90: warning: no previous prototype for 'totem_fullscreen_get_control_placements'
totem-fullscreen.c:288: warning: no previous prototype for 'totem_fullscreen_cursor_timeout_remove'
totem-fullscreen.c:297: warning: no previous prototype for 'totem_fullscreen_cursor_hide'
totem-fullscreen.c:308: warning: no previous prototype for 'totem_fullscreen_cursor_timeout_add'
totem-fullscreen.c:318: warning: no previous prototype for 'totem_fullscreen_cursor_show'
totem-fullscreen.c: In function 'totem_fullscreen_cursor_show':
totem-fullscreen.c:322: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
totem-fullscreen.c: In function 'totem_fullscreen_cursor_hide':
totem-fullscreen.c:304: warning: control reaches end of non-void function

FYI, the old code didn't hide the cursor or the popups if the cursor was on top of one of them.

That being said, I'm not sure that showing the popups only when the cursor would be is the best idea. How does one know where the popups are supposed to be in the first place?

Bryan, the problem is that a simple jitter of the mouse would show the popups. There's 2 different fixes here for that problem: only show the popups when the mouse has travelled a certain distance (dependant on the screen size), or show the popups only when the mouse is where the popups would be. Any ideas?
Comment 21 Niklas Mellegård 2007-09-19 17:35:48 UTC
(In reply to comment #20)
> totem-fullscreen.c:90: warning: no previous prototype for
> 'totem_fullscreen_get_control_placements'
> totem-fullscreen.c:288: warning: no previous prototype for
Whops, my bad....

> FYI, the old code didn't hide the cursor or the popups if the cursor was on top
> of one of them.


> That being said, I'm not sure that showing the popups only when the cursor
> would be is the best idea. How does one know where the popups are supposed to
> be in the first place?

Right now, parts of the code that moves the popups into place (totem_fullscreen_move_popups) has simply been duplicated in totem_fullscreen_get_popups_placement (which ofcourse isn't a good idea). 
Why not calculate the popups positions when fullscreen has been initiated (recalulated if the theme or screen res changes) and simply keep that info in the TotemFullscreenPrivate-struct?

Comment 22 Bastien Nocera 2007-09-19 17:53:33 UTC
(In reply to comment #21)
> > That being said, I'm not sure that showing the popups only when the cursor
> > would be is the best idea. How does one know where the popups are supposed to
> > be in the first place?
> Right now, parts of the code that moves the popups into place
> (totem_fullscreen_move_popups) has simply been duplicated in
> totem_fullscreen_get_popups_placement (which ofcourse isn't a good idea). 
> Why not calculate the popups positions when fullscreen has been initiated
> (recalulated if the theme or screen res changes) and simply keep that info in
> the TotemFullscreenPrivate-struct?

I wasn't commenting on the code, but on the behaviour. I don't really like the behaviour you implemented in that patch, which is why I'm asking Bryan for comments.
Comment 23 Felix Kaser 2008-10-30 21:47:42 UTC
I think this bug is related to a issue we have had with cheese-fullscreen! (bug#548546) We definitely need some good guidelines how to trigger these fullscreen-popup-controls (gnome wide?!).

The cheese bug was solved by showing the controls when the fullscreen mode gets triggered (so the user knows where they are, bottom or top) and then the controls popup gets showed again when the user moves the mouse to the area where the controls are.

I see this bug is quite old, so lets do something to solve this gnome-wide?!

But to be honest I've come to this bug because I had some problems with fullscreen controls I wanted to report:

When I use the seek-bar something odd happens...After releasing the seek-slider the label with the current time gets changed (from "1:35 / 1:50" to "seek to 1:45 / 1:50"). It happens in the normal (non fullscreen) mode to, but thats not a problem because its below the seek bar. In fullscreen mode the label is right of the seek bar, changing the length of the label changes also the size of the seek bar, thats quite disturbing.

second (minor):
When I use the seek bar in non fullscreen mode with playback paused, the label with "seek to ..." appears only during drag/drop of the slider. After releasing the slider the label gets normal again, but when I switch to fullscreen after releasing the slider, the label in fullscreen mode is still "seek to ..."

I hope I made my points clear...
Comment 24 Philip Withnall 2008-11-18 18:10:46 UTC
(In reply to comment #23)
> But to be honest I've come to this bug because I had some problems with
> fullscreen controls I wanted to report:
> *snip*

Would you mind filing these as a single new bug please? We don't want to dilute this bug. Thanks.

Comment 25 Felix Kaser 2008-11-18 18:57:41 UTC
alright...but don't complain in the new bug: "why don't you go trough the old bugs first before setting up a new one?"

Comment 26 Felix Kaser 2008-11-18 19:03:15 UTC
I just saw that I cannot reproduce this behavior in 2.24.3, so forget my issues :)
Comment 27 zarevucky.jiri 2009-06-24 02:24:16 UTC
Anything new on this one? It's one of the reasons I use mplayer instead of Totem. Aside from annoying mouse behavior, the "Leave fullscreen" button is awful. Can you please remove it and instead make the context menu item a checkbox?

I'd personally like the best if the controls got shown when mouse "touches" the bottom edge, and vanished when the mouse leaves the control area + some 50px. The movement detection and timeouts are terrible ("do it one more time and my head's gonna explode" kind of meaning), who came up with that?
Comment 28 Ralf Ebert 2010-01-02 06:14:20 UTC
Created attachment 150665 [details] [review]
Patch to only show the controls when the mouse has travelled a certain amount of distance
Comment 29 Bastien Nocera 2010-09-02 18:28:35 UTC
commit aa769696289b1498e2c0cec00bc0f117ebf9f8d8
Author: Ralf Ebert <>
Date:   Sat Jan 2 06:31:44 2010 +0100

    Only popup controls when mouse moves a certain distance
    Only show the fullscreen popups when the mouse moves more
    than 30 pixels (or events) within 200 msecs.