GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 317102
CD icons should have a 16x16 variant
Last modified: 2006-04-28 15:18:27 UTC
The issue is described by "I'm not sure whether to report on gnome-icon-theme or gnome-applets. This is on the latest breezy (24-09-2005). I have actually two problems: 1. In all the themes the disk mounter popup pops up too low. see first screenshot attachment i'll join. 2. in the clearlooks theme disk icons don't seem to be the same size. in the second screenshot the CD one seems bigger than the others. what i meant by "the popup is too low" what i meant by "the CD icon is bigger than the others this CD icon is bigger it seems that part of the problem is that that CD icon is bigger than the other icons. see that the location bar of nautilus is bigger on the location of that CD than for instance on the desktop (more pixels vertically)."
Gnome icon theme doesn't have the ridiculous labels for the specific media types at 16x16, so I'm guessing 24x24 versions get used. I prefer dropping all the specific media type icons completey rather than adding the tiny silliness at 16x16 or add another set of hard to maintain symlinks.
is it already too late to fix it for 2.12.1? because on the drivemount applet, it really doesn't look nice and many people use it.
if 16x16 variant are an issue maybe you could set a variant a Scalable to not get suchs bugs?
to sebastien bacher: if i understand right, the problem is that several such new files are needed. whether those files are 16x16 PNGs of a CD without label or SVG, there need to be the same number of them, identical (which is complicating, to keep them up to date) or symlinked to each other, but Jakub Steiner complains that symlinks are complicated to maintain. so if i understood right svg can't help. only making an icon "inheriting" to another one or symlinks could help (or removing altogether those new specific CD types, but i guess it's excluded for 2.12.x).
if you set a category as Scalable you don't have this issue, the icon has the size requested
Sebastien: even with SVG, having a single artwork for all sizes does not work. More on this at
So if you want a short term solution to this bug, feel free to add the symlink voodoo to the Makefiles to symlink all the different cd media to gnome-dev-cdrom.
thanks. What would you consider the real fix to get icons going well on a small panel?
The real fix would be a generic name inheritance framework. Rodney Dawes is working on something as part of the new icon naming spec. What we need is for icons to have a fallback. Something like the mimetype fallback - if there is no audio/sound, an icon for audio is used. We need something that would say that media-cd-cdrw has a fallback of media-cd or device-ipod-nano has a fallback of drive-removable. That way somebody could create a very specific icon for individual device or mimetype, but creating a new consistent looking theme would not be a pain. More importantly maintaining it (with all the different resolutions too) wouldn't be such a pain. Such theme could start by addresing the generic icons. Do we need to have an icon for every bloody mime type on the planet? We do not. But if somebody wanted to create an icon for application/x-oh-i-just-made-this-neat-app to easily distinguesh its files among others, (s)he may. Same for devices. generic removable drive or media is just fine for most cases, but it may be nice to have a custom ipod icon, or iriver icon. REQUIRING to have one is insane. Just take a look at the size of the gnome icon theme.
If some people are interested, and since the flaw is present on released distributions, like ubuntu 5.10, i made a small personal icon theme that contains the missing 16x16 CD icons and also the missing 48x48 ruby icon (bug #16064). You can get it at: [5.4kb] It inherits the gnome icon theme, only makes the needed changes. To use it, extract the .tar.gz in your ~/.icons and choose the new icon theme "MyGnome" in system->preferences->theme->theme details->icons.
The 48x48 ruby icon is fine for addition to gnome icon theme, as long as the author is willing. You didn't draw that icon, Emmanuel, did you?
Actually I got it from: it appears to come from Maybe who mentionned it first knows more. I also found this, a request to include that icon in debian: but it mentions the license is not explicit. at i found that the project maintainer is geoff_youngs at i'll mail him asking for the license and permission. i'll post news here.
About the ruby icon, I'll answer more on bug #316978
The icon is fairly nice. Would it be possible to get it without the label? It's not the same font as the gnome icon theme icons and I'd rather for it to say RB.
Actually the original author just sent me the SVG versions of those ruby logos. The author and copyright holder Geoff Young is OK for you to use the original SVG and modify them as much as you want to put them in the GNOME icon set. The SVG for both icons are at: [first version] [better version, in the opinion of the author]
Thanks for the assistance, Emmanuel. Fixed in HEAD. 2005-10-22 Jakub Steiner <> * gnome-mime-application-x-ruby.png: based on artwork by Geoff Young. Fixes bug # 317102
> gnome-mime-application-x-ruby.png: based on artwork by Geoff > Young. Fixes bug # 317102 no, please don't close this bug, this bug has nothing to do with ruby. this bug's title is "CD icons should have a 16x16 variant" and that problem is not fixed. the problem is we started to discuss that new ruby icon in this bug which concerns another problem. you can close bug #316978 "icon for ruby programs ugly" but please reopen bug #317102. sorry for the confusion.
Oops, sorry got it all mixed up.
This is fixed in HEAD/2.15.1. There's updated media-cdrom and drive-cdrom icons included there.
Does this mean, there'll be no 2.14.x release?
There are no plans to release any more 2.14.x versions of gnome-icon-theme, no.