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Bug 302255 - Exchange 2003, OWA, username != mailbox name: No mailbox for user
Exchange 2003, OWA, username != mailbox name: No mailbox for user
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 273627
Product: Evolution Exchange
Classification: Deprecated
Component: Connector
Other Linux
: Normal major
: 2.2.x
Assigned To: Sarfraaz Ahmed
Ximian Connector QA
: 319075 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: 323345
Reported: 2005-04-28 06:09 UTC by Thomas Zajic
Modified: 2008-07-07 11:04 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

err logs with E2K_DEBUG=4 (2.25 KB, text/plain)
2005-07-15 06:04 UTC, Janis Pusmucans

Description Thomas Zajic 2005-04-28 06:09:11 UTC
Version details: 2.2.2
Distribution/Version: Slackware 10.1

[ Note: I'm using ximian-connector-2.2.2, but the version selection list doesn't
contain anything more recent than 2.1 ]

I need to access an Exchange 2003 server solely via its OWA frontend server,
which uses forms based authentication. Neither the Exchange server itself, nor
the GC server or domain controllers are accessible via internet. The
authentication works fine, but I still can't access my mailbox. Whenever I try
to connect, I get "Error: No mailbox for user <username> at <hostname>".

The problem seems to be that my username is different from my mailbox name in
the OWA URI. The basic OWA URI for authentication/login is "https://hostname/",
the mailbox for a particular user is at "https://hostname/firstname.lastname/",
and the (Windows/Exchange) usernames are "firstname" plus 0 - 2 additional
characters from "lastname". In my case, I have to login at "https://hostname/"
with username="thomas", then I get redirected to
"https://hostname/Thomas.Zajic/" (eg. my inbox is at
"https://hostname/Thomas.Zajic/Inbox", my calender is at
"https://hostname/Thomas.Zajic/Calendar", etc.).

Running evolution-exchange-storage with E2K_DEBUG set shows that although it
_somehow_ seems to get the right mailbox name from _somewhere_, it still insists
on appending the username at the end of the URI (ie. after the mailbox name),
resulting in a well-deserved 404 error:

[zlatko@disclosure]:~$ E2K_DEBUG=2
Evolution Exchange Storage up and running
GET /Thomas.Zajic/thomas/ HTTP/1.1
E2k-Debug: 0x81d0310 @ 1114665585
Accept-Language: en-US, en
User-Agent: Evolution/2.2.2

302 Moved Temporarily
E2k-Debug: 0x81d0310 @ 1114665585
Set-Cookie: sessionid=; path=/; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie: cadata=; path=/; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Length: 0

GET /Thomas.Zajic/thomas/ HTTP/1.1
E2k-Debug: 0x8205360 @ 1114665585
User-Agent: Evolution/2.2.2

302 Moved Temporarily
E2k-Debug: 0x8205360 @ 1114665585
Set-Cookie: sessionid=; path=/; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie: cadata=; path=/; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Length: 0

E2k-Debug: 0x8205360 @ 1114665585 [restarted]
User-Agent: Evolution/2.2.2

200 OK
E2k-Debug: 0x8205360 @ 1114665585
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 05:19:45 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Expires: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 05:18:45 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Length: 8865
Content-Type: text/html

POST /exchweb/bin/auth/owaauth.dll HTTP/1.1
E2k-Debug: 0x8227a38 @ 1114665585
User-Agent: Evolution/2.2.2
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

302 Moved Temporarily
E2k-Debug: 0x8227a38 @ 1114665585
Set-Cookie: sessionid=663b3e0f-c558-45ba-a16b-b33d8b5cc1c6; path=/
HttpOnly; secure; path=/
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 05:19:45 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Content-Length: 0

404 Resource Not Found
E2k-Debug: 0x81d0310 @ 1114665585
MS-WebStorage: 6.5.7226
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 05:19:45 GMT
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Connection: close
Content-Length: 1635
Content-Type: text/html

** (evolution-exchange-storage:27524): WARNING **: Unexpected kerberos error

Under Edit->Preferences->Mail Accounts, I have the following settings in the
"Receiving Email" tab:

Server Type: Microsoft Exchange
Username: thomas
Authentication Type: Plaintext Password

Changing the OWA URL to "" didn't make any
difference, and changing the username to "Thomas.Zajic" didn't work at all, of
course (resulted in "Authentication Error").

I'm using evolution-2.2.2, evolution-data-server-1.2.2, evolution-webcal-2.2.1,
ximian-connector-2.2.2, gal-2.4.2 and gtkhtml-3.6.2, all self-compiled together
with the rest of GNOME-2.10 on Slackware 10.1. Please let me know if you need
any additional information or debugging output. Thanks!
Comment 1 Thomas Zajic 2005-04-28 11:42:53 UTC
BTW if there's no easy fix for this, it would be nice to have at least the
possibility to disable account autoconfiguration/autodiscovery, and instead have
some sort of "Advanced" OWA configuration, consisting of Username/Password,
OWA-AUTH-URL and OWA-MAILBOX-URL. Connector would then authenticate at
OWA-AUTH-URL, and upon successful authentification simply jump to
OWA-MAILBOX-URL, without any further guessing. It's kind of frustrating that I
happen to _know_ the correct URL of my mailbox, but still can't access my mail,
because connector insists on figuring it out all by itself, and fails.
Comment 2 Pontus Ullgren 2005-05-13 17:06:07 UTC
I have the same problem. In connector for evolution 1.4 this was possible and on
a upgraded installation it still works.
Comment 3 Thomas Zajic 2005-06-09 21:36:53 UTC
Update: ximian-connector-2.2.3 still has the same problem. Isn't there a way to
disable the broken autoconfiguration, and simply tell Evolution whatever it
needs to know manually? GConf keys, connector.conf, environment variables,
Comment 4 RoadRunn 2005-06-10 03:23:53 UTC
Same issue here as well. Would really like to see seperate fields for mailbox
name, and login name.
Comment 5 Samuel Irlapati 2005-06-21 15:29:21 UTC
I have the same problem. I use FC4. I just moved from FC3 to FC4 and started to
get this problem.
Comment 6 Anze Vidmar 2005-06-23 19:29:09 UTC
Same problem here. FC4, connector 2.2.2-5, exchange 2003.
Comment 7 Samuel Irlapati 2005-06-24 18:44:50 UTC
I came up with a crazy solution if anyone is interested. It is not striaght
forward but it kinda works. I used apache to mirror the exchange server. Of
course for this solution you need apache to be running. I added the lines below
to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

ProxyRequests Off

<Proxy *>
	Order deny,allow
	Allow from all

ProxyPass /exchange/username http://ustr-exch5/exchange/firstname.lastname
ProxyPassReverse /exchange/username http://ustr-exch5/exchange/firstname.lastname

Then restart apache for FC4 this is /etc/init.d/httpd restart

In evolution i configure the OWA Url to be http://localhost/exchange
Of course i had to first add it as imap then when it created the account i
changed it microsoft-exchange. If you have anymore questions, you can ask me.
Comment 8 Joerg Battermann 2005-07-14 11:10:00 UTC
I have the same problem:

the exchange url is https://server/mailboxname   (in my case jb). However, 
Using Evolution + Connector says no mailbox for user jb at server. OWA alone 
etc works fine.

Comment 9 Joerg Battermann 2005-07-14 11:13:13 UTC
P.s.: I am using FC4 with their latest evo (2.2.x) Version, Exchange-Server is 
Comment 10 Janis Pusmucans 2005-07-15 06:04:31 UTC
Created attachment 49206 [details]
err logs with E2K_DEBUG=4
Comment 11 C Shilpa 2005-11-08 09:53:04 UTC
*** Bug 319075 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 12 Adrian Peret 2006-02-06 17:52:14 UTC
Hi All,

I'm using SuSE10, with Evolution 2.4 and ximian-connector 2.4.

Now mainy is the same happening and more funny actualy:

Real OWA:

The Evolution is trying to connect to:   ????!??!?!

The funny part is no matter what are you doing in the GUI or directly in the files, always the files will be overwirthen with the bad value.

From where that one came??? No clue.

Please help.

Comment 13 Sushma Rai 2006-02-07 06:27:05 UTC
Adrian Peret ,
I think your problem looks different than this bug,
please file a separate bug on that.
Comment 14 Amit Agarwal 2006-02-09 15:48:43 UTC
Even I am facing the same problem. what's the new bug id?

(In reply to comment #13)
> Adrian Peret ,
> I think your problem looks different than this bug,
> please file a separate bug on that.

Comment 15 Guilherme de Siqueira Pastore 2006-02-12 13:00:40 UTC
Quite obvious that this is confirmed, IMHO. Thanks to Ted Percival for pointing this out on #bugs.
Comment 16 Luke Hewitt 2006-06-09 23:09:57 UTC
I am having the same problem.

Evolution 2.6.2

I get the same type of output in my gdb as above:

404 Resource Not Found

I should be going directly to:

Comment 17 Milan Crha 2008-07-07 11:04:46 UTC
Thanks for the bug report. This particular bug has already been reported into our bug tracking system, but please feel free to report any further bugs you find.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 273627 ***