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Bug 162036 - win32 printing backend
win32 printing backend
Product: gnome-print
Classification: Deprecated
Component: general
Other Windows
: Normal enhancement
: GNOME2.x
Assigned To: Jody Goldberg
Jody Goldberg
Depends on:
Blocks: 160222 164362 168890
Reported: 2004-12-22 23:15 UTC by Dominic Lachowicz
Modified: 2005-03-25 21:16 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

proposed implementation (75.53 KB, patch)
2005-03-24 18:18 UTC, Ivan Wong
accepted-commit_now Details | Review
My attempt at having the Windows print context (17.98 KB, text/plain)
2005-03-25 13:31 UTC, fmoraes

Description Dominic Lachowicz 2004-12-22 23:15:52 UTC
GP currently lacks a win32 printing backend. attachment 33997 [details] [review] to bug 158972 has
started some work toward this (thanks Hans!). is
also a good reference.

what i think we should do:

1) gnome-print-gdi.c: This file contains Win32 GDI drawing functions. This
object creates a temporary MetaFile (EMF) on disk, calling the Win32 GDI
functions on it as appropriate. When close() is called, it calls
transport->print_file() using that temporary file.

2) modules/gnome-print-win32.c: This file will list the available printers. We
can use:

EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL|PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, NULL, 5, ...) to fill a
PRINTER_INFO_5 array with printer names. We should use INFO5 because it's the
fastest call and will work on 9x and NT. We should not simply print to the
default windows printer as Hans' above patch does.

3) modules/gnome-print-win32-transport.c: This file will actually do the
printing using OpenPrinter(), AddJob(), ScheduleJob(). We should open the
correct printer via OpenPrinter() using gnome_print_config_get
(gp_transport->config, "Printer").
Comment 2 Hans Breuer 2004-12-23 00:09:15 UTC
Just one more reference (although Dia uses the windoze print dialog,
apparently one may need to call PrintDlg() even to get the defaults
without the dialog) :
Comment 3 Jody Goldberg 2005-01-04 20:27:16 UTC
When you're ready lets get this into CVS
autoconf tests test to be fiddly and it would be useful to get them in place early.
Comment 4 Jody Goldberg 2005-02-18 19:42:12 UTC
Any progress ?
Comment 5 Dominic Lachowicz 2005-02-18 20:25:22 UTC
No, not to speak of - I haven't booted into Win32 in months now. Hans seems to
have more experience with this sort of thing than I do. The GP API seems
well-suited to streaming a whole PS/PDF document to CUPS, where the pages are
inline signals. It doesn't seem particularly well-suited toward sending a
different WMF to the printer for each and every page surrounded by a
BeginPage()/EndPage() pair, though I imagine that we could somehow wedge it in

I don't know why this is closed "NEEDINFO" rather than NEW, RFE. I thought that
NEEDINFO was only used when the bug couldn't be diagnosed without more
information. Here, the diagnosis is clear.
Comment 6 fmoraes 2005-03-11 04:24:24 UTC
Is it possible to have a print context without a transport? I am thinking that a
win32 print context will do the job without requiring a transport, unless you
want to print a file.

I can look at that once I have a little time.
Comment 7 Ivan Wong 2005-03-24 18:18:47 UTC
Created attachment 39212 [details] [review]
proposed implementation

This is done. Still many improvements could be made IMO, please help testing
Comment 8 Jody Goldberg 2005-03-24 19:05:05 UTC
Comment on attachment 39212 [details] [review]
proposed implementation

This seems like an excellent start.

I suspect there are issues with the glyph list handling
- mapping 32 -> 16 bits
- skipping y offsets

but we can get to this shortly.  Please get this into cvs.
Comment 9 fmoraes 2005-03-25 03:05:57 UTC
I have one comment about the usage of libopt as static. Any particular reason
for this? I am able to build the dll version of it. It is just a matter of
updating the libtool version as it is pretty old.
Comment 10 Jody Goldberg 2005-03-25 03:27:13 UTC
fmoraes : I would not worry about popt usage.  This code will go into the 2.11
tree, which will rely on glib-2.6.  We will move to GOption.
Comment 11 fmoraes 2005-03-25 05:14:31 UTC
gnome-print-path.h missing from patch
Comment 12 Ivan Wong 2005-03-25 07:30:43 UTC
#9, sorry, because I use MSVC heavily during devel. MSVC can't initialize 
global variables with non-constant, including a reference to symbols of a dll. 
It wasn't a problem of libtool at my side.
Comment 13 fmoraes 2005-03-25 13:31:27 UTC
Created attachment 39240 [details]
My attempt at having the Windows print context

Ivan, here's the version I tried to write, for reference. It did a few things
differently, but basically the same (like support for the dash attribute for
lines and attempt to match other attributes for fonts, etc...).

I've tried your patch and it works but there are a few problems:
- the output seems to be too big, causing print out to be cut around printer
- text alignment seems to be off and fonts are rotated the wrong way (upside
- the identity matrix detection seems to be incorrect ( < and > mixed together
and && used instead of ||)

This was a great patch, just needs a few fixes now. All my testing was done
with  Planner 0.13 port that I've been working on. If you want it to test, let
me know.
Comment 14 Ivan Wong 2005-03-25 19:21:37 UTC
fmoraes, thank for your reference. SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT) before ExtTextout() 
is a good idea.

> the output seems to be too big, causing print out
> to be cut around printer margins
I have no problem with scaling/tranlation when printing many sample files of 
gnumeric, they look like more or less the same as in print preview. I think I 
should try your testing.

> text alignment seems to be off and fonts are rotated
> the wrong way (upside down)
partially fixed, since I have no problem with text alignment but rotation.

> the identity matrix detection seems to be incorrect
> ( < and > mixed together and && used instead of ||)
Comment 15 Ivan Wong 2005-03-25 19:28:33 UTC
GDI's line dashing has some problems with user style and dash offset, e.g. 
win9x doesn't support the so called PS_USERSTYLE mode, and there's no dash 
offset with GDI. This gdk/win32 bug is related:

I think the implementation/emulation of user style/dash offset for the both 
cases will be quite similar, and I will fix that a little bit later.
Comment 16 Hans Breuer 2005-03-25 20:26:44 UTC
But you did notice your current implementation of dash_offset is broken ?
[See my comment in bug #162790, the offset must not modify the start
of the line]
Comment 17 fmoraes 2005-03-25 20:57:53 UTC

Forgot to say that I've modified the EnumPrinters call to include CONNECTED


At least, that way I can print to a printer from another computer.
Comment 18 Dominic Lachowicz 2005-03-25 21:12:29 UTC
ok, this bug needs to be closed. please open new bugs for your new gripes :)
Comment 19 Dominic Lachowicz 2005-03-25 21:16:17 UTC
comment 16: see bug 171641
comment 17: see bug 171640