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Bug 166836 - Extract dialog does not make clear which directory is the destination
Extract dialog does not make clear which directory is the destination
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 171885
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Widget: GtkFileChooser
Other All
: Normal major
: Small fix
Assigned To: Federico Mena Quintero
Federico Mena Quintero
: 165069 165149 168227 170757 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-02-09 18:47 UTC by Bram van Leur
Modified: 2005-04-15 21:39 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.9/2.10

Description Bram van Leur 2005-02-09 18:47:18 UTC
I'm always confused wheter the directory I'm viewing or the directory I've
highlighted is the one to which my files are going to be extracted. 

The folder we are extracting to should be stated somewhere (or it should be
absolutely clear anyway). Preferably the sequence of folder buttons should have
a label "Extract files to:" above it and the file/folder listing should have a
label "Browse to:". 
Otherwise a summary like "Destination folder: /home/user/Desktop" would be helpful.

Other information:
It especially makes little sense to me that it opens the desktop folder,
highlights the first folder in the listing and places files inside that folder,
although that could be considered a different bug.
Comment 1 Dave Wolovich 2005-02-14 20:00:51 UTC
I agree.  Most of the time I have no idea where file-roller will extract to.  If
I have my home directory opened, it seems to select the first directory in my
home dir.  But once a directory is selected, I can't seem to unselect it.  So, I
have to navigate through my filesystem and make sure my home directory is
selected and then press the extract button.  Very confusing, indeed.  
Comment 2 Sebastien Bacher 2005-02-16 10:56:46 UTC
A such bug has been opened here:

"When I open an archive and select extract, the extract dialog immediately
highlights a directory in the right hand list. It will not unselect the
directories. When I try to scroll down out of the directories, the highlight bar
stops at the last directory.

If I did nothing here except go ahead with the extract, it will extract to
whatever directory was at the top of the list at the time."
Comment 3 Paolo Bacchilega 2005-02-16 12:26:35 UTC
This is the way gtkfilechooser works, there is nothing I can do.  
Reassigning to gtk+ to see what the gtk+ developers say.
Comment 4 Sebastien Bacher 2005-02-16 12:55:50 UTC
right, reassign bug to owner of selected component too
Comment 5 Brian Pack 2005-02-20 03:32:23 UTC
So what happens now? As is, file-roller is unusable if you hit the Home button
and expect it to extract there. If there are any other folders there, it's going
to extract to one of them. If I want to extract to /home/bpack, and there's a
/home/bpack/Desktop folder, I have to back out to /home to extract to /home/bpack.
Comment 6 Baptiste Mille-Mathias 2005-02-24 18:06:23 UTC
*** Bug 168227 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Paolo Bacchilega 2005-02-27 21:59:53 UTC
*** Bug 165069 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Benjamin Lebsanft 2005-03-04 11:31:53 UTC
any news on this ?
Comment 9 Brian Pack 2005-03-08 02:23:55 UTC
File-roller is *still* highlighting folders when I go to extract archives. I
don't want it to. It insists on forcing me to go up a level to extract to the
folder I REALLY want to extract to. Is there an option I haven't
Comment 10 Sunnan 2005-03-08 06:17:14 UTC
IIRC, (and I may be wrong about this): it didn't always act like this.
Comment 11 Brian Pack 2005-03-09 20:22:45 UTC
It didn't. If you clicked on a folder in the right hand list, it would open that
folder. But that folder would not highlight *unless you performed an action to
select it*. If you opened your Documents folder and simply hit extract. The
archive contents would extract to the Documents folder, no matter how many other
folders were in Documents.

Now, if you want to extract to Documents, you have to back up one level higher,
then highlight Documents, because otherwise file-roller will insist on
extracting to one of the folders that is already in Documents.

That makes file-roller damned-near useless in my opinion.
Comment 12 Maciej Katafiasz 2005-03-19 23:50:34 UTC
*** Bug 165149 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 13 Maciej Katafiasz 2005-03-19 23:54:30 UTC
Indeed, this seems to have changed in 2.6 I think, and makes file-roller
incredibly annoying to use. Paolo, as an (uuuugly) workaround you could use
gtk_file_choose_set_file_name() instead of _current_folder(), but that's
unobvious and hacky too... Bleh. Marking severity as major, it really breaks
SELECT_FOLDER functionality, meaning no app using it can function properly.
Comment 14 Maciej Katafiasz 2005-03-20 00:37:02 UTC
*** Bug 170757 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 15 Federico Mena Quintero 2005-03-31 03:25:52 UTC
This is related to bug #162358.
Comment 16 Federico Mena Quintero 2005-04-15 21:39:48 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 171885 ***