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Bug 76096 - Improve zoomed-out display
Improve zoomed-out display
Product: GIMP
Classification: Other
Component: User Interface
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: Future
Assigned To: GIMP Bugs
: 55598 90421 126484 148193 162493 170427 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: 55367
Reported: 2002-03-24 04:38 UTC by Richard Garand
Modified: 2007-08-15 22:25 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

GimpProjection-Image-Pyramid-sketch.patch (31.51 KB, patch)
2007-06-02 10:30 UTC, Martin Nordholts
needs-work Details | Review
GimpProjection-Image-Pyramid-sketch.patch (27.96 KB, patch)
2007-06-02 10:35 UTC, Martin Nordholts
needs-work Details | Review
GimpProjection-Image-Pyramid-sketch2.patch (25.94 KB, patch)
2007-06-03 11:48 UTC, Martin Nordholts
needs-work Details | Review
GimpProjection-Image-Pyramid-sketch2.patch (25.76 KB, patch)
2007-06-03 12:12 UTC, Martin Nordholts
needs-work Details | Review
GimpProjection-Image-Pyramid-final-1.patch (27.84 KB, patch)
2007-06-06 11:52 UTC, Martin Nordholts
committed Details | Review
Good test image (139.19 KB, image/png)
2007-06-12 15:54 UTC, Martin Nordholts

Description Richard Garand 2002-03-24 04:38:41 UTC
I found a problem when I was trying to display a special image at 50% 
zoom. Most of this image is made up of background and foreground 
layers, blended by alternating their rows to create a flat image. At 
50% zoom, every second row is removed (?), causing the foreground part 
to disapear entirely. A part of the image can be seen at (look at it at 100% and 50% 
zoom using The GIMP to get a very good demonstration of the problem). 

This bug can be even more surprising; since it was originally a 
full-screen screenshot, it opened at 50% zoom and I wondered what had 
gone completely wrong until I tried zooming in. This specific image 
would only be displayed wrong when every second row is removed 
(offsetting the start by one row would cause a more "correct" look), 
but it could affect other images differently. Any way to select the 
lines to display in a non-uniform way should work.
Comment 1 Sven Neumann 2002-03-25 10:57:03 UTC
I wouldn't consider this is a bug. It is a well-known side effect of
the zoom implementation we use. It works by omitting rows and columns
when showing the image zoomed out. The advantage of this
implementation is that it is very fast. I'm not sure if the fact that
it introduces artefact makes a change worthwhile.
Comment 2 Raphaël Quinet 2002-03-28 14:52:00 UTC
Some other well-known proprietary program solves this problem by
generating a scaled down version of the image on-the-fly (with
interpolation) whenever you zoom out.  This can be enabled or disabled
by the user and this is very convenient because if you keep the same
zoom level for a while, then it offers a much better quality for the
preview and it allows you to move around the image much faster.  This
is interesting for very large images if the user has enough memory.
Some people think that it is one of the reasons why the GIMP seems to
be slower than that other program when working on large images.
Maybe this bug report could be changed into an improvement proposal
(enhancement) for the implementation of a similar feature?
Comment 3 Raphaël Quinet 2002-04-09 11:54:07 UTC
This zooming/scaling problem was mentioned again in the newsgroup  I am changing the summary of this bug report
and converting it to an enhancement proposal.

- Add an option to cache a scaled-down version of the image in order
  to have a better display when zoomed out (and better speed when
- To be extra nice, have an optional two-pass rendering of the image:
  when zooming out for the first time, display the image with the
  current method (skip every Nth pixel) so that it appears fast.  Then
  start an idle thread that renders the scaled down version of the
  image using linear or bicubic interpolation and displays it over the
  first version (and keeps the scaled down image in the cache so that
  it can be used from then on).
Comment 4 Jakub Steiner 2003-05-16 12:15:05 UTC
Having a high-quality view scaler would indeed be very useful. There
are situations where I would work on an image in higher resolution
than the final output would be. It's extremely helpful to have a high
quality preview in the second view at, say 1:2 to be able to see the
expected output.

One solution (as suggested in bug #57811) would be to use the
dgk-pixbuf scaler. It is fast, very high quality and, to my knowledge,
wouldn't create further dependencies, since it's in gtk2. This would
of course be a preference - choosing between quality (gdk-pixbuf) or
speed (current). Although I believe gdk-pixbuf includes more
interpolation methods too.
Comment 5 Raphaël Quinet 2003-06-02 17:49:31 UTC
*** Bug 90421 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Raphaël Quinet 2003-06-02 17:55:30 UTC
Quick summary of the bugs depending on this one (as of today):
- bug #114268: preview color transformations using the scaled-down image
- bug #108172: preview image transformations such as rotation or
               perspective using the scaled-down image
Comment 7 Sven Neumann 2003-06-02 18:38:13 UTC
*** Bug 55598 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Raphaël Quinet 2003-06-03 17:03:13 UTC
A comment about the comments that Sven has just added to bug #114268,
bug #108172 and bug #90421: I assumed that a good way to fix this bug
would be to compute scaled-down previews of all layers and then create
the preview of the image by merging the previews of the layers.  So
the compositing code (using the opacity, layer modes and so on) would
be the same as it is now, but it would use the previews instead of the
original layers.  That's why I marked the other bugs as depending on
this one, even though I realize now that my previous comments in this
bug report talk about the image and do not mention the individual

It would also be possible to merge the original layers first and then
generate the scaled-down preview from the image after compositing, but
this would require the preview to be re-generated from the full-scale
layers every time some layers are moved, shown, hidden or raised in
the layers stack.  Since toggling the visibility or modifying the
opacity of layers is an operation that I perform frequently while
working on images, I thought that it would be better to compute the
scaled-down versions of the layers first.  This would probably avoid a
lot of disk trashing when working on large images.

If this is the solution that is chosen for fixing this bug, then the
dependencies and duplicates make sense.  Otherwise, I agree with the
comments made by Sven and the dependencies could be changed.
Comment 9 Alan Horkan 2003-07-23 18:42:00 UTC
Changes at the request of Dave Neary on the developer mailing list.  
I am changing many of the bugzilla reports that have not specified a target
milestone to Future milestone.  Hope that is acceptable.  
Comment 10 Sven Neumann 2003-11-08 01:32:13 UTC
*** Bug 126484 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 11 Sven Neumann 2004-06-04 09:57:49 UTC
Changing the summary because this can be implemented without introducing
scaled-down previews of the layers. That's an implementation detail and I don't
even think that it's a good way to address the problem.
Comment 12 Sven Neumann 2004-07-22 23:46:39 UTC
*** Bug 148193 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 13 Craig DeForest 2004-07-23 05:38:01 UTC
Bug 148193 was marked as a duplicate of this bug (hi, Sven) -- but it is 
actually a different nuance -- that is to say, there are reasonably fast 
algorithms around that can solve the aliasing problem not only for affine 
transformations (such as zooming) but also for nonlinear filtering.   
Comment 14 Sven Neumann 2004-07-26 08:49:34 UTC
Well, there are lots of places where non-linear filterring can be used in The
GIMP. Your bug report should be about a specific one or it is simply not helpful.
Comment 15 weskaggs 2005-01-05 17:14:36 UTC
*** Bug 162493 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 16 Michael Schumacher 2005-03-16 14:03:48 UTC
*** Bug 170427 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 17 Jesper Villadsen 2005-07-06 09:07:12 UTC
Not surprisingly the missing interpolation has an effect when you draw a grid:
1. Create a new image with height=width=1000 pixels, for example. On my screen
this images is shown at 66% magnification.
2. Choose Filters -> Render -> Pattern -> Grid...
3a. In the Grid window set Width=2, Spacing=100 and OK. Now the 1st, 4th and 7th
line in the grid are thicker than the other grid lines.
3b. If instead you choose Width=1, then the 2nd, 5th and 8th grid lines seem to
be missing.
Comment 18 Sven Neumann 2005-07-06 14:06:50 UTC
Yes, of course. That's a known problem of nearest neighbor interpolation. What's
your point?
Comment 19 Raphaël Quinet 2005-09-07 12:56:50 UTC
*** Bug 315285 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 20 Ruth Alkema 2005-12-01 11:39:45 UTC
is there any progress on this point? Will it ever be fixed?  At this moment I
have to use another program to fix the colors of large photos because in the
gimp it is just too difficult to judge the results with this bad view.
Comment 21 Sven Neumann 2005-12-02 15:18:13 UTC
Ruth, if it bothers you, why don't you fix it? Or alternatively, get someone
else to fix it for you.
Comment 22 Ruth Alkema 2005-12-03 11:07:50 UTC
Perhaps I should have stated my question differently, I didn't mean to offend
anyone, I was only curious to know.  Personally I think that it would be _very_
helpful if this was fixed, but I get the impression that this has gotten a very
low priority, since it has the status of 'enhancement'.  
I am not able to fix it myself.

I realise that there is a lot of hard work put into the gimp and I am very glad
that there are people like you putting so much energy into it.
Comment 23 Ruth Alkema 2005-12-17 16:12:47 UTC
I have found a work-around for this problem: I now use the navigation window to
view the image.  The display in the navigation window is smoother.
Comment 24 Albert Cahalan 2007-01-17 02:08:56 UTC
This can get REALLY confusing. I was previewing images with the gimp, and they looked to be pure white.

If you really need to cut corners for speed:

Each display pixel can be mapped to an NxM rectangle of user pixels. For non-integer scaling factors, N and M will vary across the image. Fine. Just take either:

a. the average of the NxM region
b. a random pixel from the NxM region

Either way, the worst of the aliasing problem will go away.
Comment 25 Richard Garand 2007-01-17 02:37:21 UTC
I'm sure the developers can think of a way to fix it - pretty much anything except what the program does now would work, although the quality may vary (that wasn't a concern with my original report as I was just surprised the image looked completely different when I opened it).

Maybe a solution would be to look at the image with 66% or 33% zoom, so it can't just skip every other pixel. Can you get to those zoom levels in gimp?

Now I can't decide if I should just stop the emails or see how long it takes until someone actually fixes this...
Comment 26 Sven Neumann 2007-01-17 07:38:30 UTC
The display code won't be touched until we start porting things to GEGL and Cairo. That will happen after 2.4. Whether that new display code will act differently on zoomed-out displays remains to be seen. It depends on whether someone actually implements the filtered view in GEGL.

Albert, can you please stop adding your comments to bug reports? You are not adding any value and the noise you are creating is more than annoying.
Comment 27 Sven Neumann 2007-03-24 10:06:26 UTC
*** Bug 422111 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 28 Martin Nordholts 2007-06-02 10:30:47 UTC
Created attachment 89229 [details] [review]

This is a sketch of a patch. There are some assertions when it is run and it contains debugging code and output, but it does not crash GIMP when used.

Note that the code is modified only for rgb_a images.

This patch is meant as a base to evaluate whether it is feasible to incorporate an image pyramid for the 2.4 release.

I'm interested in feedback on the structural approach on the patch, and if it is worth an attempt to polish and finalize it.
Comment 29 Martin Nordholts 2007-06-02 10:35:53 UTC
Created attachment 89230 [details] [review]

Without po/ this time...
Comment 30 Martin Nordholts 2007-06-03 11:48:48 UTC
Created attachment 89272 [details] [review]

Major clean-up of scetch1; it seems to be fairly stable now even.

 * Works (should work) for all images.
 * Removed debugging code and ouput.

There are still rooms for improvements, but I won't be able to work on the patch in 2 weeks, which is why I want it to be available. Feel free to restructure the patch in the meantime.
Comment 31 Martin Nordholts 2007-06-03 12:12:14 UTC
Created attachment 89273 [details] [review]

There was one obvious cleanup that could be made, sorry for being hasty :)

Within the two weeks of having no spare time for GIMP development I will still be able to discuss the patch though, so feel free to comment.
Comment 32 Martin Nordholts 2007-06-06 11:52:56 UTC
Created attachment 89469 [details] [review]

Two weeks, right... Couldn't even stay away for 2 days.

Changes since sketch 2:
  * Fixed-size pyramid level array instead of dynamically allocating it with
    constant length.

  * gimp_projection_source_width_height -> gimp_projection_level_size_from_scale

  * write_quarter -> gimp_projection_write_quarter
  * Removed unnecessary tile_lock/release in _write_quarter (source tiles
    are already locked).

  * Make sure that invalidations propagate all the way up in the pyramid
    (this fixes failure to update view correctly when painting with small
    brushes on zoomed out views).

  * Update gimp_projection_estimate_memsize.
Comment 33 Martin Nordholts 2007-06-06 13:51:54 UTC
Commited to trunk (after some modifications), revision 22726:

2007-06-06  Martin Nordholts  <>

	Implemented an image pyramid for the GimpProjection. An image pyramid
	caches a projection at several sizes, causing the rendering code not to
	have to swap in all tiles of a (potentially) large image; it can use
	small versions of the projection if the user is zoomed out.

	The image pyramid also imroves visual quality, especially at zoom levels
	where there is a pyramid level that matches perfectly (i.e. at e.g. 50%,
	25%, and 12.5% zoom). A step on the right track for bug #76096.

	* app/core/gimpprojection.[ch]: Adjusted to make use of an image
	pyramid. GimpProjection now keeps an array of TileManager:s, one per
	pyramid level. Renamed _alloc_tiles to _alloc_levels.

	* app/display/gimpdisplayshell-draw.c: (gimp_display_shell_draw_area):
	Use the right GimpProjection level when drawing

	* app/display/gimpdisplayshell-render.c: (render_image_init_info_full):
	Setup RenderInfo with level in mind

	* app/base/tile-manager.[ch]: Extended API a bit, nothing complicated.

	* app/base/tile-manager-private.h (struct _TileManager): Keep a pointer
	to the level below for use in an image pyramid.
Comment 34 Sven Neumann 2007-06-12 09:45:47 UTC
This has undergone further minor changes in the meantime. We can however still not close this report as the display code still uses nearest-neighbour "interpolation" to draw the projection. The image pyramid improves this a lot but there are still artefacts for most zoom ratios. For 67% percent zoom for example, nothing has changed. We should keep this report open until this has been addressed.
Comment 35 Michael Schumacher 2007-06-12 10:46:04 UTC
Could someone attach sample images for testing/evaluating this? I can imagine that the stripes pattern can be used, but there may be better ones.
Comment 36 Jakub Steiner 2007-06-12 10:56:53 UTC
Good test case is line art. Just scribble something with a paintbrush tool, using a hard edged brush.
Comment 37 Martin Nordholts 2007-06-12 15:54:53 UTC
Created attachment 89819 [details]
Good test image

This is my favorite test image. It has many solid lines and much text.
Comment 38 Øyvind Kolås (pippin) 2007-08-15 22:25:55 UTC
2007-08-15  Øyvind Kolås  <>

        Improve resampling when zooming out of the image for zoom-ratios that
        are not powers of two.

        * app/display/gimpdisplayshell-render.c: added a bilinear filtering
        like weighting of neighbourhood pixels for approximating the
        downsampling from the next larger level in the projection mipmap.
        Also some general code cleanup. Closes bug #76096.

The display can still be improved, but at least source data is not thrown away anymore.