GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 111014
Proposed preferred applications changes
Last modified: 2007-02-22 15:57:28 UTC
I HIGified the preferred applications dialog. Patch incoming. regs, Chris
Created attachment 15798 [details] [review] Proposed patch. Had to regroup / redesign a lot.
Created attachment 15799 [details] Screenshot illustrating the changes
Corrected some bug data. regs, Chris
Someone please review this.
Created attachment 18318 [details] [review] Old patch was a weird beast. This is a new one against HEAD.
Created attachment 18320 [details] [review] New patch. Forgot one dialog. Manny stupid.
a screenshot of the other dialog please
My changes: - Renamed dialog + .desktop items: Preferred Applications => Default Applications - Dialog+widget spacing now 100% HIG compliant - Dialogs aren't resizable any longer. We really don't need that. - Start in Terminal => Start in terminal - Moved tab widgets out of "Default x" tab container frames. We don't need to tell the user twice that he is in the def. app. dialog. This bloated the patch. regs, Chris
Created attachment 18322 [details] New screenshot. As you can see, I didn't touch the mnemonics - they could/should be reassigned, though
Changes sound/look fine to me. Would be nice if there was something more we could do to make the Text Editor and Terminal tabs more consistent with the other two though, that text editor Properties button in particular is kind of unpleasant, and clicking the "Custom Editor" radio button pops up a new window, which is contra-HIG: "Do not initiate an action when the user clicks a radio button. However, if used in an instant-apply property or preference window, update the setting represented by the radio button immediately."
Hmm, where's the "Default image editor" tab? :) Also, see bug 116128 as it's directly related to this applet's usability.
Do you want me to move the widgets from the editor property dialog into the main dialog or just to remove the callback definition which pops up the text editor dialog when clicking the custom radio button? BTW: What do you think about a terminology change: "Select a[n] x" => "Predefined x"? regs, Chris
I think moving the widgets into the main dialog would be ok, I don't think we're going to run into any overcrowding problems just yet :) I see where you're coming from with the "predefined" suggestion, but "predefined" doesn't quite feel like the right word to me. "Standard" probably isn't either, which is another one I thought of. Cc'ing docs guys to see if they have any suggestions...
Registered? regs, Chris
In the old gnome-panel dialog we had the string "Known Applications". Maybe that is appropriate. Toni: You're right, it would be nice to have such a thingie - it's not usability/UI-related, though. regs, Chris
See also ui-review bug 98918.
Reassigning preferred applications bugs into the component that, for some reason, didn't exist until now. Filter for "Andrew doing reassignment work" to get rid of this e-mail spam.
this patch doesn't apply anymore, it need to be adapted for the current version
any news on this ?
the patch needs to be updated
From looking at screenshot 18322 above, the captialization of the labels is inconsistent.They should comply with the capitalization recommendation int he HIG, see I suggest the following changes: s/Select a Web Browser/Select a web browser s/Custom Web Browser/Custom web browser
Is this still relevant and does it still need an updated patch?
Marking as obsolete as it doesn't seem actual anymore. Please reopen if there are still issues with the current interface.