GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 98918
[ui-review] Default applications UI review
Last modified: 2004-12-22 21:47:04 UTC
UI Review: - Needs a window icon - HIG borderless/bold labels etc.. - Could the 3 tabs be combined into just one page with (borderless) frames? (not essential to closing this bug) - 'Select a Web Browser:' and 'Custom Web Browser:' don't fit well together - ones a verb and ones a noun -- s/Select a Web Browser/Select a web browser/ -- s/Custom Web Browser/Use a custom web browser/ - Remove the 'Command:' label, it's not needed -- or perhaps just move the label and text entry down and indent -- perhaps add a 'Browse' button? - s/Start in Terminal/Run in a terminal -- for consistancy with the Run dialog in the panel - Properties dialog in Text Editor should be moved into main dialog - s/This app needs to be run in a shell/Run in a terminal/ - s/This app can open multiple files/Editor can open multiple files/ - s/Select an Editor:/Select an editor:/ - s/Custom Editor/Use a custom editor:/ - s/Select a Terminal/Select a terminal - s/Custom Terminal/Use a custom terminal/ - s/Gnome Terminal/GNOME Terminal/ - Command label and text entry moved down and indented - Exec Flag entry is too large -- doesn't make too much sense, since the user is expected to type %s in the Web Browser tab? (NB, this is broken anyway - see bug 90592)
*** Bug 98917 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Regarding s/Run in Terminal/Run in a terminal, the Run dialog currently says "Run in terminal" not "Run in a terminal" (unless there's been a recent change). Whatever the text is, it should be the same in all instances.
assign->self I'll look at these issues shortly
Created attachment 12507 [details] Screenshot of text editor selection
Created attachment 12508 [details] Web browser option 1
Created attachment 12509 [details] Web browser option 2
usability-maint, I need an opinion. Ignore the broken bits of the screenshots, because they _are_ broken :-) Given that we have the text editor selection shown in attachment 12507 [details], should the command entry in other tabs be: 1) Next to the option button as in attachment 12508 [details], 2) Below the option button as in attachment 12509 [details], producing many "lines of alignment" 3) As 2, but with the text box vertically below the option box to reduce the number of "lines of alignment." However, this leaves loads of space. And it's a pain to code the layout :-) This doesn't just apply to the web brower selection, it also applies to the help viewer selection but that is hidden at the moment so I'm guessing that it won't be available till post 2.2. What do you think?
Actually, ignore my comments above because I've figured out the answer. In all 3 dialogs, especially the text editor selection dialog, we just want 2 main lines of alignment.
*** Bug 90263 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Actually, I'm going to miss freezes. So I'm attaching a patch of what I have so far - some of the code needs rehooking to the UI - hoping someone can take it from here.
Created attachment 12883 [details] [review] half-finished patch
Reassigning preferred applications bugs into the component that, for some reason, didn't exist until now. Filter for "Andrew doing reassignment work" to get rid of this e-mail spam.
What's left of this review: -- Needs a window icon -- s/Start in Terminal/Run in a terminal -- Radio Button Labels need sentance capitilzation - s/This app needs to be run in a shell/Run in a terminal/ What I've changed that still needs to be done: - s/This app can open multiple files/Can open multiple files/ -- s/Select a Web Browswer/Select -- s/Custom Web Browser/Custom - s/Select an Editor:/Select - s/Custom Editor/Custom - s/Select a Terminal/Select - s/Custom Terminal/Custom - s/Gnome Terminal/GNOME Terminal I've left out the others I don't think are necessary.
Created attachment 27518 [details] [review] Proposed patch for comment #13 This patch addresses all items in comment #13 and fixes a mnemonic from m to f because there was a conflict.
Adding PATCH keyword.
Comment on attachment 27518 [details] [review] Proposed patch for comment #13 looks good please commit to head
I don't have cvs write access. Please commit for me.
Ping : can somebody commit this patch ?
crap, did we miss this patch? If g-c-c has branched now would be a good time to apply this. Adding easy-fix to this since it either requires small fix ups or just someone with cvs access and inclination ;-)
I've just checked and it still applies to the capplet (the changelog part has to be updated but the rest is fine). I don't think g-c-c has branched though.
The first part of the patch was already fixed in the CVS, I've commited the rest of the changes, thanks !