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Bug 85441 - Folders should be able to handle almost any data set.
Folders should be able to handle almost any data set.
Product: nautilus
Classification: Core
Component: File and Folder Operations
Other other
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Nautilus Maintainers
Nautilus Maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: 85736
Reported: 2002-06-16 08:14 UTC by Gregory Merchan
Modified: 2010-06-25 13:17 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: Unversioned Enhancement

Description Gregory Merchan 2002-06-16 08:14:18 UTC
Most folders right now display a single directory. Obvious exceptions
to this are the trash and the ill-named "Start Here" folder.

As the simplest extension to this, it should be possible to create a
folder which contains the results of a filesystem query. For example,
one might create a folder called "Music" to be filled with every music
file available on the filesystem. Of course, it should be possible to
make subfolders there based on a narrower search, such as "all music
file by MyFavoriteBand".

But, this should not be limited to the file system. Lots of useful
data isn't stored as files per se, but exists in some distant database
to be gathered by queries. It should be possible to create a folder which
contains the results of such a query - perhaps each as bookmark with some
sort of local cache. An exemplary use of this would be for software
development: a folder could be created which contains the results of
a CVS checkout and a bugzilla query for a particular product.
Comment 1 Dave Bordoley [Not Reading Bug Mail] 2002-06-16 19:36:44 UTC
I like this idea. Didn't nautilus use to do something similar to this
when medusa was around with search results. Seems like the natural way
to implement this. Basically creating folders from search results.
Maybe we could combine this idea, with my suggestion for a favorites
folder (see bug 82104). perhaps this search result folders would all
be stored in the favorites folder for easy access.

Also taking this another way, it would be cool if files and folders
context menus had an "add to => folder*", where folder* could be
vfolders (for lack of a better term) for storing files to burn to a cd
(integrated cd burning would be awesome and is a really cool feature
in both explorer and finder)or for storing files to be compressed in
an archive file etc.

greg: totally unrelated, but want to join me in my quest to kill
start-here see bug 83428 (note start-here is just a url that redirects
to an actual folder on the hard drives, its not a vfolder like
Comment 2 Luis Villa 2002-06-18 19:40:26 UTC
Removing the usability keyword; usefulness != usability and we
shouldn't be trying to pollute the keyword like that. 
Otherwise, sounds like a cool idea. :) 
Comment 3 Bruce-Robert Pocock 2002-06-20 15:16:15 UTC
Not-quite-duplicates at:

Bug # 48530
    # 48633
Comment 4 Simon Porter 2004-02-11 12:28:40 UTC
Notes: Changed keyword to GNOMEVER2.5
Comment 5 Allan Day 2010-06-25 13:17:40 UTC
This is an old report with little progress (though we do support saved searches now). Seems to me that things have moved on since this proposal. I'm going to close this. Let me know if you object. :)