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Bug 390898 - GtkFileChooser 2.8 vs GtkFileChooser 2.10
GtkFileChooser 2.8 vs GtkFileChooser 2.10
Product: gtk+
Classification: Platform
Component: Widget: GtkFileChooser
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gtk-bugs
Federico Mena Quintero
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-12-30 07:04 UTC by Diego Escalante Urrelo (not reading bugmail)
Modified: 2010-11-23 20:56 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Diego Escalante Urrelo (not reading bugmail) 2006-12-30 07:04:22 UTC

No matter this can be a flameable bug report, I would like to expose my argument againts the new GtkFileChooser layout.
Straight to the point:

- New layout eats too much space
Please compare:

Going to the numbers:
1. In gtk2.8, 9 Places are shown, in gtk2.10, 6 Places are shown.
2. In gtk2.8, 8 file rows are shown in the selection pane, in gtk2.10 only 6 are shown.

Problems in the layout are:

a. An uneeded Places column title (note that I say _title_), 
You can't miss guessing that Desktop, Home, CD-ROM, etc are _Places_. That's like Putting a big GtkLabel saying "Buttons:" before the Open, Cancel buttons :). It just eats space.
- Suggestion: remove the Places column title

b. A lot of unused space in the far right corner,
Most of the time you open the FileChooser to pic specific items or to search in a specific location for those items. You do not _browse_ your file system on the FileChooser. You have a file browser for that and ls and cd in the worse case.
- Suggestion: put the navigation buttons like in 2.8, over the file selection pane , giving Places pane a whole extra row for itself.

c. Location entry is too big,
Similar to my previous point, if you have a path that big that you need the whole width of the FileChooser to type it, you better create a bookmark for the directory or control copy the path name.
Suggestion: Apply point (b)

d. Location entry and Navigation buttons are redundant,
Having two widgets for almost the same purpose is not a good idea. Consider why   does people open the location entry: to type a path. Consider why do we have the buttons: to navigate a path. A whole row of information is missed because of this.
Suggestion: Since location entry can do what navigation buttons can do, why don't convert the buttons into the location entry when Control+L is pressed and the opposite when Control+L is pressed again.

Other minor suggestions/ideas:
a. Make the location entry a popup again so we have the old neat behavior
b. Make control+H work :) (bug #344657)
c. Look at the screenshots, note the Character Encoding dropdown. Look how it has the width of the whole dialog. Don't you think it looks weird?

That's all I have to say :). I hope I gave enough arguments to make this a solid constructive critic and not just a rant-like bug ;).

Thanks for gtk+!
Comment 1 Pablo Castellano (IRC: pablog) 2010-01-23 17:25:08 UTC
I was going to check this bug but the first picture is not available