GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 318519
import source Select Folder label confusing
Last modified: 2010-06-25 14:52:07 UTC
Version details: 0.1.2 1. Go to File->Import... 2. Look at the Import Source drop-down list, try to figure out what it does (i.e. why its label says Select Folder) 3. Click the drop down list since there's nothing else obvious I can do 4. See the list contains two items: Select Folder and IPOD. Click outside of the list because I already saw Select Folder. Normally similar lists in the file chooser indicate directory options rather than another menu. A minor improvement could be to use the typical ellipsis (...) after the text to indicate that another dialog box will appear, however this whole thing should be reconsidered.
I find this dialog/process confusing as well. Some things that seem wrong to me: 1. When I choose "Select Folder" and pick a folder, it loads previews of all the photos in the chosen directory, but the progress bar says "Importing x of x" when it's not importing them, it's only loading them for preview. 2. Toggling the "include subdirectories" option reloads the photos from the folder instead of just filtering the one's that aren't appropriate, making that process take longer than it seems like it should. 3. If I click the drop down that includes "Select Folder" and whatever else, and click outside the list like Michael did, it still pops up the file chooser dialog. 4. If I have the last image listed in the small-preview area, and I press down, that scroll-pane moves down showing white space, when you can't do that for the first image going up. 5. What is the point of the preview if you can't choose which images to import? I was much more impressed by the old matrix-style import dialog. What was the motivation for going to this format? 6. Should we really have both File -> Import and File -> Import from Camera when you can get the later functionality via the first?
Issue #3 from my comment above is fixed in CVS.
My small comments on Gabriels issues 1) The photo is copied on the open folder. $ diff /extra/slask/tmp10/RenameGui-Draft1.jpg /home/bengt/Photos/2005/12/3/RenameGui-Draft1.jpg --> Excactly same file. I have not imported the file, just selected and opened the folder. 2) Starting with the subdirectory OFF, F-Spot only copies the main photo. As soon as you toggle it on, F-Spot is copying the subdirectories photos to ~/Photos directory. 3) Can not confirm this 5) Please see Bug #325687 6) I only have File -> Import --- 7) Just do the Open Folder, and then cancel instead of Importing. No pictures are shown in the browser. Then Import, and open the same directory again. F-Spot now copies all the photos again to the ~/Photos directory, and renames them to "name"-1.jpg In general, nothing should be imported at all, until you press IMPORT button. 8) Import seems to work, as long as you UNCHECK the "Copy to Photos directory" BEFORE you open the Open Folder window. 9) If you uncheck the "Copy to Photos directory", open a folder, and press ok. Then check the "Copy to Photos" directory, and press import. The files are not copied to the Photos directory, but linked instead. 10) Open Import, and then Open a folder with loads of pictures. Press OK, and F-Spot starts to copy them all to ~/Photos directory. Cancel, and F-Spot are back to main window. I only wanted to cancel the loading of previews, and choose another location. I would also assume that F-Spot would remove all possible modifictions it has done. Looking at above list, I think that the Import logic needs to be re-checked a bit, and improvements on the GUI is on the list as well.
See additional comments in bug #326228 and in bug #324702 Similar issues...
*** Bug 333503 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 538402 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Import has been rewritten, works much better now.