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Bug 171167 - Menu bar enhancements
Menu bar enhancements
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 171164
Product: gnome-applets
Classification: Other
Component: menu applet
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Chris Phelps
gnome-applets Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-03-22 02:56 UTC by John Richard Moser
Modified: 2005-12-22 21:09 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description John Richard Moser 2005-03-22 02:56:21 UTC
As per bug #171164, modifications can also be made to the "Applications" menu of
the Menu Bar applet (top-left, what I use).  This requires a more thought-out
approach, and again would be an option for the menu bar applet rather than a
mandatory change to the UI.

First, to review, my suggestion for the Main Menu applet as per bug #171164 was
to create a layout as shown below:

(I) User
Pinned apps            | Home
                       | Network
                       | Favorite places >
-----------------------| Computer
Recent apps            |-----------------------
                       | Preferences >
                       | Administration >
                       | Help
                       | Search for files...
-----------------------| Run application...
Applications >         |
  (I) Lock screen      (I) Log Out (I) Shutdown

This is geared towards providing useful functions to the user all in one place,
such as recent applications used, common applications, search, help, run,
configuration, and common directories/paths.   The "Applications" menu expands
out to give access to any applications not pinned or used recently, providing
full, functional, quick, and productive access to programs and documents for the

This is appropriate for bottom left; but for the "Applications" menu, the user
expects to see his applications menu.  Still, the Applications menu is fairly
dry and could stand some enhancement.  Experimentation is recommended.

First, let's identify where the Places (P) and System (S) menu overlap the above
recommendation.  Yes I'm using a lot of ascii art; bear with me.
(I) User
Pinned apps            |P Home
                       |P Network
                       |P Favorite places >
-----------------------|P Computer
Recent apps            |-----------------------
                       |S Preferences >
                       |S Administration >
                       |S Help
                       |P Search for files...
-----------------------| Run application...
Applications >         |
 S(I) Lock screen    S(I) Log Out S(I) Shutdown

All of those entries can be eliminated immediately.  This leaves the right pane
mostly free for "Run Application" and pinned applications.  This means that
Applications can expand to fill the left pane.

As a final modification, move the User field (showing the username) down to the
bottom; it's information, get it out of the way of the user and bring the menu
closer to the cursor.  This gives the final ascii art shown below:

 Accessories >         | Pinned apps
 Games >               |
 Graphics >            |-----------------------
 Internet >            |Recent apps
 Office >              |
 Sound and Video >     |
 System Tools >        |
                       | Run application...
(I) User

This produces a similar look and feel to the Main Menu as described in bug
#171164, but with the original Applications menu in the Menu Bar basically in
the exact same place, just with extras around it.  Recall the original as below
for comparison (expanding the bottom with padding):

 Accessories >         |
 Games >               |
 Graphics >            |
 Internet >            |
 Office >              |
 Sound and Video >     |
 System Tools >        |

I believe this would be a good UI enhancement.  Productivity should increase,
and the user should be more comfortable knowing he doesn't have to search for
recently used apps while at the same time undisturbed as the exact same menu
layout is in the exact same place anyway.
Comment 1 John Richard Moser 2005-03-23 22:22:41 UTC
Actually, in bug #171164 the menu shown has only one pop-out above the main menu
button, so the user can go up one and get away from an accidental pop-out.  It
may be best to have the "User" bar (giving the username) at the top for the
Applications Menu modification (or even make that an option too), so that the
user can safely come down-and-over(-and-down) without passing over any pop-out
menus and possibly hovering long enough to cover the recent apps and pinned apps
with a menu they didn't want.

Just going over would hit the Places menu; going down into the pop-outs under
Applications could pop out a menu on the way over.  Having a null area (the User
thing that just shows the username) right between the menu bar and the menu
itself would allieveate this.

(I) User
 Accessories >         | Pinned apps
 Games >               |
 Graphics >            |-----------------------
 Internet >            |Recent apps
 Office >              |
 Sound and Video >     |
 System Tools >        |
                       | Run application...

Just a thought.

BTW, if between these two enhancements you didn't figure it out, (I) in the
ascii art means "Icon"
Comment 2 Danielle Madeley 2005-08-03 18:23:36 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 171164 ***
Comment 3 John Richard Moser 2005-12-22 21:09:06 UTC
How is this a duplicate of 171164?  Said bug referenced the Main Menu applet, which placesh a foot that expands into a single menu; this references changes to Applications in the the Menu Bar applet, which places the "Applications  Places  System" menu set.