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Bug 171164 - Better "Main Menu" applet
Better "Main Menu" applet
Product: gnome-applets
Classification: Other
Component: menu applet
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Chris Phelps
gnome-applets Maintainers
: 171167 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-03-22 01:15 UTC by John Richard Moser
Modified: 2020-11-07 12:26 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description John Richard Moser 2005-03-22 01:15:52 UTC
The "Main Menu" applet, as it is, is visibly similar to the Win9x/2000 classic
start menu.  Not identical, but similar.

I use the top-left applications/places/system menus, so this doesn't really
affect me much; but I think the "Main Menu" could go with a redesign to match
with the WinXP style a bit.  I don't think we should chase MS; but you have to
admit, the design of the WinXP start menu is pretty damn good.

WinXP looks as follows:
(I) User
Pinned apps            | My Documents
                       | My Pictures
-----------------------| My Music
Recent apps            | My Computer
                       | Control Panel
                       | Help and Support
                       | Search
-----------------------| Run...
Programs >             |
             (I) Log Off  (I) Turn off computer

I believe that Gnome should not clone this, as it could be more functional for
Gnome, perhaps as below.

(I) User
Pinned apps            | Home
                       | Network
                       | Favorite places >
-----------------------| Computer
Recent apps            |-----------------------
                       | Preferences >
                       | Administration >
                       | Help
                       | Search for files...
-----------------------| Run application...
Applications >         |
  (I) Lock screen      (I) Log Out (I) Shutdown

And of course, let apps be pinned in the Applications menu on the main menu.

I think this would be great for Gnome as an optional setting of main menu; in
all honesty, the interface is well designed.  This interface offers a great
productivity enhancement:  Your most recent apps are cached in the interface so
you can quickly get to them; and your most important apps can be pinned
intentionally.  I know I'd pin synaptic, and I prefer the regular menu bar :)

Obviously separating "preferences" and "administration" allows users to quickly
get to "Alter my settings" and "configure the system."  In general, personal
settings can be felt out in an exploratory manner, while administrative settings
are things that you do when you know what you're doing.  This separation is
good, and is currently in the layout of the System menu.

Home, Network, and Computer are obvious hot targets; while Favorite Places would
be a good pop-out menu.  Computer is at the bottom and Home is at the top above
because neither of these should be burried, and Home is the most common to hit
(i.e. My Documents).

So, kudos, have fun with that.  I think it'd be a great option.  I hated the way
the start menu was overclutterized in WinXP until I learned how to use it; so
online training would be a great user aid.  For example, Help on the main menu
should take you directly to help explaining the main menu, leaving the user to
use the search options etc from there.  Call it "Automatic context help" or
something, and allow the user to set that context to "random helpful help page"
so it grabs other useful instructions, or something; but that'd be for another
bug entry.
Comment 1 Danielle Madeley 2005-08-03 18:23:37 UTC
*** Bug 171167 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 David (djst) Tenser 2006-01-04 12:05:35 UTC
My votes for this suggestion. It would greatly improve the Main Menu, especially the list of recently used applications and the ability to pin popular apps.
Comment 3 Juan Márquez 2006-05-17 03:37:02 UTC
No other Windoze like feature. The worst is that this one is sure to be accepted while the Mac like global menubar one is by sure going to be rejected. Well I guess everyone here is a Windoze-head and a Mac-hater.
Comment 4 Rune Maagensen 2006-10-15 14:42:32 UTC
I vote for this too. Also a renaming of the administration to "System Settings" and Preferences to "Personal Preferences". Even though I've used Gnome for years I get confused over the rather generic terms.
Comment 5 David (djst) Tenser 2006-10-15 18:40:34 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> No other Windoze like feature. The worst is that this one is sure to be
> accepted while the Mac like global menubar one is by sure going to be rejected.
> Well I guess everyone here is a Windoze-head and a Mac-hater.

Listing the most recently (or most often) used applications has nothing to do with "Windoze" or any other operating system. It is about usability. So instead of adding irrelevant noise to a bug report, consider opposing the feature request for valid reasons next time.
Comment 6 Pacho Ramos 2007-01-17 21:38:13 UTC
I think that a list of recently used applications could be nice, this property is currently available in kicker, but I am a gnome user and I prefer use gnome-panel ;-)

Thanks a lot :-)
Comment 7 André Klapper 2020-11-07 12:26:40 UTC is being replaced by We are closing all
old feature requests in Bugzilla which have not seen updates for many years.

If you still use gnome-applets and if you are still requesting this feature in a currently supported version of GNOME (currently that would be 3.38), then please feel free to report it at

Thank you for reporting this issue and we are sorry it could not be implemented.