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Bug 97947 - JComboBox cannot change selection thru AT-POKE
JComboBox cannot change selection thru AT-POKE
Product: at-spi
Classification: Platform
Component: javabridge
Other All
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: Darren Kenny
Darren Kenny
Depends on:
Blocks: 111999
Reported: 2002-11-07 19:01 UTC by Patrick Wade
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.3/2.4

Description Patrick Wade 2002-11-07 19:01:07 UTC
Using the SwingSet2 java app and the AT-POKE test tool :-

1. Switch to the 'ComboBox Demo' page tab in SwingSet2. 
2. Poke the SwingSet2 app.
3. Select the 'Presets:' combo box widget in the at-poke tree.
4. Click 'Take action' in at-poke to pop up the combo box.
5. Select the list widget (child of combo box widget) in at-poke tree.
6. By default, 'Philip, Howard, Jeff' - the first entry in selected.
7. Click a different choice, 'Brent, Jon, Scott', in at-poke.
8. Reselect the 'Presets:' combo box widget in the at-poke tree.
9. Click 'Take action' in at-poke to pop down the combo box.

The combo box selection is not changed - it remains on the
previous choice 'Philip, Howard, Jeff'. Seems like the selected
item from the list  is not being correctly pushed up the line
to JComboBox.
Comment 1 Calum Benson 2003-04-03 15:11:14 UTC
Updating status_whiteboard field to reflect A11Y team's assessment 
of accessibility impact.
Comment 2 Calum Benson 2003-04-03 15:20:17 UTC
Woops, don't need to track this one with the status_whiteboard field.
Comment 3 Darren Kenny 2003-05-01 15:01:45 UTC
Java bug 4856195 has been logged to get this resolved since it's not
a problem with the JABG implementation.

The issue is that when the JListItem is selected the selection is
not communicated to the JComboBox container.

Closing as NOT GNOME.