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Bug 91483 - [gnome-search-tool] Doc Updates
[gnome-search-tool] Doc Updates
Product: gnome-utils
Classification: Deprecated
Component: docs
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: John Fleck
John Fleck
: 91485 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-08-23 05:17 UTC by Dennis Cranston
Modified: 2009-08-15 18:40 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.0

Description Dennis Cranston 2002-08-23 05:17:51 UTC
Recently, the gnome-search-tool was redesigned.  The goal being to make it
more HIG compliant.  These changes are documented in bug reports  #81821, 
#90774,  #83444, and #84723.  The following summarizes the changes made to
the interface.

1.  The menu bar has been removed.
2.  The [Simple] and [Advanced] tabs have been removed.
3.  The [Show Command] feature has been removed.
4.  [Help], [Close], and [Find] buttons have been added.
5.  A right click popup menu for search results has been added.  
    The popup menu contains [Open...], [Open Folder...], 
    and [Save Results As...] menu items.   
6.  A disclosure widget for [Additional Constraints] has been added.
7.  The [Process folder contents depth first] rule has been removed.
8.  The [Last time modified] constraint has been removed.
9.  Two new constraints [Date modified before (days)] and 
[Date modified after (days)] have been added.
	Two new constraints [Size is less than (kilobytes)] and [Size is more than
(kilobytes)] have been added.

The available constraint names are:
Contains the text
Owned by user
Owned by group
Owner is unrecognized
Date modified before (days)
Date modified after (days)
Size is less than (kilobytes)
Size is more than (kilobytes)
File is empty
File is not named
File matches regular expression
Follow symbolic links
Search only this filesystem
Comment 1 John Fleck 2002-08-25 22:00:40 UTC
*** Bug 91485 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 John Fleck 2002-08-25 22:01:54 UTC
Is this stuff on HEAD?
Comment 3 Dennis Cranston 2002-08-26 17:57:08 UTC
Yes.  This is all on the HEAD branch.
Comment 4 Dennis Cranston 2002-09-11 02:21:12 UTC
The available constraint named "Search only this filesystem" has been
changed to "Search other filesystems".  By default gnome-search-tool
will not descend folders on other filesystems.  The user should select
"Search other filesystems" if he wants his search to include other
mounted filesystems. 

Comment 5 Dennis Cranston 2002-09-25 21:09:26 UTC
2002-09-25  Pat Costello <>

	* gnome-search-tool.xml
	* gnome-search-tool-C.omf
	* gnome-search-tool_window.png
	Updates to reflect application UI changes.
Comment 6 Dennis Cranston 2002-09-26 05:30:42 UTC
The documentation looks great, so I am going to close this bug report.