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Bug 90820 - Font used to display terminal is not font selection
Font used to display terminal is not font selection
Product: libzvt
Classification: Deprecated
Component: internationalization
Other other
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Hidetoshi Tajima
Unknown User
Depends on:
Blocks: 78007
Reported: 2002-08-15 09:02 UTC by Frederic Crozat
Modified: 2004-12-22 21:47 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 2.0

Description Frederic Crozat 2002-08-15 09:02:26 UTC
Using i18n branch, assigning Hidetoshi..

I'm not sure if this bug is zvt or gnome-terminal :

when selecting a font in gnome-terminal (patched using, your chance
are 80% to select a font which can't be used to display a terminal.

Try selecting Script MT Bold 10.. You'll get an ugly terminal and NO popup
explaining this font can't be used to display terminal (there is a error on
the console, but if you are using a terminal, you don't check the terminal
console output..

Or selecting Serif 11, you get huge character size but small glyphs inside..

We need a way to filter fonts before displaying the font selector otherwise
users are very confused and see
Comment 1 Hidetoshi Tajima 2002-08-16 02:19:09 UTC
Filtering "good" fonts for gnome-terminal is perhaps an issue of
profterm or font configuration, and won't be addressed as soon as
2.0.2 -

For time being, we'd perhaps customize pangox.alias file so that it
should give best results for platform's X fonts.
Comment 2 Hidetoshi Tajima 2002-08-20 15:16:43 UTC
does not happen for me - have tested on Solaris 8(both sparc and
intel), Solaris9(sparc) or 
Is it still reproducible with the latest?
Comment 3 Frederic Crozat 2002-08-20 15:35:20 UTC
The "Serif" symptom seems to be fixed with latest CVS version.. I
can't find the "Script MT" font on my system :((

Anyway, we should keep this bug open until we find a good solution to
filter fonts before displaying the font selection dialog..
Comment 4 Hidetoshi Tajima 2003-05-14 23:13:56 UTC
no more work on libzvt. Closing..