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Bug 89889 - Bulk (mass) changes in one email/bugmail notification (for "spammy" changes)
Bulk (mass) changes in one email/bugmail notification (for "spammy" changes)
Classification: Infrastructure
Component: upstream
Other other
: Low enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Bugzilla Maintainers
Bugzilla Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-08-05 04:21 UTC by Dave Camp
Modified: 2018-06-16 13:28 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Dave Camp 2002-08-05 04:21:59 UTC
it would be nice if there was a checkbox somewhere that allowed somebody
changing the bug to mark the change as "spammy", ie the kind of thing a
maintainer doesn't want to see.

in the case of nautilus, bug volunteers are currently changing the subject
to "[SPAM] ..." to allow client-side filtering, but something like this
could be combined with 2.16 server-side filtering, and doesn't involve
modifying the bug.

There would have to be some sort of trusted group for doing this, to
prevent untrusted people from changing bugs silently.
Comment 1 Dave Camp 2002-08-05 04:25:17 UTC
it might also be worth restricting the type of thing that can be
marked spam.  Closing things as WONTFIX, for example, probably should
go to maintainers, but closing as NOTGNOME probably shouldn't.
Comment 2 David Fallon 2002-08-05 20:21:33 UTC
random thoughts:

Worrying about limiting the option is more work than dealing with the
random people who abuse it as it happens (since they'd already need
permissions to change the bug anyways).

This in my opinion is two different bugs. First, there's the mass
"SPAM resetting all the milestones" changes or whatnot. What would be
more useful for bugs like these is (instead of having no mail at all),
having a "summary" email, that lists the changes, and all the bug-ids.
This significantly reduces the s/n ratio, and hopefully turns it into
something maintainers want to see.

Second, there's the stupid stuff (FIXED NOTGNOME, adding yourself as a
cc), that's useless for some category of people to see. Bugzilla
already has an interface for managing what kinds of emails you wish to
get, it's just not comprehensive enough so you can go in and tweak 
that sort of stuff. So, what would the level of detail be to solve
that issue? My personal pet peeve is the cc emails, but (campd) can
you weigh in with other types of things you might not want to see?
Comment 3 Gregory Leblanc 2003-04-30 03:09:51 UTC
This is available in 2.17.x (per the RH bugzilla).  I guess it's not in 2.16, but I'm all for skipping that release series anyway.
Comment 4 Olav Vitters 2005-11-18 00:04:54 UTC
Upstream has a patch at:

Hasn't passed review, waiting for that.
Comment 5 Max Kanat-Alexander 2009-08-16 19:27:52 UTC
Probably what will happen instead is that mass-changes will send a single email. I think we have a bug for that somewhere.
Comment 6 André Klapper 2011-12-31 01:16:15 UTC is WONTFIX. would be the approach to use.
Comment 7 John Ralls 2017-09-24 22:39:45 UTC
Mozilla finally fixed this on, unfortunately for version 6.0.
Comment 8 André Klapper 2018-06-16 13:28:19 UTC
After , GNOME is moving its task tracking from Bugzilla to GitLab at as previously announced in . See for more information.

Hence closing this ticket as WONTFIX: There are no plans to work on Bugzilla.