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Bug 793118 - frames are pixelated/blurred on ios
frames are pixelated/blurred on ios
Product: GStreamer
Classification: Platform
Component: gst-plugins-bad
Other other
: Normal normal
: git master
Assigned To: GStreamer Maintainers
GStreamer Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-02-02 10:18 UTC by Muhammet Ilendemli
Modified: 2018-11-03 14:17 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Muhammet Ilendemli 2018-02-02 10:18:37 UTC
I am working on an iOS app, my coworker is working on an Android app

We almost have the same pipeline:
            rtspsrc location=%@ latency=50 !
            rtpjitterbuffer !
            rtph264depay !
            avdec_h264 !
            videoconvert !

I also have used this pipeline:
            videotestsrc !
            video/x-raw,width=1920,height=1080 !

Basically any drawn frame is blurred (you can see white fading to blue) when using videotestsrc and/or pixelated when using an rtspsrc for example any earthcam stream on my devices. It looks fine on android.

Recordings were done using this pipeline and they look absolutely fine:
            rtspsrc location=%@ latency=0 connection-speed=30000 !
            rtpjitterbuffer !
            rtph264depay !
            h264parse !
            queue !
            mp4mux !
            filesink location=%@

Here is a gallery with some screenshots:

Either I am missing something or I don't know why some streams are pixelated.
Comment 1 Muhammet Ilendemli 2018-02-05 15:42:02 UTC
A workround for the issue:
Create a subclass of CAEAGLLayer and override the frame attribute to return a scaled version of your screen' bounds

class CustomLayer: CAEAGLLayer {
    override var frame: CGRect {
        set { }
        get {
            let transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX:  6, y:  6)
            return UIScreen.main.bounds.applying(transform)

6 because:
 i have an iPhone 6, so the screen width is 320. ergo stream gets resized to 320x180
 the video is an 1080p rtsp stream (i think) from
 1920/320 = 6 or 1080/180 = 6

set the contentScaleFactor to 6 aswell, because reasons, and use your subclass of CAEAGLLayer:

class EAGLView: UIView {
    override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
        return CustomLayer.self
    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)
        contentScaleFactor = 6
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

any 1080p stream should be clear now.
Comment 2 GStreamer system administrator 2018-11-03 14:17:42 UTC
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