GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 789188
Checkboxes on the tool bar and menu bar are not emitting object:state-changed accessibility events when toggled
Last modified: 2020-11-24 09:58:33 UTC
I'm running Gnome 3.26 on Arch linux and it appears I cant check / uncheck checkboxes nor select radio buttons found in the menu or on the toolbar. Steps to reproduce: * Make sure you are running an AT such as orca. Alternativelly you can also use Accerciser. * Launch gedit * Press ctrl+tab to jump to the toolbar * Press the tab key multiple times until position indicator gains the focus * Expand it by pressing the space key * Notice a list of checkboxes such as display line numbers, display right margin ... etc have just been revealed * Now use arrow keys to navigate over these checkboxes and try to change their state with the keyboard alone Current result With orca running I am receiving no feedback that would indicate if the checkboxes are changing their state or not. I can't work out if they are changing their state even when collapsing and expanding corresponding revealer because orca never sees different value. Expected result I would like if these checkboxes and radio buttons were able to react to keypresses and additionally if their state change would be communicated to the assistive tools via at-spi. Please note this applies to all the controls found in the gedit main window menu where state change is expected for example radio buttons are also affected. I don't know if this is a long time unnoticed gedit issue or if it has something to do with upgrade to Gnome 3.26.
More specifically, the expected result is that an object:state-changed event would be emitted when the toggled/checked state changes. You can use Accerciser's event monitor to watch for state-changed events. And you can use a demo from gtk3-demo to verify that when a checkbox gets checked or unchecked, Accerciser's event monitor indicates the event has been emitted.
Updating the summary because the original summary states you cannot toggle them via the keyboard; you can. Orca just isn't told and thus presents nothing.
Mass-closing of all gedit bugzilla tickets. Special "code" to find again all those gedit bugzilla tickets that were open before the mass-closing: 2bfe1b0590a78457e1f1a6a90fb975f5878cb60064ccfe1d7db76ca0da52f0f3 By searching the above sha256sum in bugzilla, the gedit contributors can find again the tickets. We may be interested to do so when we work on a specific area of the code, to at least know the known problems and possible enhancements. We do this mass-closing because is being replaced by