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Bug 785194 - Stops reacting if annotation is deleted while the text window open
Stops reacting if annotation is deleted while the text window open
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 785786
Product: evince
Classification: Core
Component: pdf annotations
Other Linux
: Normal critical
: ---
Assigned To: Evince Maintainers
Evince Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-07-20 21:24 UTC by Alejandro
Modified: 2017-09-28 12:10 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: 3.23/3.24

Description Alejandro 2017-07-20 21:24:56 UTC
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open pdf document
2. Mark part of the text yellow
3. Click on the highlighted text 
4. Without entering text delete the annotation by right click on the higlighted text

This behaviour can't be reproduced always. It seems to appear more often when screen rotation is on.
Comment 1 Germán Poo-Caamaño 2017-09-28 12:10:10 UTC
Marking this as duplicate because of it is an issue that happens at the moment of deleting an annotation.

If you think it is not the same issue, feel free to provide a stacktrace or more information on how to reproduce it.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 785786 ***