GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 781054
Please disable bug submission capability for Tomboy Bugzilla
Last modified: 2017-07-31 12:35:57 UTC
It was decided by Tomboy maintainers a while ago that all bug tracking and source code management will be done on GitHub. Git is still merged back to GNOME's one (and will continue to, for the foreseeable future), but bugtracking is done on GH only. I'm slowly triaging all the several hundred outstanding bugs in Bugzilla, so I don't want to make BZ completely read-only, but I'd like to request disabling the bug submission functionality. We've updated all the relevant Tomboy docs and wiki pages to point to GitHub, but sometimes people still submit new ones in BZ instead. If BZ could also display a banner when people try to submit a Tomboy bug, redirecting them to, that would be awesome.
Hi, disabled bug entry for the product. That's pretty much all that can be done. Though maybe the description in Bugzilla could be adjusted. All of this you can do yourself though
Thanks Olav, didn't know that I could do that myself, I'll look into changing the description - thanks a lot for quick action.
Done. I've also mass-closed 365 open Tomboy tickets in GNOME Bugzilla. You can find them by searching for "gnome[moved-to-github]" in the whiteboard:[moved-to-github]&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr