GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 779789
sort by status in threaded view: unread not grouped
Last modified: 2021-05-19 12:27:23 UTC
The sort by status only groups a thread with other unread messages if the first message of the thread is unread, but not if there is any (or even all) other mails unread in that thread. reproduce: 1. have a thread with the first message read and any other meassage unread 2. sort by status expected behaviour: if there is a unread message in a thread it should be shown next to the other unread messages
Thanks for a bug report. I'm not sure I understand the issue. Do you mean that the threads should still look the same, only be ordered together when any of the sub-messages in that thread is unread? As a visual example, let's have these three threads, the (*) marks unread messages: (*) message 1 ( ) message 1.1 ( ) message 2 ( ) message 2.1 ( ) message 3 ( ) message 3.1 (*) message 3.2 the if I sort by the unread status and nothing else, then the expected order is: (*) message 1 ( ) message 1.1 ( ) message 3 ( ) message 3.1 (*) message 3.2 ( ) message 2 ( ) message 2.1 while you get the same view as the initial diagram shows, is it correct? What if you sort by more columns, say by the status and then by date? The thing is that the thread can "inherit" latest date from the submessages, but not the unread status.
you got it exactly right. right now i use sorting by status and then by date but what i want to achieve is to have all the unread messages & threds on top, and i can't figure out a way to get that in threaded view. futher i'd expect the function "sort by status" to have all the messages with the same status together. I just discovered, that the same happens if you sort by flagged. the result: you sort specifically by flagged and don't get to see all the flagged messages.
My pseudo-example had been pretty small, but when you think of with large threads, then they unread messages cannot be together due to threading itself. That would require breaking the thread, which is not good. I'm just mentioning it here. If it's the Unread column, or any but the Date column, is not a difference. The behaviour of the Date column is influenced by an option in: $ gsettings get org.gnome.evolution.mail thread-latest One would think of re-using that option for other columns as well, but how would it work for example with Labels column? Is the set of used labels in all messages in the thread the right value to consider? How would you sort it then? The status column is similar, because it can hold multiple values, not only one, similarly the follow-up flag column. I mean, the bit-or and multi-value columns can cause confusion. The status column itself is a bit-or column, it shows things like read/unread/replied-to/forwarded and so on, and the message can be both new and replied-to for example.
i fully understand, but the current implementation definitely isn't ideal either. with sorting by the value of the first message of a thread you miss potentially important Information, like messages that are unread/marked with the follow-up flag/etc. but with the information i have now i can't come up with a perfect solution either...
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