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Bug 776537 - Shall Gio::PollableInputStream derive from InputStream?
Shall Gio::PollableInputStream derive from InputStream?
Product: glibmm
Classification: Bindings
Component: giomm
Other All
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: gtkmm-forge
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-12-28 09:21 UTC by Kjell Ahlstedt
Modified: 2017-07-25 16:53 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Test case (1.25 KB, text/plain)
2017-06-18 16:32 UTC, Kjell Ahlstedt
patch: Derive all interfaces directly from Glib::Interface (8.23 KB, patch)
2017-07-06 14:04 UTC, Kjell Ahlstedt
committed Details | Review

Description Kjell Ahlstedt 2016-12-28 09:21:21 UTC
gio/src/pollableinputstream.hg contains:

//TODO: Instead derive from InputStream, when we can break ABI,
//because the GPollableInputStream interface requires the GInputStream interface.
//LoadableIcon does a similar thing correctly, for instance.
// However, GInputStream is an actuall class, deriving from GObject,
// but GPollableInputStream is a GInterface, that "requires" GInputStream.

gio/src/pollableoutputstream.hg contains a similar comment.

Is it really a good idea to derive a Glib::Interface from a Glib::Object?
You would get a strange inheritance structure when an object is derived from
the interface. In this case when ConverterInputStream is derived from
PollableInputStream and FilterInputStream. See the diagram at

If PollableInputStream were derived from InputStream, a ConverterInputStream
would contain 2 copies of Glib::Object and 2 copies of Gio::InputStream.

Gio::TlsClientConnection, TlsServerConnection and TlsFileDatabase are interfaces
which are actually derived from objects, e.g.
  class TlsClientConnection : public Glib::Interface, public TlsConnection

I suppose this is acceptable only because no class in derived from any of these

If anyone thinks it's worthwhile, I can make some tests to see if it's possible
to derive PollableInputStream from InputStream. Otherwise, I'd prefer to just
remove the TODO comments in PollableInputStream and PollableOutputStream, and
replace them with a comment saying why these interfaces shall not be derived
from InputStream and OutputStream.
Comment 1 Kjell Ahlstedt 2017-06-18 16:32:39 UTC
Created attachment 353993 [details]
Test case

I made a test case with ConverterOutputStream, which implements

First I noticed that Gio::CharsetConverter does not implement Gio::Initable.
GCharsetConverter implements GInitable, and that must be reflected in glibmm.
Gio::CharsetConverter's constructor must call Gio::Initable::init().

When CharsetConverter had been fixed, the test case worked as expected. Then I
modified PollableOutputStream, making it derive from OutputStream. As expected
that didn't work. A ConverterOutputStream object then contains two instances
of Glib::Object and Gio::OutputStream, one via FilterOutputStream, the other via

  class FilterOutputStream : public OutputStream
  class PollableOutputStream : public Glib::Interface, public OutputStream
  class ConverterOutputStream
  : public FilterOutputStream, public PollableOutputStream
When compiling you'll notice that calls to OutputStream methods become
ambiguous. You have to specify which OutputStream you want to call, e.g.

If that is fixed, and the program compiles, it crashes during execution.
I have not bothered to find out why it crashes. It's not important. What's
important is never to have more than one instance of Glib::Object in a derived
Comment 2 Daniel Boles 2017-06-18 16:53:49 UTC
Can't virtual inheritance be of use here?
Comment 3 Kjell Ahlstedt 2017-06-19 13:20:31 UTC
Do you mean that OutputStream should be a virtual base of PollableOutputStream?
I suppose that it then also must be a virtual base of FilterOutputStream and
possibly other classes that derive directly from OutputStream.
It would mean that the most derived class (e.g. Gio::ConverterOutputStream or
a user-supplied MyConverterOutputStream) decides which of OutputStream's
constructors is called. I don't think it's a good idea.

When I looked in more detail at some glib/gio interfaces and how they are used
in glib, I found that several people (including me) have probably misunderstood
what is meant by an interface requiring another interface or a class.

Some citations from

  GLib interfaces are somewhat analogous to Java interfaces and C++ classes
  containing only pure virtual functions, with the difference that GType
  interfaces are not derivable.

  Adds prerequisite_type to the list of prerequisites of interface_type. This
  means that any type implementing interface_type must also implement
  prerequisite_type. Prerequisites can be thought of as an alternative to
  interface derivation (which GType doesn't support). An interface can have at
  most one instantiatable prerequisite type.

My interpretation:
"Interface A requires interface B" means "Every class that implements A must
also implement B."
"Interface A requires class C" means "Only C and subclasses of C can implement

  G_DEFINE_INTERFACE(GLoadableIcon, g_loadable_icon, G_TYPE_ICON)
  struct _GLoadableIconIface
    GTypeInterface g_iface;

GLoadableIcon requires GIcon, but the first member pf _GLoadableIconIface is not
struct _GIconIface. GBytesIcon and GFileIcon implement both GIcon and

  G_DEFINE_INTERFACE (GPollableOutputStream, g_pollable_output_stream,
  struct _GPollableOutputStreamInterface
    GTypeInterface g_iface;

GPollableOutputStream requires GOutputStream. It is implemented by
GConverterOutputStream, GMemoryOutputStream, GSocketOutputStream, and
GUnixOutputStream. All of them are subclasses of GOutputStream.

If I'm right, every interface in the mm-modules shall be derived directly from
Glib::Interface and nothing else, whatever other interface or class it requires.
It's up to every implementing class to meet the requirements.
Comment 4 Kjell Ahlstedt 2017-07-05 13:22:08 UTC
Long ago someone knew that an interface cannot be derived from another
interface. The code generated by _CLASS_INTERFACE contains the comment
  // We can not derive from another interface, and it is not necessary anyway.

I think the interfaces in glibmm/gio shall be changed like this:

ActionGroup            Base class of DBus::ActionGroup
                       when RemoteActionGroup is not a subclass of ActionGroup

Icon                   Base class of FileIcon
                       when LoadableIcon is not a subclass of Icon

LoadableIcon : public Icon
                       Derive directly from Glib::Interface

NetworkMonitor : public Initable
                       Derive directly from Glib::Interface

PollableInputStream    OK, but modify or remove a comment
PollableOutputStream   OK, but modify or remove a comment

RemoteActionGroup : public ActionGroup
                       Derive directly from Glib::Interface
                       Base class of Application

TlsClientConnection : public Glib::Interface, public TlsConnection
                       Derive only from Glib::Interface

TlsServerConnection : public Glib::Interface, public TlsConnection
                       Derive only from Glib::Interface
Comment 5 Kjell Ahlstedt 2017-07-05 14:16:34 UTC
TlsFileDatabase : public Glib::Interface, public TlsDatabase
                       Derive only from Glib::Interface

tlsfiledatabase.{hg,ccg} exist but tlsfiledatabase.hg is not included in tlsfiledatabase.{h,cc} are not built.
Comment 6 Kjell Ahlstedt 2017-07-06 14:04:16 UTC
Created attachment 355016 [details] [review]
patch: Derive all interfaces directly from Glib::Interface

This is what I suggest shall be changed. It's a subset of my suggestions in
comment 4.

ActionGroup            Base class of DBus::ActionGroup
                       when RemoteActionGroup is not a subclass of ActionGroup

Icon                   Base class of FileIcon
                       when LoadableIcon is not a subclass of Icon

LoadableIcon : public Icon
                       Derive directly from Glib::Interface

NetworkMonitor : public Initable
                       Derive directly from Glib::Interface

PollableInputStream    Modify a comment
PollableOutputStream   Modify a comment

RemoteActionGroup : public ActionGroup
                       Derive directly from Glib::Interface

Differences compared to comment 4:

RemoteActionGroup is not a base class of Gio::Application. I was wrong there.
GApplication does not implement GRemoteActionGroup.

TlsClientConnection, TlsServerConnection and TlsFileDatabase are not changed.
These interfaces are unusual. The underlying glib/gio interfaces have _new()
functions that return a pointer to an instance of an unspecified class that
implements the interface. GTlsClientConnection and GTlsServerConnection require
GTlsConnection, but GTlsConnection itself does not implement those interfaces.
Only some subclasses of GTlsConnection do, and those subclasses are not wrapped
in glibmm. I don't think they are meant to be directly accessed by applications.
Comment 7 Kjell Ahlstedt 2017-07-25 16:53:21 UTC
I have pushed the patch to the master branch.