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Bug 768358 - User defined shell not correctly set in X, works under wayland
User defined shell not correctly set in X, works under wayland
Product: gdm
Classification: Core
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal minor
: ---
Assigned To: GDM maintainers
GDM maintainers
Depends on:
Blocks: WaylandRelated
Reported: 2016-07-04 05:54 UTC by Justin Garrison
Modified: 2018-05-24 11:24 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

gnome-terminal in X session (3.52 KB, image/png)
2016-07-04 05:54 UTC, Justin Garrison
gnome-terminal in wayland session (5.85 KB, image/png)
2016-07-04 05:54 UTC, Justin Garrison

Description Justin Garrison 2016-07-04 05:54:03 UTC
Created attachment 330824 [details]
gnome-terminal in X session

I have changed my login shell using

sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh

I can verify the changes take affect in /etc/passwd

jgarr:x:1000:1000:Justin Garrison:/home/jgarr:/usr/bin/zsh

When I login to gnome with X (I'm using Fedora 24) and start gnome-terminal the $SHELL is set to /bin/bash (see attached picture).

Without changing anything I can log out and back in to gnome using Wayland and $SHELL is set properly to /bin/zsh
Comment 1 Justin Garrison 2016-07-04 05:54:51 UTC
Created attachment 330825 [details]
gnome-terminal in wayland session
Comment 2 Olivier Fourdan 2016-07-04 06:57:56 UTC
So it works in Wayland and not in X? Not sure it should be added to the tracker for Wayland bugs then.
Comment 3 Justin Garrison 2016-07-04 07:07:04 UTC
You're probably right. I only was trying Wayland to be able to provide feedback in Fedora. I found other Wayland issues (still trying to find reproducible steps). I thought by adding the tag it may help get attention of someone more familiar with wayland and why this would happen.
Comment 4 Christian Persch 2016-07-04 14:30:15 UTC
gnome-terminal does not set SHELL, nor use it in any way; it uses getpwuid to get the user's shell. If SHELL is present in the environment, it's inherited from the session, or set by the shell itself (bash does that). Nor does gnome-terminal make any distinction between X and wayland when launching the child processes; if there is a difference, it's due to other causes, probably the session manager.

Trying -> gdm
Comment 5 GNOME Infrastructure Team 2018-05-24 11:24:47 UTC
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