GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 767724
Add support for oVirt 4.0 REST API
Last modified: 2021-05-25 11:23:42 UTC
There were some changes in oVirt 4.0 REST API. This is documented at For now, libgovirt works around this by sending a Version: 3 header with each requests but support for this might go away with oVirt 4.1 Known issues right now: - parsing of 'state' nodes (both for VMs and storage domains) - I think I noticed some issue with the 'ticket' action
Hello Christophe, we are currently trying to connect with gnome-boxes to our oVirt 4.0 environment via libgovirt. We are getting always the following output on the terminal when trying to connect to the ovirt engine via boxes: ** (gnome-boxes:14248): WARNING **: Using a file (/usr/share/gnome-boxes/gnome-boxes-logos-db.xml) as a database location is deprecated, use a directory instead (gnome-boxes:14248): libgovirt-WARNING **: Passing a full http:// or https:// URI to ovirt_proxy_new() is deprecated Is this related to your initial comment about the REST Api of oVirt 4.0 ? How can we workaround this? thanks and best regards Marco
These are just warnings, REST_PROXY=debug gnome-boxes should give more details as to what's going on. My guess would be invalid certificates.
Hello Christophe, thanks for the quick answer. With this command we are not getting more details on the issue. Any other ideas how to debug a little bit more?
Arg, sorry, I meant REST_DEBUG=proxy /o\ This bug is definitely not the right place to investigate the issue you are having though :(
ok does still not work. Wrote you a private message to your mail address.
GNOME is going to shut down in favor of As part of that, we are mass-closing older open tickets in which have not seen updates for a longer time (resources are unfortunately quite limited so not every ticket can get handled). If you can still reproduce the situation described in this ticket in a recent and supported software version, then please follow and create a new enhancement request ticket at Thank you for your understanding and your help.