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Bug 767603 - Add sample use of the with-files macro to the Basic Batch tutorial
Add sample use of the with-files macro to the Basic Batch tutorial
Product: gimp-web
Classification: Infrastructure
Other All
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: The GIMP web bugs mail alias
The GIMP web bugs mail alias
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-06-13 11:43 UTC by Michael Schumacher
Modified: 2018-09-21 16:02 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Michael Schumacher 2016-06-13 11:43:48 UTC
With bug 726947, a new and easy way to apply script code to a list of files has been applied to the development branch of GIMP. 

This obsoletes most of the code in our Basic Batch tutorial examples, namely all the file-globing and looping through the results returned by the loop - the user can concentrate on writing the actual image-manipulation code and only has to worry about exporting and/or saving the modified image afterwards.
Comment 1 Jehan 2016-06-13 11:54:46 UTC
Info for documenters, here is the documentation comment for the macro, which already has some examples:

; Allow command line usage of GIMP such as:
;     gimp -i -b '(with-files "*.png" <body>)'
; where <body> is the code that handles whatever processing you want to
; perform on the files. There are four variables that are available
; within the <body>: 'basename', 'image', 'filename' and 'layer'.
; The 'basename' is the name of the file with its extension removed,
; while the other three variables are self-explanatory.
; You basically write your code as though it were processing a single
; 'image' and the 'with-files' macro applies it to all of the files
; matching the pattern.
; For example, to invert the colors of all of the PNG files in the
; start directory:
;    gimp -i -b '(with-files "*.png" (gimp-invert layer) \
;                 (gimp-file-save 1 image layer filename filename ))'
; To do the same thing, but saving them as jpeg instead:
;    gimp -i -b '(with-files "*.png" (gimp-invert layer) \
;                 (gimp-file-save 1 image layer \
;                  (string-append basename ".jpg") \
;                  (string-append basename ".jpg") ))'

Obviously the tutorial could go further and show even more goodies done with this macro! :-)
Comment 2 Pat David 2016-07-15 18:16:05 UTC
(In reply to Michael Schumacher from comment #0)
> With bug 726947, a new and easy way to apply script code to a list of files
> has been applied to the development branch of GIMP. 
> This obsoletes most of the code in our Basic Batch tutorial examples, namely
> all the file-globing and looping through the results returned by the loop -
> the user can concentrate on writing the actual image-manipulation code and
> only has to worry about exporting and/or saving the modified image
> afterwards.

What is the action item on this then?  Do we need to revisit and re-write the Basic Batch tutorial?
Comment 3 GNOME Infrastructure Team 2018-09-21 16:02:47 UTC
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