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Bug 767003 - Eye Of Gnome should refresh automatically the image when it is edited
Eye Of Gnome should refresh automatically the image when it is edited
Product: eog
Classification: Core
Component: image viewer
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: EOG Maintainers
EOG Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-05-30 00:58 UTC by Antonioni Rocha
Modified: 2016-06-20 17:01 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Antonioni Rocha 2016-05-30 00:58:52 UTC
When a image is open in EOG 3.18.2 and edited in a image editor (for example: Gimp), the image in EOG isn't refreshed. I must browse to next or previous image to refresh the edited image.

But, when I do it, the image showed in EOG is the first image in the folder. When there is many images in the folder, the work becomes terrible.

I use Ubuntu 16.04.
Comment 1 Felix Riemann 2016-06-01 18:00:31 UTC
Hmm, there seems to be a timing issue involved here as it works for me when I interrupt eog in the debugger while handling the file changed events.

Normally eog should autoreload the image or ask you if you want to reload if you rotated the image in eog.
Comment 2 Antonioni Rocha 2016-06-02 16:26:03 UTC
I'm forced to using Gthumb now, but I prefer EOG.
Comment 3 Felix Riemann 2016-06-19 18:50:27 UTC
Okay, I think I found the problem. When the file is overwritten it will cause at least two events that the file was changed. The first when it is truncated and the others when the file is written again. Unfortunately when the first event is handled the file's content type is not recognized as supported by eog which will drop the file from the collection. It is then readded when the file is recognized again. So, effectively it will drop your opened image from the collection and readd the newly saved one. That will however not trigger the automatic reload as this appears as two distinct files to eog.

A quick fix was to wait for the hint that signals the last file changed event in the chain of events and only react to that one. I'll have to try a bit if it is safe to do it that way.
Comment 4 Felix Riemann 2016-06-20 17:01:13 UTC
commit 7e32c42ef40a2fd19227b397913c063bd33f831b
Author: Felix Riemann <>
Date:   Mon Jun 20 18:59:07 2016 +0200

    EogListStore: Use the CHANGES_DONE_HINT to detect file changes
    This avoids problems with the collection because of the file
    not being recognized as a valid image while the changes are written.
This problem has been fixed in our software repository. The fix will go into the next software release. Once that release is available, you may want to check for a software upgrade provided by your Linux distribution.