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Bug 764441 - enhancement: Implement language switching feature.
enhancement: Implement language switching feature.
Product: devhelp
Classification: Applications
Component: General
git master
Other All
: Normal enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: devhelp-maint
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-04-01 04:15 UTC by Mathieu Duponchelle
Modified: 2017-12-21 16:49 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

dh-util: define some useful logging macros. (3.15 KB, patch)
2016-04-01 04:15 UTC, Mathieu Duponchelle
none Details | Review
link, parser, book: Prepare language switching. (12.19 KB, patch)
2016-04-01 04:15 UTC, Mathieu Duponchelle
none Details | Review
link: add missing G_BEGIN_DECLS / G_END_DECLS (901 bytes, patch)
2016-04-01 04:16 UTC, Mathieu Duponchelle
none Details | Review
book: Construct unique id. (2.99 KB, patch)
2016-04-01 04:16 UTC, Mathieu Duponchelle
none Details | Review
book, manager, model: Lift requirement for unique name. (6.19 KB, patch)
2016-04-01 04:16 UTC, Mathieu Duponchelle
none Details | Review
book: add FIXME for language string. (1.12 KB, patch)
2016-04-02 01:42 UTC, Mathieu Duponchelle
none Details | Review
book-manager: implement filtering of same-name books. (5.41 KB, patch)
2016-04-02 01:42 UTC, Mathieu Duponchelle
rejected Details | Review
link: add "book" getter (1.31 KB, patch)
2016-04-02 01:42 UTC, Mathieu Duponchelle
none Details | Review
window: Implement language-switching. (11.31 KB, patch)
2016-04-02 01:42 UTC, Mathieu Duponchelle
rejected Details | Review

Description Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-01 04:15:49 UTC
hotdoc ( can generate documentation
for different programming languages for introspected GObject libraries.

After discussing with Frédéric, being able to switch from a language
to another natively in devhelp seems to be a desired feature.

The proposed solution is as follows:

1. I had incorrectly told Frédéric devhelp accepted multiple books
with the same names, it was incorrect, I mixed up title and name
attributes. Devhelp should accept multiple books with the same name,
that way we can generate one book per language. This bug separates
the notion of book id from the notion of book name, fixing in the
process a longstanding issue in dh-link.

In the current state books with multiple names can now coexist,
uniqueness is enforced on book ids, which are implemented as
a composite of book names and book language.

Commit messages explain changes in more details.

2. In a future bug, I will implement the model-side aspect
of language switching, after discovering the available books,
devhelp will perform an extra step, disabling duplicate book
names, only keeping the preferred default language enabled.

3. The last phase will be the UI side of things, where devhelp
will need to expose a language switching combobox when needed,
which will navigate to the correct book when activated.

I've put up a branch on github to ease testing at

Comment 1 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-01 04:15:53 UTC
Created attachment 325120 [details] [review]
dh-util: define some useful logging macros.

This to make sure devhelp logging is kept under the
devhelp namespace.

+ Port the only place where g_debug was used.
Comment 2 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-01 04:15:59 UTC
Created attachment 325121 [details] [review]
link, parser, book: Prepare language switching.

Make links hold a pointer to the book they belong in.

As it is assumed links always belong to the book's
keyword list, no reference is held to avoid circular

Books now hold their "base", which fixes a longstanding
FIXME in link.

The goal with this is to implement in the next commit
the notion of book id, function of its name and other
parameters, in order to allow for multiple books with
the same name but for example different languages, or
potentially in the future different versions.

Ideally, we could simplify the dh_parser_read_file
method in a follow-up commit to only accept the book,
as its current prototype is a bit weird, this implies
exposing setters in book, which I didn't want to do
to keep the commit easily reviewable.
Comment 3 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-01 04:16:04 UTC
Created attachment 325122 [details] [review]
link: add missing G_BEGIN_DECLS / G_END_DECLS

Just a drive-by patch
Comment 4 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-01 04:16:09 UTC
Created attachment 325123 [details] [review]
book: Construct unique id.

The id is a composite of the name and the language.

This can be extended the future to handle version
numbers as well, if we really want to go beyond that
afterwards it might make sense to refactor devhelp in
order to store books in an actual database, this isn't
worth the added complexity for now.
Comment 5 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-01 04:16:14 UTC
Created attachment 325124 [details] [review]
book, manager, model: Lift requirement for unique name.

We now enforce uniqueness based on the id implemented
in previous patches.

Multiple books with the same name can now coexist,
a debatable effect of this patch is that filtering
by books now requires the user to suffix the book name
with the language of the documentation.

Apart from that, no obvious regressions from manual
testing, disabling and enabling books works when
multiple books with the same name exist.
Comment 6 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-02 01:42:25 UTC
Created attachment 325199 [details] [review]
book: add FIXME for language string.

book_get_language should really return the actual language,
without a "Language:" prefix.
Comment 7 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-02 01:42:34 UTC
Created attachment 325200 [details] [review]
book-manager: implement filtering of same-name books.

Priority is given to books with the C language when
multiple versions of a book with a different language
Comment 8 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-02 01:42:41 UTC
Created attachment 325201 [details] [review]
link: add "book" getter
Comment 9 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-02 01:42:48 UTC
Created attachment 325202 [details] [review]
window: Implement language-switching.

This adds a combobox to the window, visible when multiple
versions of same-named books exist.

When switching from one book to another, the old book
is disabled and the new one, unsurprisingly, enabled.

The code tries to find an equivalent page to redirect
the user to, so that they can switch between the documentation
of the same symbol in different languages in one click.

When no matching page is found, the user gets redirected to
the root page of the new book version, some sort of warning
should be displayed in that case, up for discussion.
Comment 10 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-02 01:44:14 UTC
I ended up implementing phases 2 and 3 before phase 1 was merged, I'll use this bug for the whole work and rename it.
Comment 11 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-04-30 21:01:39 UTC
Ping ?
Comment 12 Frederic Peters 2016-05-06 06:44:19 UTC
book-manager: implement filtering of same-name books.

+        /* For now we just want C to be preferred */
+        /* This Language: prefix is very hackish, there's a FIXME
+         * in dh-book for that already */
+        if (!g_strcmp0(language_a, "Language: C") &&
+            g_strcmp0(language_b, "Language: C")) {
+                return -1;

Indeed, this won't even work as dh-book will put a translated string in there. What about adding a new language_code to DhBook, that would hold the unmodified value, straight from the XML attribute?

> When no matching page is found, the user gets redirected to
> the root page of the new book version, some sort of warning
> should be displayed in that case, up for discussion.

I think it's fine to redirect to the homepage, without displaying any sort of notice.
Comment 13 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-05-09 20:52:09 UTC
Great, I take it you're OK with the rest of the patches then ?

I'll look at the language issue see if I think of a correct way of doing this instead of a lazy FIXME, shouldn't be too tough, ideally we wouldn't have both language and language_code, seems a bit messy :)

I'm in holidays right now, will have more serious things to say in a week.
Comment 14 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-09-13 13:45:48 UTC
Review of attachment 325200 [details] [review]:

Obsoleted by , rejecting
Comment 15 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-09-13 13:46:12 UTC
Review of attachment 325202 [details] [review]:

Obsoleted by, rejecting
Comment 16 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-09-13 13:50:01 UTC
After discussion, we figured it would be best to enable javascript, and not duplicate logic in devhelp, a few of these patches I've marked as rejected for that reason, however some others would be worth merging IMHO, this is not pressing in any way but might as well merge them if it's OK before they bit-rot :)
Comment 17 Mathieu Duponchelle 2016-09-13 13:50:22 UTC
For reference:
Comment 18 Sébastien Wilmet 2017-12-21 16:49:12 UTC
So if I understand correctly the language switching feature is implemented in JavaScript by HotDoc. HotDoc provides one book (per library), and in that book it contains the documentation for different programming languages.

It anyway makes sense to enable JavaScript, regardless of this feature, because JavaScript could be used for other purposes in API documentation.

I've looked at the non-rejected patches, they are all obsolete now, they probably contain a lot of conflicts with the current code. I've done a lot of code cleanups in dh-parser, DhLink and DhBook in 2017. I've fixed the problem with misleading function names about book name/id/title.

So I close the bug.

Maybe implementing language switching in Devhelp will come again in the future if one day GTK-Doc can write documentation for different programming languages (or another API doc generation tool).