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Bug 763735 - Evolution: Junk Check endless error
Evolution: Junk Check endless error
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 767564
Product: evolution
Classification: Applications
Component: general
3.18.x (obsolete)
Other Linux
: Normal major
: ---
Assigned To: Evolution Shell Maintainers Team
Evolution QA team
Depends on:
Reported: 2016-03-16 07:54 UTC by Pascal Obry
Modified: 2016-08-12 16:45 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description Pascal Obry 2016-03-16 07:54:12 UTC
Since some weeks ago I keep getting the following error:

   Execution of filter 'Junk check' failed: Empty cache file: /home/...

I did a test. I have removed spamassassin and bogofilter from my system. I have restarted Evolution and I have checked that there is no more spam filter listed. Indeed, in the spam preference there is no way to select the spam filter. Great!

I have then restarted again Evolution and some time after I get another:

   Execution of filter 'Junk check' failed: Empty cache file: /home/...

So, it seems that this "Junk Check" filter is run even without a spam filter? Is that expected?

Is there a way to avoid this issue?

Comment 1 Milan Crha 2016-03-16 14:57:38 UTC
Thanks for a bug report. The evolution relies on the Bogofilter or Spamassassin to give more accurate results, but otherwise is able to check for junk even without them installed, based either on the message headers or on the sender. These options are all at the Edit->Preferences->Mail Preferences->Junk tab, the same where you verified that the Bogofilter and Spamassassin are gone from the UI. The checkbox at the very top enables/disables spam checking. You can find spam checking in your IMAPx account properties too, at the Receiving Options tab, the checkbox of "Check new messages for Junk contents".

Nonetheless, this is only a fallout of some other issue. The "Empty cache file" usually means that the evolution failed to download a message content, even the server didn't report any error.

Could you tell me what your evolution-data-server and evolution exact versions are, please? I'm thinking of bug #761096, especially is you see this with a Google Mail account (but it's not only with it, other servers can suffer of this issue as well).
Comment 2 Pascal Obry 2016-03-16 16:47:10 UTC
Hello Milan,

> The checkbox at the very top enables/disables spam checking. 

I have disabled this option. Yet I still have a message about an empty
cache file but this time for a message filter I have created (instead
of the Junk Filer one as I have reported). So the issue does not seem
to be related to spam check.

> You
> can find spam checking in your IMAPx account properties too, at the
> Receiving Options tab, the checkbox of "Check new messages for Junk
> contents".

I have POP and IMAP accounts. My single IMAP account come from my
Online Account (set in GNOME Shell) for GMAIL.

> Nonetheless, this is only a fallout of some other issue. The "Empty
> cache file" usually means that the evolution failed to download a
> message content, even the server didn't report any error.


> Could you tell me what your evolution-data-server and evolution exact
> versions are, please? 

Sure, it is 3.18.5-1 (I'm on GNU/Debian sid, and that is the latest
available version on sid).

> I'm thinking of bug #761096, especially is you see this with a
> Google Mail account (but it's not only with it, other servers can
> suffer of this issue as well).

Hum, I've read #761096. I have never seen an empty or corrupt file
attachment as reported under this ticket. So I cannot confirm that it
is really this issue, maybe a variant of this one.

I had also tested with "Listen for server change notifications"
disabled and had the issue in this case too.

On thing I have noticed also (could help finding this issue) is that
some messages in my Online Account inbox are not moved as requested by
a filter. But maybe this is because the filter fails because of the
empty cache error? Not sure it is related or not...

Let me know if you need more information or if you want me to conduct
some testing on my side. I'm happy to help.
Comment 3 Milan Crha 2016-03-17 09:43:09 UTC
Your eds 3.18.5 is fine, it's the current latest stable upstream release.

The "Listen for server change notification" option disable is unrelated, I didn't know that in time of writing bug #761096 comment #1, but the second part of that comment, which describes how to change things in .source files is the way to go. It seems (after more findings with other users) that the UseMultiFetch option is the option to focus on. Please see bug #761096 comment #1 for more detailed steps.
Comment 4 Pascal Obry 2016-03-17 16:48:07 UTC
Ok, but this option UseMultiFetch is not in 3.18.5 as said in #761096. At least I don't have this option in the [Imapx Backend] section. Is there an alternative option?

Comment 5 Milan Crha 2016-03-17 17:27:13 UTC
Oh, you are right, I misread the comment earlier. I'm sorry for that. There is no alternative of the option in the evolution-data-server 3.18.5. You can backport that commit and build the evolution-data-server with it, but I understand that it can be an obstacle for regular users. I would help, but I do not build for Debian, only for Fedora.
Comment 6 Pascal Obry 2016-03-28 15:33:22 UTC
I'll wait for the 3.20 release (should not be too long now). I'm a developer (and contribute to some Open Source projects) but I'm not setup to build evolution and I really miss time right now. I'll report if this is working on 3.20. Thanks for your support Milan.
Comment 7 Milan Crha 2016-08-12 16:45:15 UTC
I made a fix for this issue within bug #767564, thus I mark this as a duplicate of it.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 767564 ***