GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 763111
commodities prices editor
Last modified: 2018-06-29 23:47:41 UTC
Hello, Using Gnucash under windows and PostgreSQL database. If we create more than one entry for a commodity for the same date, only one entry is showned in the editor for this couple commodity/date but extra lines are created into the "prices" table. Those lines will never be deleted via the editor and may corrupt calculations in some reports (this is what happens for me). It is then necessary to delete those lines from the prices table directly into the database. Kind Regards Pierre
This problem has been fixed in our software repository. The fix will go into the next software release. Once that release is available, you may want to check for a software upgrade provided by your Linux distribution. Thanks for the report!
GnuCash bug tracking has moved to a new Bugzilla host. This bug has been copied to Please update any external references or bookmarks.