GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 760946
[review] dcbw/die-die-die-dbus-glib-bgo760946: remove last dbus-glib usage in applet/editor
Last modified: 2016-02-19 17:35:00 UTC
On master, nm-connection-editor still uses dbus-glib to implement a D-Bus service. src/connection-editor/nm-connection-editor-service.xml <node name="/"> <interface name="org.gnome.nm_connection_editor"> <method name="Start"> <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_start"/> <arg name="args" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/> </method> </interface> </node> This should be reworked to use gio to get rid of the dbus-glib requirement for nm-c-e.
Please review dcbw/die-die-die-dbus-glib-bgo760946
Fixed up for an issue I saw, repushed to the branch (just for the record), and merged to master. 7b1e58c427751befbbd596a6b41cef580a8dfb05 9b002809514ae905b2ad9590a794c4a2503b89e7 096da067acb73b4b4af90f70d27363b699482fbc