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Bug 758506 - [WAYLAND] epiphany fails to copy text
[WAYLAND] epiphany fails to copy text
Product: epiphany
Classification: Core
Component: General
3.18.x (obsolete)
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Epiphany Maintainers
Epiphany Maintainers
: 765672 770711 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-11-22 21:07 UTC by benedikt.tissot
Modified: 2016-09-01 15:32 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Description benedikt.tissot 2015-11-22 21:07:04 UTC
when i copy text from gnome-web it is not posible to paste it in another application or tab and gnome-web will show "Oops! Something went worng while displaying this page. Please reload or [...]"

To reproduce install gnome on archlinux or antergos (i think the problem  occured on fedora ,too) open web try to copy and paste.
Comment 1 benedikt.tissot 2015-11-24 16:09:41 UTC
could you tell me where to report it and why i can copy and paste from other webkit based browsers?
(And is it ok, too ask a question in a closed bug? if not i'm sorry)
Comment 2 Michael Catanzaro 2015-11-24 23:51:08 UTC
(In reply to benedikt.tissot from comment #1)
> could you tell me where to report it

Don't bother, it's already reported on as #146574. Thanks for taking the time to report it here, though!

> and why i can copy and paste from other
> webkit based browsers?
> (And is it ok, too ask a question in a closed bug? if not i'm sorry)

Well "WebKit-based" could mean many things... you could be using QtWebKit, which doesn't have any native Wayland support, or WebKit EFL, or an older, insecure version of WebKitGTK+ from before Wayland support was added, or Chrome which is not even WebKit at all anymore. Anyway, your other browser is probably actually an X11 client, using X selections. Epiphany is nowadays a real Wayland client, but the clipboard support is either broken or not written yet.

I'll try to fix it soon, but I have a lot of other bugs I'm trying to fix soon too....
Comment 3 benedikt.tissot 2015-11-25 06:57:29 UTC
Yeah, thanks for the information and for the great Software you work on!
I understand that and did not mean to offend anyone, after all its free Software and i am just glad that something like GNOME exists
Comment 4 Eduardo Silva 2015-11-29 15:34:28 UTC
Shouldn't this bug be re-opened, and have 'blocks: WaylandRelated' ?
Comment 5 Michael Catanzaro 2015-11-29 15:41:06 UTC
No changes in Epiphany will be required. If I determine we need changes in GTK+, I'll reopen this; otherwise, this is being tracked as WebKit #146574.
Comment 6 Claudio Saavedra 2016-04-27 12:42:47 UTC
*** Bug 765672 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Tomas Popela 2016-09-01 15:32:09 UTC
*** Bug 770711 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***