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Bug 748847 - facebook export doesn't work
facebook export doesn't work
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 748991
Product: shotwell
Classification: Other
Component: web-sharing
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Shotwell Maintainers
Shotwell Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-05-03 15:31 UTC by ben w
Modified: 2015-08-17 22:36 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

settings pane (9.75 KB, image/png)
2015-05-03 16:08 UTC, ben w
before/after attempting to upload (149.96 KB, image/png)
2015-05-03 16:45 UTC, ben w

Description ben w 2015-05-03 15:31:19 UTC
Trying to publish to facebook, I'm first prompted to log in, which I do, then am taken to the page to select album name etc., then when I hit the "publish" button I get the text

"You have already logged in and out of facebook during this Shotwell session.
To continue publishing on Facebook, quit and restart Shotwell, then try publishing again."

Doing so has the exact same result (I'm not sure when I'm supposed to have logged out of facebook; I even select the "remember me" button!).

Consequently, facebook upload is essentially impossible.
Comment 1 ben w 2015-05-03 16:08:33 UTC
Created attachment 302813 [details]
settings pane

not saving access token in settings, even though presumably it's authenticated, since it gets my user info.
Comment 2 ben w 2015-05-03 16:45:53 UTC
Created attachment 302815 [details]
before/after attempting to upload

with access-token in view on the right in dconf-editor, before and after hitting "publish": it's announced that I'm not logged in to FB and the access token is deleted.

(The language of being "logged in" is confusing to me: I thought that the whole oauth mechanism got around being "logged in" anywhere.)
Comment 3 ben w 2015-05-03 17:11:22 UTC
here's some logging output (I just did a search/replace for g_debug -> printf in FacebookPublishing.c since I couldn't figure out how to get the debug output to actually appear):

FacebookPublishing.vala:188: FacebookPublisher instantiated.FacebookPublishing.vala:775: FacebookPublisher: starting interaction.FacebookPublishing.vala:206: no existing Facebook session available.FacebookPublishing.vala:244: ACTION: showing service welcome pane.FacebookPublishing.vala:512: EVENT: user clicked 'Login' on welcome pane.FacebookPublishing.vala:251: ACTION: testing connection to Facebook endpoint.FacebookPublishing.vala:1574: making HTTP request to URI: EVENT: endpoint test transaction detected that the Facebook endpoint is alive.FacebookPublishing.vala:415: ACTION: doing hosted web authentication.FacebookPublishing.vala:547: EVENT: hosted web login succeeded.FacebookPublishing.vala:429: ACTION: preparing to extract session information encoded in uri = '[redacted]&expires_in=5177745'FacebookPublishing.vala:576: EVENT: an authenticated session has become available.FacebookPublishing.vala:463: ACTION: saving session information to configuration system.FacebookPublishing.vala:264: ACTION: fetching user information.FacebookPublishing.vala:1574: making HTTP request to URI:[redacted]FacebookPublishing.vala:589: EVENT: user info fetch completed; response = '{"id":"10100582589343110","first_name":"Ben","gender":"male","last_name":"Wolfson","link":"https:\/\/\/app_scoped_user_id\/[redacted]\/","locale":"en_US","name":"Ben Wolfson","timezone":-7,"updated_time":blishing.vala:611: EVENT: user info extracted from JSON response: uid = 10100582589343110; name = Ben Wolfson.FacebookPublishing.vala:278: ACTION: fetching album list.FacebookPublishing.vala:1574: making HTTP request to URI:[redacted]FacebookPublishing.vala:623: EVENT: album descriptions fetch transaction completed; response = '{"data":[]}'.FacebookPublishing.vala:311: ACTION: extracting album info from JSON response.FacebookPublishing.vala:646: EVENT: successfully extracted 0 albums from JSON responseFacebookPublishing.vala:359: ACTION: showing publishing options pane.FacebookPublishing.vala:672: EVENT: user clicked 'Publish' in publishing options pane.FacebookPublishing.vala:344: ACTION: creating a new album named "Shotwell Connect".

And then it's announced that I'm not logged in. I actually have some albums that already exist; don't know why those don't show up.
Comment 4 ben w 2015-05-03 17:15:58 UTC
derp output wasn't flushed.

FacebookPublishing.vala:1574: making HTTP request to URI: EVENT: attempt to create new album generated an error.FacebookPublishing.vala:387: ACTION: clearing persistent session information and restaring interaction.FacebookPublishing.vala:238: invalidating saved Facebook session.FacebookPublishing.vala:775: FacebookPublisher: starting interaction.FacebookPublishing.vala:206: no existing Facebook session available.FacebookPublishing.vala:800: FacebookPublisher: stop( ) invoked.
Comment 5 Chris H 2015-05-13 09:50:10 UTC
I am experiencing the same problem, on two machines with two Facebook accounts (mine and my wife's). Ubuntu 14.04 and Shotwell 0.20.2. The bug has also been reported on Launchpad at

I've tried to remove and reauthorise Shotwell from Facebook and it appears to request the wrong permissions, not asking for permission to post photos.
Comment 6 Chris H 2015-05-16 08:19:40 UTC
I notice too that clicking on the "Shotwell Connect" credit from an earlier successfully published album takes me to which declares 

"Misconfigured App
Sorry, Shotwell Connect hasn't been approved for display in App Centre."
Comment 7 easyb 2015-05-17 14:40:06 UTC
Please close/merge this bug report with it really does not make sense to have two for the same problem.
Comment 8 ben w 2015-05-17 15:17:35 UTC
that one is a duplicate of this one, not vice versa.
Comment 9 easyb 2015-05-17 17:08:02 UTC
True, but Bug 748991 contains more valuable information by now...
Comment 10 easyb 2015-05-17 17:22:57 UTC
BTW you can log debug messages as follows:

  SHOTWELL_DEBUG=1 /usr/bin/shotwell
Comment 11 Kevin McBride 2015-08-17 22:36:07 UTC
Per comment #9, I am closing this bug.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 748991 ***