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Bug 747650 - Window close button for active window
Window close button for active window
Product: gnome-shell
Classification: Core
Component: window-management
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: gnome-shell-maint
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-04-10 20:36 UTC by Karol Babioch
Modified: 2015-07-08 17:29 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Screenshot of described issue (2.09 KB, image/png)
2015-04-10 20:36 UTC, Karol Babioch

Description Karol Babioch 2015-04-10 20:36:06 UTC
Created attachment 301319 [details]
Screenshot of described issue

With the recent upgrade to GNOME 3.16 the close button for any active window looks different than for any other window. It basically looks as if I was hovering over it with the mouse all of the time. This wasn't the case beforehand and looks inconsistent, especially when when dealing with multiple screens, since the title bar of the active window looks visibly different than the other one.
Comment 1 Owen Taylor 2015-04-10 20:55:21 UTC
I think you have some issue with the theme on your system - this isn't happening in general.
Comment 2 Nicola 2015-04-11 23:37:53 UTC
this bug is fixed with the css changes here:

Owen, it affects at least all archlinux users, please take a look at the forum post above for more infos
Comment 3 lazork 2015-04-19 17:58:03 UTC
I can confirm this bug on archlinux, although it's only happening in one of the two systems on which I'm running arch. What could be the difference between the two?
Comment 4 Andrej Antonov 2015-04-24 23:13:39 UTC
I see this strange "X"-button -- after next actions: logout (to GDM) and login-again (to GNOME) .

OS -- archlinux
Comment 5 Andrej Antonov 2015-04-24 23:22:57 UTC
oh, very sorry (recently, my message is not quite true) ..

there is NO direct-simple-relation with logout(to-GDM)-and-relogin(to-GNOME).
Comment 6 Cédric Bellegarde 2015-04-26 21:56:32 UTC
Can confirm this bug... But don't understand why mutter suddenly start to draw button as hovered...
Comment 7 Cédric Bellegarde 2015-04-26 22:04:51 UTC

This tips doesn't fix the bug for me... Think it's inside source code...

Can you point me which part of gnome shell source code is drawing buttons for ssd?
Comment 8 Clément Guérin 2015-04-27 17:30:19 UTC
Same problem here on Arch Linux. When it happens, restarting the shell fixes it -- for a little while.

Odd thing is that the cursor doesn't change to indicate the window is resizable on all the right side of the window when the bug is triggered. Only the left side seems to respond correctly.
Comment 9 michael.tsopeis 2015-04-28 19:20:13 UTC
Same problem here in Arch Linux. Restarting the shell helps, but it starts happening again after a point. Also resizing has the problems indicated in Comment 8.
Comment 10 Andrea Antolini 2015-05-01 07:19:38 UTC
Just to say that, at least at my Archlinux system, issue appears only with non-CSD windows (e.g. all GTK2 apps or e.g. gnome-terminal 3.16.x) and involved also minimized and maximized button (not only the close button)...

With CSD windows issue is not present and titlebar button are drawned correctly

also odd thing reported  at affected only non-CSD windows when main issue occurred

Comment 11 sbsbs15 2015-05-01 18:40:35 UTC
Same mutter problem confirmed in two different computers (both with gnome 3.16):
one with archlinux using default Adwaita theme, and other with Antergos using numix theme.
Comment 12 Clément Guérin 2015-05-02 19:58:59 UTC
I also confirming it only happens on non-CSD windows.

Just noticed something interesting:
- Open a non-CSD window (a terminal)
- Click on minimize button
- Move the cursor away
- Alt-tab to the minimized window
- The minimized button will be hovered even though the cursor is away. Moving the cursor back to the window will correct it.

Might be related.
Comment 13 Jeff 2015-05-12 02:45:43 UTC
Confirm this bug, archlinux using default Adwaita theme.
Comment 14 Michael Rapp 2015-05-13 13:09:05 UTC
I am also facing this issue on Arch Linux since I updated to GNOME 3.16. Only non-CSD windows are affected. The workaround mentioned in fixed it at the beginning, but now it is not working anymore. I think another update broke this fix as well.
Comment 15 Florian Müllner 2015-05-13 15:50:18 UTC
Please don't keep adding "me too" comments - it is obvious that *some* users are affected by this, what we need instead is information about what differentiates affected systems from unaffected ones.
Comment 16 Jasper St. Pierre (not reading bugmail) 2015-05-13 16:02:55 UTC
For a data point, when I ran under jhbuild on F21, this bug happened to me. When I upgraded to F22, it went away. I'm not exactly sure which component was out-of-date -- is there anything left in gnome-themes-standard which might need to be updated?
Comment 17 Florian Müllner 2015-05-13 16:13:41 UTC
(In reply to Jasper St. Pierre from comment #16)
> is there anything left in gnome-themes-standard which
> might need to be updated?

I don't think so. Could it be an input issue instead, where we get the actual hover state wrong rather than the drawing?
Comment 18 Jasper St. Pierre (not reading bugmail) 2015-05-13 16:24:09 UTC
I don't think so. I do remember that the pressed state didn't take effect, either.
Comment 19 Cédric Bellegarde 2015-06-23 21:14:03 UTC
This is strange, but happens on:
- Debian SID
- Ubuntu
- ArchLinux

But not in Fedora!
Comment 20 Jasper St. Pierre (not reading bugmail) 2015-06-23 22:29:47 UTC
Can someone see if fixes the problem? I have a hunch it's related.
Comment 21 Clément Guérin 2015-06-23 23:30:21 UTC
Jasper, I applied the patch, and I've been unable to trigger the bug since. I've only tested for one hour.

Great finding anyway :)
Comment 22 Cédric Bellegarde 2015-06-24 14:03:51 UTC
Any fix for a 3.16.3 release? Do we need to wait for GNOME 3.18?
Comment 23 Rui Matos 2015-06-30 09:24:06 UTC
It's on the 3.16 branch so whenever a 3.16.3 is released it will be included.
Comment 24 Gael 2015-07-08 17:29:01 UTC
On Debian, with libmutter0f 3.16.2-2 (amd64), the patch below can be applied directly (hot fix). Opening in GHex, looking for "81C150010000", replacing the "50" by "C8" (the new sizeof value) and save it. Mutter will be instantly reloaded and the glitch is gone.