GNOME Bugzilla – Bug 747329
orca cannot seem to handle having multiple buffers open at once
Last modified: 2015-07-06 10:53:25 UTC
steps to reproduce: Open an email message in thunderbird, or a new file in firefox. Open a second file or email message in firefox. Make sure orca is focused on one, then alt tab to the other. Expected behavior, orca should begin reading the new file you're focused on. Actual results: orca will sometimes read the new file, but will at times say simply "about:blank entry" or read the contents of the old file. Debug log attached below. Sorry for the incomplete shutdown, for some reason gnome wouldn't turn orca off when pressing the keyboard shortcut
I can not reproduce, probably because I am running gnome 3.14?
Hopefully fixed in master and the gnome-3-16 branch. Please verify.
Hi Joanie, Unfortunatelly possible not work this fix. Testcase: 1. Open Firefox, and goto a website. 2. Select a link with TAB key, and in context menu select the open in new window or open in new tab menu item. Expected result: Orca need focusing the new window, and if I using up or down arrow keystrokes or structural navigation commands, need the right handling in the new focused content. Actual result: I see some time the old focused content. If have more firefox process opened and I switch between windows with ALT+TAB keystroke, the caret navigation have the oldest window content. Attila
Created attachment 300971 [details] Debug file with shows various issues I attaching a debug.out file with shows various issues. A second Firefox window opened the website, and I opened an article with open in new tab menu item. The first Firefox window opened the bugzilla page with I editing the previous sent comment. After I tryed some opening method (open in new tab or open in new window menu items) in origo website I tryed switch back the bugzilla page window with ALT+TAB keystroke. Orca right announced the window title, but if the window activated the caret navigation doesn't focused the new activated Firefox window or document frame with containing the Bugzilla editing comment. I tryed this fix only with ubuntu 14.04.2 with GNOME 3.10 environment, and using latest Orca master branch version this environment. Attila
I reverted the previous "fix" since it doesn't seem to fix everything and reportedly breaks other things. Looks like some more significant changes may be needed to fix this properly.
(In reply to Jose Vilmar Estacio de Souza from comment #1) > I can not reproduce, probably because I am running gnome 3.14? OOPS! The problem happens with me too, even using gnome 3.14.
I hope this is now fixed in Orca master. Please confirm.
Hi Joanie, If I see right after with short testing, when I using a link with Open in new window the context menu, Orca right focusing the new window and I see the new opened content. When I using the open in new tab menu item a link, I see the previous content until I not press the CTRL+TAB keystroke. Testcase with open in new tab menu item related: 1. Launch Firefox. 2. Goto a website, selecct a link and in context menu select the open in new tab menu item. 3. Use arrow keys to read the new content. Expected result: Orca need focusing the new tab opened content, and arrow keys, structural navigation commands need moving the new opened content the caret. Actual result: The caret still have the previous page tab. I will attaching a debug.out file this issue related the latest master branch version related. Attila
Created attachment 304124 [details] The promised debug.out file with open in new tab menu item related I attaching the promised debug.out file when I using the open in new tab menu item with few links. The new opened content is accessible only when I press a CTRL+TAB keystroke after the content loaded the new page tab. Interesting, but I possible reading the new page tab focused content after CTRL+TAB keystroke when I press more TAB keys. Possible happening this because I using the Noscript Firefox extension, I not full sure this. Other websites doesn't producing this partially issue. When I tested this bug, I used the website. Attila
The open in new tab menu item related issue is reproducable without Noscript extension. The previous comment reported partially issue is not reproducable without Noscript extension. When I press CTRL+TAB keystroke and not using Noscript extension, structural navigation commands and arrow keys works well, right moving the caret. Attila
(In reply to Hammer Attila from comment #8) > When I using the open in new tab menu item a link, I see the previous > content until I not press the CTRL+TAB keystroke. This is not Orca; this is Firefox. Without using Orca, if I choose Open in new tab, I get a new tab with that content, but I am not in it; I remain in the old Tab. It is not Orca's job to override that behavior. What the fix fixes is that Orca should present the tab you're in and the window you're in.
The latest changes murged into master seem to close this bug for me. I'll leave it open just in case I'm wrong, but I no longer experience focus issues or orca reading the wrong content in firefox or gecko applications like seamonkey and songbird.
closing as solved, since this has long since been fixed. This can be reopened again if needed.