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Bug 743317 - Year view should have visual clues of days with events
Year view should have visual clues of days with events
Product: gnome-calendar
Classification: Applications
Component: Views
Other Linux
: Normal enhancement
: 3.26
Assigned To: GNOME Calendar maintainers
GNOME Calendar maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-01-21 21:03 UTC by Georges Basile Stavracas Neto
Modified: 2017-04-17 18:20 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

year-view: Added visual clue for days with events (3.78 KB, patch)
2016-01-24 20:38 UTC, Isaque Galdino
none Details | Review
year-view: Added visual clue for days with events (3.81 KB, patch)
2016-01-27 19:10 UTC, Isaque Galdino
none Details | Review
year-view: Added visual clue for days with events (4.06 KB, patch)
2016-01-30 00:29 UTC, Isaque Galdino
committed Details | Review

Description Georges Basile Stavracas Neto 2015-01-21 21:03:49 UTC
Actually, every single day from year view is displayed the same.

We should highlight days with events from those without events. Some suggestions:

1. Draw a circle around days with events
2. Bold the number of the day with events
3. Colorize the number of the day with event

Could we have some input from the design team?
Comment 1 Lapo Calamandrei 2015-01-22 10:53:33 UTC
I sketched various possibilities, and I think having the year view as a huge navigator works best, when you start adding visual hints for events on days (I tried with colored dots, circles, lines) you get so much noise it gets painfull to use. My idea of the year view is mostly to have an overview of the whole year for figuring out things like which week day is a certain date or for week numbers. As a bonus it provides a quicker way to insert long events spanning different months.
For dealing with events I think the month view is what should be used, I see no benefit in adding all the month view info to the year view.
Comment 2 Georges Basile Stavracas Neto 2015-01-22 11:07:26 UTC
Marking this bug as INVALID.
Comment 3 Lapo Calamandrei 2016-01-15 15:08:04 UTC
Reopening since a shared look and behaviour with shell calendar would be nice.
In the past I tried having colored dots to indicate from which calendar the event come from which resulted in a lot of noise, I think just showing there are events is enough, so adding a dimmed dot always the same color, as in shell calendar, would do.
Comment 4 Isaque Galdino 2016-01-24 20:38:21 UTC
Created attachment 319619 [details] [review]
year-view: Added visual clue for days with events

Year view didn't have hints for days with events and this feature was
requested to be added to gnome-calendar.

This is an old request but in the past gnome-design team though it would
be better to keep the layout simple without hints for days with events.
Now with the changes in gnome-shell calendar and in order to keep them
in sync, this feature was added to gnome-calendar.

In order to implement this code we had to add a few css styles and a
code to add a small circle below everyday with events. Although
gnome-shell calendar uses an svg image with a 3x3 dot, we chose to use a
pango function to draw the dot.
Comment 5 Erick Perez Castellanos 2016-01-27 03:58:55 UTC
Comment on attachment 319619 [details] [review]
year-view: Added visual clue for days with events

Doesn't apply cleanly to master.
Comment 6 Isaque Galdino 2016-01-27 19:10:31 UTC
Created attachment 319876 [details] [review]
year-view: Added visual clue for days with events

Year view didn't have hints for days with events and this feature was
requested to be added to gnome-calendar.

This is an old request but in the past gnome-design team though it would
be better to keep the layout simple without hints for days with events.
Now with the changes in gnome-shell calendar and in order to keep them
in sync, this feature was added to gnome-calendar.

In order to implement this code we had to add a few css styles and a
code to add a small circle below everyday with events. Although
gnome-shell calendar uses an svg image with a 3x3 dot, we chose to use a
pango function to draw the dot.
Comment 7 Georges Basile Stavracas Neto 2016-01-29 22:30:33 UTC
Review of attachment 319876 [details] [review]:

::: src/gcal-year-view.c
@@ +745,3 @@
+                                 box_side * (column + 0.5 + year_view->k) + x + sw * box_padding_start - year_view->k * 3,
+                                 box_side * (row + 1) + y + box_padding_top + layout_height + 2.0,
+                                 3.0, 3.0);

I think it's better to put this in a #define right below the enums, instead of hardcoding the values here.
Comment 8 Isaque Galdino 2016-01-30 00:29:36 UTC
Created attachment 320048 [details] [review]
year-view: Added visual clue for days with events

Year view didn't have hints for days with events and this feature was
requested to be added to gnome-calendar.

This is an old request but in the past gnome-design team though it would
be better to keep the layout simple without hints for days with events.
Now with the changes in gnome-shell calendar and in order to keep them
in sync, this feature was added to gnome-calendar.

In order to implement this code we had to add a few css styles and a
code to add a small circle below everyday with events. Although
gnome-shell calendar uses an svg image with a 3x3 dot, we chose to use a
pango function to draw the dot.
Comment 9 Georges Basile Stavracas Neto 2016-01-30 00:54:40 UTC
Thanks for working on it!

Attachment 320048 [details] pushed as e8c75ce - year-view: Added visual clue for days with events