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Bug 736858 - Need updating Orca's 3.14 version documentation to the new features is documented in help content
Need updating Orca's 3.14 version documentation to the new features is docume...
Product: orca
Classification: Applications
Component: general
Other Linux
: Normal normal
: ---
Assigned To: Orca Maintainers
Orca Maintainers
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-09-18 07:58 UTC by Hammer Attila
Modified: 2015-12-21 21:27 UTC
See Also:
GNOME target: ---
GNOME version: ---

Patch to update Orca Gecko support related help content (2.89 KB, patch)
2014-09-18 08:41 UTC, Hammer Attila
none Details | Review
Add new Orca structural navigation commands (1.69 KB, patch)
2014-09-18 10:14 UTC, Hammer Attila
none Details | Review
Second revision of Gecko preferences related documentation update (2.90 KB, patch)
2014-09-18 10:53 UTC, Hammer Attila
none Details | Review
Add a new speech keybinding to the help/C/ file (828 bytes, patch)
2014-09-18 11:36 UTC, Hammer Attila
none Details | Review

Description Hammer Attila 2014-09-18 07:58:24 UTC
Dear Joanie,

Coming soon releasing Orca 3.14 version containing lot of wonderful new features with not documented into the Orca's help (yet), so the documentation need updating.
Some new preferences and working method change added (focus mode/browse mode, layout/object mode related feature, new color name spokening), and some already not used preferences are removed.

If this is help you, I try working this update related to the 3.14.1 release coming future an updated help content with containing these wonderful changes.
Affected Orca branches: master, gnome-3-14

I will attaching separate patches the need modifications to you easy reviewing these changes before commit.

Comment 1 Hammer Attila 2014-09-18 08:41:05 UTC
Created attachment 286450 [details] [review]
Patch to update Orca Gecko support related help content

This patch containing following changes:
1. Remove an already not existing preference with line navigation related.
2. Added focus mode related preferences for caret navigation and structural navigation.
3. Added new object mode/layout mode related preference.

Comment 2 Hammer Attila 2014-09-18 08:47:11 UTC
Remaining tasks:
1. Need describing the new focus mode/browse mode support with form fields handling related for example the
2. Any place need describing the object mode/layout mode related difference and adwantage. Shortly the attached patch containing this informations with help/C/ file.
3. Need adding new keystrokes into file:
- Switch between focus mode and browsing mode: Orca modifier+a
- Switch sticky focus mode: Orca modifier+a (two quickly)
- Move next or previous clickables: a, SHIFT+A
- Present list of clickables: ALT+SHIFT+A
4. Optional, need inserting the default checked colorname spokening support related informations into text attributes related help content file.

Comment 3 André Klapper 2014-09-18 09:42:33 UTC
Comment on attachment 286450 [details] [review]
Patch to update Orca Gecko support related help content

Thanks for the patch!

A quick outsider review from somebody sometimes looking at documentation patches (feel free to ignore me):

>+        If this check box is checked, when normal caret navigation happening, <app>Orca</app> automaticaly switch between browsing mode and focus mode, depending the focused webpage element.

* Consistency: The existing documentation uses the "checkbox" spelling (also to fix in more places)
* I'm not sure what "when normal caret navigation happening" is supposed to express. Likely needs rephrasing.
* Typo: automaticaly
* Typo: switch
* Typo: depending

>-      <title>Position cursor at start of line when navigating vertically</title>
>+      <title>Automatic focus mode during structural navigation</title>

Do users know what "structural navigation" is? (I could still understand "navigating vertically)

>+      If this check box is checked, <app>Orca</app> follow up the screen layout when presenting the webpage awailable elements.

Typo: follow
Typo: awailable
"presenting the webpage awailable elements" might be "the elements available on the webpage"?

>+        When for example three links have a line,

What does "three links have a line" mean? Did you mean three links in/on the same line?

 <app>Orca</app> presenting the tree links with the Braille display and speaks the three links related informations.

There is either a verb missing, or you need to replace "presenting" by "presents".
"speaks the three links related informations" needs better phrasing - and I don't know what "related information" is in this context (plus the word needs to be singular).

>+        If this check box is unchecked, the three links presenting the Braille display with single lines, and <app>Orca</app> spokening only the focused link related informations.

Same as above, plus "spokening" doesn't exist. :)
Comment 4 Hammer Attila 2014-09-18 10:13:09 UTC
Hi André,

Thank you your response.
You wrote:
"What does "three links have a line" mean? Did you mean three links in/on the
same line?"
Yes. If the user using the caret navigation and the proper preference check box is not checked, when the caret jumps the first link, Orca speaking only the first link text, link state (visited or unvisited) and link rolename. With braille display presents Orca the first link text and marking the link indicator the user landed a link (usual the dot7 and dot8 dots).
If the user using the default setting with I try describe the update, when the caret land the first link, Orca speaking all link texts, link states and link rolenames, and speaking the remaining line part if have other text after the last link. With the braille display this situation Orca presents the three link texts and link indicators, and presents the remaining text part.
An another example:
If a line have two combo boxes and a button formfield element into same line, when the caret jumps the first combo box, Orca speaking all formfield elements with have the same line. The braille display Orca presents both three formfield elements too.
If not checked the layout mode related check box, Orca "wordwrapping" the three formfield elements with three lines.

Thank you you wrote me the type mismatches and grammatic related mistakes, my primary language is not english.

Comment 5 Hammer Attila 2014-09-18 10:14:51 UTC
Created attachment 286461 [details] [review]
Add new Orca structural navigation commands
Comment 6 Hammer Attila 2014-09-18 10:53:56 UTC
Created attachment 286468 [details] [review]
Second revision of Gecko preferences related documentation update
Comment 7 Hammer Attila 2014-09-18 11:36:18 UTC
Created attachment 286479 [details] [review]
Add a new speech keybinding to the help/C/ file

The documentation not containing Orca Modifier+V keystroke. This keystroke toggle verbose and brief mode in Orca 3.14 version.
